
Many people like to grow flowers, but keep in mind that these kinds of flowers in your family must not be kept, which may harm your family.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Many people like to grow flowers, but remember one thing, do not raise these flowers at home, it may endanger your family! In fact, many migrant workers will choose to keep some pets at home, because if a person lives alone, usually.

Many people like to raise flowers, but remember one thing, do not raise these kinds of flowers at home, it may harm your family!

In fact, many people who work outside will choose to keep some pets at home, because it is usually lonely for a person to live alone. It is also a good choice to choose to keep some pets at this time. However, it is troublesome to keep pets and often consider the health status of the pets themselves. Moreover, many times they cannot go far away because of the pets at home. At this time, they will consider raising some plants. In addition to being used as a decoration and embellishing the color of the home, plants can also clean the air and regulate the room temperature to a certain extent. However, in terms of cultivating plants, there is also a considerable entanglement in the selection of plant varieties. In this case, what kind of plants should be selected?

Usually many people ignore the selection of plant varieties, some people choose those brightly colored plants in order to decorate their homes, and in the process of selecting these plants, some unheard of plants appear in our field of vision, including all plants that have certain hazards.

Some friends have chosen a plant called five-colored plum when choosing plants. I believe many people are relatively unfamiliar with this plant, and they have never even heard of it, because the color of this plant is relatively bright. When it blooms, this five-colored plum will bloom five flowers of different colors, and it has a relatively good color in appearance. However, for this flower, it will release a relatively pungent smell. If the human body inhales the smell emitted by this plant for a long time, it will cause a lot of harm to the human body to a certain extent, because the smell of the five-colored plum contains certain components of toxins. Of course, in the case of more mosquitoes in summer, it is also a good choice to use a pot of five-colored plum to expel mosquitoes. However, attention should be paid to the placement of five-colored plum blossoms. It must not be placed in the living room or bedroom. The best choice is to place them on the balcony.

For another kind of plant, I believe many people have heard of it, that kind of plant is impatiens. This kind of flower, which looks quite bright, is also popular in practice. Some people even put the petals of Impatiens on their fingers for photos. In fact, this plant has quite a strong carcinogen. Although this carcinogen will not be directly transmitted to the human body, this substance will indirectly pollute the soil. If the soil used to cultivate Impatiens balsamina is used to cultivate other plants, especially some fruits and vegetables, when these fruits and vegetables can be eaten, the toxic substances in Impatiens balsamina will also be absorbed into fruits and vegetables along with the ingredients in the soil. And then people eat it, and it causes people to have some kind of disease.

In fact, most of the plants in the world have certain toxins for people, but in actual life, they can also choose to avoid such poisonous plants. For example, in the bathroom, they can choose to place plants such as white palm.

For white palm, this plant is completely non-toxic, because white palm belongs to the kind of plants that like high temperature and high humidity, so in summer, in order to absorb some of the odors that appear in the bathroom, white palm is a plant that can decorate the home and absorb harmful gases such as ammonia and benzene.

In addition to this, there was also the plant Adiantum. This plant was also a plant that liked warm and humid environments but hated direct sunlight. This plant was quite suitable for placing in the bathroom, and this plant also had quite good appreciation value. Adiantum can effectively absorb harmful gases such as formaldehyde in the room, and at the same time can play a role in cleaning the air.

What kind of plants would you prefer to have in your home? Can you tell which plants are harmful and which are beneficial?