
What flowers can be cultivated well?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Do you have a few plants or potted flowers at home? Do they grow well? Do you know how many days these flowers and plants should be watered, indoors or on the balcony? The following is a list of 45 species of green plants and flowers.

Do you have a few plants or potted flowers at home? Do they grow well? Do you know how many days these flowers and plants should be watered, indoors or on the balcony?

The following is a list of 45 green flower cultivation methods and precautions for everyone. Collect them first, because there must be these flowers in your home!

Of course, you can also tell your friends about these practical methods. They may also need them.


green radish

Like water, three or four days to pour water once, pour thoroughly, rarely bask in the sun, put in a place with light can also be.



Pouring water once a half month, do not completely irrigate, just after pouring water, put it on the balcony where the sun is not strong for a few days, otherwise it will rot because it is too wet. Not suitable for sun exposure.


Tiger Piran

Pouring water once a half month, do not completely irrigate, just after pouring water, put it on the balcony where the sun is not strong for a few days, otherwise it will rot because it is too wet. Not suitable for sun exposure.



Like cool ventilation, avoid high temperature and heat; like half shade, avoid the sun; like wet, avoid dry; like acidic soil, avoid alkaline soil; like loose hair soil with good drainage, avoid ponding; such as good drainage, water can be large, leaf surface should be sprayed frequently.


longevity flower

Pouring water once a week, watering thoroughly, rare sun, placed in the light, direct sunlight flowers will shrink.


fortune tree

Do not like water, spray a small amount of water for 20 days, or pour some water to the chassis, do not bask in the sun, if often poured through at one time will die, carefully watered.



Like warm and humid, not cold; like sunshine, afraid of direct light; like fertile drainage good humus soil.


money tree

Do not like water, half a month spray a small amount of water, or pour water to the chassis, can not be exposed to the sun.


Portulaca oleracea L.

Water, water once a week, water thoroughly, more sun.


ping 'an Shu

Water, water once a week, water thoroughly, more sun.



Camellia is a shade flower, afraid of sunlight exposure, cool and humid summer, warm winter environment, flowers and leaves to often spray water. Fear of drought, avoid ponding.


Tiger tail orchid tiger skin arrow

Like warm sunny environment, resistant to semi-shade, afraid of sunlight exposure; dry resistance, avoid water; soil requirements are not strict, usually placed in a well-ventilated sunny place, watering should see wet see dry.


rich bamboo

Like warm and humid and semi-cloudy environment, like scattered light, avoid direct sun; like loose fertile soil, usually placed in bright indoor light, avoid direct sunlight in summer, winter need to see more sunlight.



Like warm and sunny environment, more cold-resistant; drought-resistant, afraid of waterlogging; like loose fertile soil, if light, water, fertilizer, pruning in place, flowers and fruits.


Dragon beard

Water, a week to pour water, water thoroughly, properly exposed to the sun.



Like hot and humid sunny environment, not tolerant of shade, not cold, not tolerant of drought, the temperature in 25-30 degrees under the condition of good growth, temperature below 4 degrees began to appear frozen leaf litter or even death, like loose fertile drainage smooth soil containing organic matter.


Twelve volumes of articles

Like warm and sunny environment, drought resistance, fear of waterlogging; like humus drainage good sandy soil.


Daolichthys macrophylla

Likes warm and humid environment, although likes the sunlight also to be tolerant of shade; avoids the scorching heat, withstands the drought; likes the good drainage sandy soil, the watering must see wet to see dry; summer appropriate shade ventilation, winter must strictly control the watering.



Like sunshine and warm and humid environment, not cold-resistant; like sparse; loose fertile drainage smooth soil, summer needs adequate watering, often spray water to leaves, other seasons control water, spring, autumn like direct sunlight.



Water is poured once every twelve days, thoroughly, and the sun is properly seen.



Belong to positive flowers, like cool characteristics, like sunshine; autumn cool, cold resistance strong temperature in 18-22 degrees best; more able to drought, but not resistant to moisture, especially afraid of water; able to tolerate weak alkali, rich in humus requirements loose drainage good sandy soil.


Evergreen also known as bright silk grass

Like warm and humid resistance to strong shade, avoid dry, afraid of direct light, slightly cold; winter room temperature can be kept above 5 degrees safe winter. Summer high temperature should water more, spring, autumn watering should see wet see dry, winter should control watering.


Color change wood leaves change wood, also known as sprinkling gold fig

High temperature and humidity and sunny, not cold; like loose fertile and good drainage sandy soil, winter temperature above 15 degrees grow well, below 10 degrees will cause death.


a smile

Like warm and humid, belong to semi-negative flowers, require good ventilation and proper shade. The air humidity is high, and the leaves are dark green and smooth. Not tolerant of drought, avoid the sun exposure, otherwise the leaves easily yellow. Like fertilizer, like water but afraid of waterlogging, not very cold-resistant, like fertile loose slightly acidic sand.


stone lotus flower

Like warm and dry and sufficient light, but also tolerance of semi-shade, cold, suitable for fertile drainage good sandy loam. During the growth period, it will grow vigorously and its leaves will be delicious if it keeps 4-6 hours of light every day. 7-10 Day with water spray leaves once, stone lotus ten days and a half do not water it does not matter. If kept indoors in the dark for a long time, it will cause leaves to fall.


Banyan Tree

It is warm and cold, and overwinters in greenhouse in northern winter. Moist and sunny environment, but also resistant to semi-shade. The soil requirements are not strict and the adaptability is strong. Although it likes acidic soil, it can grow normally on slightly alkaline soil.



Gardenia likes warm, humid climate, not cold; in the south of the Yangtze River area can be in the road to winter, the north are potted, winter moved indoors to winter. Like light, but also shade resistance; summer sunshine is strong, it is appropriate to put half shade maintenance, leaf surface should be sprayed frequently.


smooth sailing

Belong to perennial herbaceous flower, cent big leaf and lobular two kinds, sex likes warm wet, belong to semi-negative flower, requirement ventilated good, summer appropriate shade. Watering should see wet see dry, water is easy to rot roots, rich in humus requirements loose drainage good sandy soil.



Belong to perennial fleshy flowers, like warm and dry environment, like adequate light, but also resistant to semi-shade, drought, long time without watering will not die, but the water will rot roots death, requiring good drainage sandy soil. Note: The habits of fleshy flowers such as mountain shadow, tiger head, dragon bone and measuring sky ruler are basically the same as those of golden tiger.



Like warm and humid, afraid of dry, not cold; like sunshine, not tolerant of shade; like fertile loose slightly acidic sand. There is a poem praise said: "melon seeds leaves are also elegant, full of trees and rice-shaped flowers, fragrant who can compare, welcome distant guests bubble fragrant tea."



Like warm and humid and semi-overcast environment, more cold-resistant; like fertile loose drainage good soil.



June snow for evergreen or semi-evergreen shrubs, like wet warm climate, cold, soil requirements are not strict. Humus that likes to drain and breathe well. Moderate shade in summer, winter room temperature above 10 degrees can safely overwinter.


Begonia flower

Pouring water once a week, watering thoroughly, rare sun, placed in a bright place, direct sunlight flowers will lose their true color, not easy to watch.


African Violet

Also known as African pansy. Happy enough scattered light, in order to thrive and bloom. Violet pot soil can not be too dry or too wet, watering can not be poured on the leaves, otherwise the leaves from yellow spots or rotten leaves. Like warm, summer to avoid direct sunlight, winter temperature should be kept above 12 degrees.



Rose is very adaptable to the environment, warm sex, in the average temperature of 22---25 degrees when the most suitable growth, growth period sunshine must be sufficient, rose flowers must be pruned, winter is best put into the cellar to hibernate, the next year around mid-March can be taken out pruning.



Also known as leaf flower, like warm and humid climate, like sunshine, not cold, insufficient light, will cause few flowers, leaves fall off. Likes fertile water, grows strong, and is not strict with soil requirements.



Like sunshine, not resistant to the sun in the north summer; like warm, not cold; requirements of moderate temperature in winter, cool and humid environment in summer; like good drainage and good humus soil.


Acronephorus aurantivenus

Like warm and humid, not cold-resistant; semi-shade, afraid of strong light; like fertile loose soil.


spider plant

Chlorophytum is a perennial evergreen herbaceous flowers, like warm, semi-overcast and humid air environment, the requirements of loose soil, fertile, good drainage. Basin soil should be dry, to often spray water to the leaves, indoor temperature is not less than 10 degrees can be safe winter.



Like warm and humid environment, not cold; like sufficient light, not tolerant of shade; on the soil requirements are not strict, but like fertile loose drainage good acid soil.



Bamboo leaves flat out, like thin clouds overlapping, branches such as bamboo, so also known as cloud bamboo. Sexual likes warm, moist, semi-shade, afraid of drought, not cold-resistant, like fat. Humus rich, well drained soil is required. asparagus is shade-loving plant and grows well under scattered light conditions. Winter temperature is not lower than 10 degrees can be safely overwintering.



Hibiscus flower likes light, likes warm, moist and ventilated good climate, not cold, suitable for loose fertile deep sandy loam. Winter minimum temperature should not be lower than 15 degrees, otherwise it is easy to cause defoliation, if the room temperature is maintained above 20 degrees, it is expected to continue flowering in winter.


potted peach

Like light, like warm, humid and ventilated good climate, afraid of ponding, more cold-resistant. It is not strict with the soil requirements, but it is better to have fertile loose soil. It is best to winter in cold weather, or to put it indoors in a cool place to avoid shade, less watering, and the pot soil is not dry.


Begonia semperflorens

Summer should be shaded and rainproof, winter like adequate sunlight, potted Begonia watering pot soil dry after irrigation, such as long-term maintenance of pot soil wet, easy to cause root rot caused by blight.


Water tower flower

Also known as pineapple. Love warm and humid, good ventilation requirements, like humus-rich, good drainage permeability of acidic sandy loam. The suitable temperature for growth is 20-28 degrees Celsius. When the temperature exceeds 30 degrees in hot summer, ventilation and cooling should be done well. Winter is kept above 15 degrees, and more light is seen to make it strong.