
Step out the rough "orange" road and start off with a difficult "pomelo".

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Step out the rough "orange" road and start off with a difficult "pomelo".

Luo Yong shared a photo of himself trimming the twigs of pomelo trees on Wechat moments on May 15, 2015, and invited everyone to participate in the October Xuezong Creek Shaddock Festival to pick and taste fresh pomelo.

Luo Yong was interviewed by a Red net reporter.

The implementation of industrial assistance is the top priority of the general office of the provincial party committee in this round of village support work. On the basis of in-depth and meticulous investigation and study of "one entry and two visits", the task force decided to build a new 200mu ice sugar orange + tea interplanting base and transform more than 4000 abandoned Shatian pomelo in the village. In the seven months since the launch of the project, the task force has been hands-on, experienced many hardships and hardships, and finally got back on track.

Today, the newly planted Bingtang orange is growing gratifyingly. The heavy grapefruit on the upgraded grapefruit tree is covered with branches, and the fragrance of hundred flowers and nectar grown under the grapefruit tree is floating everywhere. Today, a simple but sweet and happy grapefruit honey harvest festival was held in the village. ordinary people happily picked and cut down grapefruit and Shatian pomelo like a festival, packed them according to online orders, packed and pasted stickers with the logo of the mother stream, and sent them to all parts of the world through Shunfeng express, at a price more than five times that of last year. After some ups and downs, the willow dark flowers bright "pomelo" a village.

The west wind withered the trees last night. Go up the tall building alone and look at the Tianya Road.

During his inspection tour of Hunan from November 3 to 5, 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Development is the general way to shake off the hat of poverty, and poor areas should proceed from reality, adjust measures to local conditions, and figure out what to grow, what to raise, and where to increase their income." to help villagers find a good way to shake off poverty and become rich. " When the task force first arrived in the village, village cadres and ordinary people lacked confidence in the development of the industry, had more doubts, and had a more common wait-and-see attitude. After careful investigation, the task force proposed to upgrade and transform Shatian pomelo and plant ice sugar orange as the first batch of industrial projects stationed in the village, but the people did not understand and were not optimistic about it. The main reason is that people think that there is no money, no technology and no market for growing fruit, and the abandoned Shatian pomelo tree in the village was an industrial poverty alleviation project more than 10 years ago. At that time, more than 20, 000 trees were planted, but now only more than 4000 trees have been cut down and destroyed. Practice has proved to be a failed project.

Some people even found the site of the task force and honestly warned the team that engaging in the orange and grapefruit project was tantamount to asking for fish. The task force was not discouraged and, in accordance with the spirit and requirements of implementing industrial poverty alleviation, made up its mind to remove the ambition of the mountain, made up its mind to grind the iron pestle into a needle, overcome all difficulties, and must develop the industry.

In order to unify our thinking and win the maximum support of the common people, we led the party members and cadres of the village, villagers with strong willingness to develop, and villagers with more doubts to inspect and study in Mayang and Luoxian, where fruit cultivation was well done, and held symposiums many times. Repeatedly go deep into people's homes, sit on small benches, lean against the door frame, pull the family, hear things, understand ideas, learn dialects, and the villagers regard us as sons and brothers. When the heart is close to each other, the mind is gradually unified.

At the same time, the project cooperation model is designed in accordance with the Pareto improvement principle to allay the concerns of the villagers. After a week of patient and meticulous ideological work, more than 98% of the people in the village supported the Shatian pomelo transformation project and the ice sugar orange planting project, and signed an entrustment management agreement.

The belt is getting wider and wider, and I will not regret it at the end. I pined away for Iraq.

In Sartre's view, man falls into the world like a seed accidentally. There is no essence to speak of, only existence. If one wants to establish one's own essence, one must prove it through one's own actions. The support of the common people is the premise of starting the project, but to live up to the trust of the common people and do the project well, the support of the common people is far from enough.

First of all, who will run the project? Ordinary people do not have confidence in their decentralized management, nor do they have the ability to operate well, so they can only set up a company and hand it over to a professional team to operate. Second, where does the money come from? In order to catch up with the season, we cannot wait until the poverty alleviation funds are in place in the second half of the year before starting the project. As a result, the Task Force has traveled to and from Changsha many times to seek partners to raise nearly 200000 of the project start-up funds.

In order to solve the technical problems of planting management, we docked with the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hunan Agricultural University and the County Agricultural Bureau, and hired three experts to come to the village for more than 20 times to guide and teach planting techniques hand in hand. In order to implement accurate management, the task force designs and makes fine management cards, guides and supervises the management processes such as pruning, weeding, fertilization, fruit thinning and pest control, and supervises managers to make records of management time, content and responsible persons. In order to broaden the sales channels, the introduction of Taobao Huaihua Hall, SouNongfang, SUNING and other e-commerce teams. In order to enhance the added value of the products, the task force helped to apply for registration of the loan mother stream brand, coordinated Hunan Satellite TV, Hunan Economic Television, Hunan Daily, Red net and other media reports for more than 10 times, and invited celebrities to act as spokesmen for publicity and promotion.

In this work, the comrades of the task force and the people of the village eat, live and work together, and sometimes even take the lead. Over the past half a year, the skin has been peeled twice, and the weight has lost 2 laps. The team members at home in Changsha sometimes find it difficult to go home every two months. when they get home, the young daughter does not recognize her father.

The crowd looked for him thousands of degrees, and suddenly looked back, but the man was in the dim light.

Ice sugar orange and Shatian pomelo two projects, after many twists and turns, after many training, finally achieved success, ice sugar orange tree survival rate of more than 95%, Shatian pomelo upgrading project ushered in the joy of a bumper harvest.

With the help of Moxi Shatian pomelo e-commerce platform, the sales income on Taobao crowdfunding platform reached more than 200,000 yuan, plus offline sales reached 400000 yuan, driving the villagers to increase their income by 250000 yuan, of which 51 poor households increased their income by more than 130000 yuan. The poverty alleviation model of e-commerce has been affirmed by the Poverty Alleviation Office of the State Council and the provincial government, and more than 30 media, including Xinhuanet, people's Daily, Hunan Satellite TV and Red net, have reported in detail. The rainbow is always after the wind and rain.

In the process of implementing industrial poverty alleviation, although there has been hesitation, depression, sadness, helplessness, and retreat. But we persisted in coming over, gained understanding, support and trust, and gained growth.

The comrades of the task force have changed greatly in terms of their thoughts and feelings, the content of their work, practical experience and the accumulation of knowledge, and have learned what is rural areas. What is agriculture? How is the life of the farmers? What should be done to help the poor accurately? How do you do that? How can it be done? Through zero-distance contact with the common people, in the posts that directly serve the common people, show them to the people, lead them to work, lead them to get rich, and use our knowledge and sweat to lead 246 ordinary people and 51 poor households to the road of getting rid of poverty and becoming rich.

In October last year, Xu Yousheng, member of the standing Committee of the Provincial CPC Committee and secretary general of the Provincial CPC Committee, came to Xuezongxi Village to inspect and guide the accurate poverty alleviation and assistance work stationed in the village, and highly affirmed the work of the task force, especially industrial poverty alleviation. This is an encouragement to our work and a spur.

There are still two years to go in this round of accurate poverty alleviation and village assistance. I dare to ask where the way is, and the road is under our feet.