
The northeast man wants to be the navel orange king of Zigui, Hubei.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The northeast man wants to be the navel orange king of Zigui, Hubei.

By chance, Li Peng, a young man from Heilongjiang, formed an inextricable bond with Hubei Zigui navel orange. Reading qu Yuan's Ode to tangerine in his early years often made him passionate. When he arrived in Zigui, Li Peng finally found a more shocking version of the poem Ode to tangerine.

"the queen Jiashu, the orange touts the suit. He was ordered not to move, and he was born in the south. It's hard to move, so you have a better ambition. " From then on, Li Peng took root in Zigui, took the character of the orange tree as an example, took care of the navel orange industry wholeheartedly, and was determined to be the "navel orange king" of Zigui.

After years of hard work, Li Peng not only became one of the largest growers of navel oranges in Zigui County, Hubei Province, but also became the largest seller of navel oranges in Zigui County. However, he was not satisfied, but moved toward a bigger and higher goal.

Once he helped a friend, the drugmaker became a fruit dealer.

On July 15, 1976, Li Peng was born in the home of an ordinary farmer in Xinmin Township, Mulan County, Heilongjiang Province. after graduating from high school, Li Peng became a handsome, smart and capable man and was chosen as a salesman by the third Pharmaceutical Factory of Harbin. In 2000, Li Peng was sent by the third Harbin Pharmaceutical Factory to Hubei as a sales manager.

In 2005, Li Peng's friend Wang Chao in Qianjiang met him and said, "the oranges planted by one of my relatives in Zhijiang are unsalable. Can you find someone to help sell them?" . Li Peng immediately called a friend who was selling fruit in Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province, and the other person readily agreed.

Li Peng and Wang Chao tried to transport 20,000 jin of oranges to Mudanjiang. Unexpectedly, the oranges were very popular in Heilongjiang. In less than a day, all the goods shipped were sold out, and the selling price was several times higher than expected, and a truckload of oranges earned more than 20,000 yuan.

Li Peng, who has a business mind, saw the business opportunities at once, and thus sprouted the idea of selling oranges. The following year, Li Peng resigned as Hubei regional manager of the third Harbin Pharmaceutical Factory and started the citrus trafficking business.

After inquiry, he learned that the navel orange in Zigui was of good quality, sweet, big and delicious, so he came to Guojiaba Town, a navel orange producing area in Zigui County, to buy navel oranges. As soon as he arrived in Guojiaba, he was shocked by the huge planting scale in front of him. No wonder qu Yuan was able to write Ode to Orange. This is a sea of orange trees.

In Zigui, Li Peng not only changed his role from a pharmacist to a fruit merchant, selling Zigui navel oranges and Yichang oranges to the northeast, but also made a large number of good friends in citrus sales and citrus cultivation. Under the guidance of these friends, Li Peng had an in-depth understanding of the species, quality, harvest season and storage methods of oranges. Citrus sales are getting bigger and bigger.

Transfer land, navel orange sellers, become farmers.

When a foreigner buys oranges in a strange environment, the degree of hardship is unimaginable, and he has to bear the loneliness of being far away from his relatives. Every time he goes to a place, Li Peng will stay for about half a month, and sometimes he won't be able to go home for even a few months. Li Peng can tolerate and cope with all this, but the reality of complicated citrus varieties and uneven quality is the most troublesome. The more poor the quality of citrus, the more people haunt you, hoping to sell it at a good price and close it. Poor quality can not sell a good price, but also face losses, do not accept it, and can not bear it.

Just when he was at his wit's end, someone woke him up: why not plant it yourself! Yes, first plant a demonstration garden for others to follow, which can not only ensure the quality of citrus, but also promote the overall improvement of citrus planting level. With good products, sales will be smoother and profits will be much higher.

After matchmaking with his friends, Li Peng came to Lianghekou town for an inspection. He found that a lot of land here was idle and the cost of leasing was cheaper. In early 2010, Li Peng came to Lianghekou Town and began to discuss land transfer with local farmers. His straightforward personality and friendly words soon made local farmers like this young man. With the support of cadres from various villages, rapid progress was made in the transfer of land. In less than a year, Li Peng transferred more than 380 mu of citrus forest and wasteland in four villages, including Taiping, Wangjiaya, Songjia, and Lianghe, and then transferred more than 80 mu of land in Jiuyuxi Town. With sporadic land, the total area of citrus planted by Li Peng exceeded 500 mu. It has become one of the largest navel orange growers in Zigui County.

While Li Peng was transferring land, a central primary school was built in Taiping Village, Lianghekou Town. The new school site was built in a citrus tree field. Li Peng invited a car to move all the more than 2000 navel orange trees on the ground of the new school site to Lianhe Village, planting more than 30 mu of adult trees at once. The transferred wasteland becomes a forest in one day and a high-yielding garden in two years.

It takes courage to start a business, and it takes courage even more to be a farmer. In order to take root in Zigui, Li Peng took his wife and daughter to Lianghekou Town and became a group of farmers in Taiping Village, Lianghekou Town.

If you fight alone, you will not be able to achieve a great cause. If you are rich, you will be rich. In order to start a business in Zigui navel orange field, we need the strength of the team and the joint efforts of farmers. In order to lead local farmers to jointly start a business and become rich, in August 2011, initiated by Li Peng, the Pengyuan Citrus Professional Cooperative in Zigui County was established. Farmers from four villages, including Lianghe Village, Taiping Village, Wangjiawu Village and Songjia Village, who transferred land, all joined the cooperative. On August 1, the cooperative was listed and established in Taiping Village, Lianghekou Town, and more than 50 members unanimously elected Li Peng as its director.

After five years of development, by 2016, the cooperative has grown from more than 50 when it was first established to more than 200, covering an area of more than 2000 mu of navel oranges. Become the largest citrus cooperative in Lianghekou town.

Popularize green prevention and control planting to improve citrus quality in an all-round way

Growing oranges, being a farmer is not the goal, but growing good oranges is Li Peng's original intention.

Li Peng knows very well that the quality of citrus has a direct impact on the sales price and the brand of goods. It is the first pass in the development chain of the citrus industry. If you make a mistake, you will lose all your previous efforts and lose all your money.

In order to learn the excellent skills of citrus management, Li Peng spent a year learning from his teacher, from citrus pruning, fertilization, and grafting to weeding, medicine, and picking. At the same time, he asked the specialty center of Zigui County and some well-known citrus experts in Yichang area for advice and asked them to go to the cooperative for technical guidance.

With the development of citrus area, the cost of field management remains high. In the past, farmers operated from household to household and did not have to pay labor wages. now, Li Peng needs to hire workers to manage his more than 500 mu of oranges. For this reason, he is deeply pondered: is there any way to reduce labor costs and ensure the high yield and quality of navel orange orchards?

When Li Peng was struggling, a message brought him a turn for the better: a "Paimiri green, high-quality and high-yielding citrus solution" was being promoted throughout the country. This plan, with the organic combination of scientific pruning, balanced fertilization, and precise drug use, can reduce the number of times for the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests from 6 to 8 times in the past to three to four times, reduce labor by 2/3, and save pesticide costs by 1/3. It is currently the most avant-garde green food pest prevention and control technology scheme for citrus production.

Li Peng immediately found the founder of the program, Zhang Daping, a professor-level citrus expert retired from the Yichang Citrus Research Institute, and introduced the scheme. On April 25, 2016, the cooperative held the first training on "Green Food Citrus Disease and Pest Prevention and Control Technology" (referred to as "lazy Han method"). Wu Shuyong, director of Zigui County Agricultural Technology Service Center, and Zhang Daping, citrus expert of Yichang Old Science and Technology Association, attended the meeting.

The cooperative members and large citrus families who participated in the training were so inspired that 19 big citrus families applied to join Pengyuan Citrus Cooperative in Zigui County on the spot. In that year, more than 80 farmers with 2000 mu of citrus were managed by new technology programs, and prescription drugs were used, and the effect of orchard pest prevention and control was immediate. The goals of "sending millet three times a year to prevent citrus diseases and insect pests" and "green, high yield and high quality" have been achieved.

Since then, citrus technical training has become one of the "benefits" shared by cooperative members every year. The management of the citrus harmless program and the prescription drug use model have boosted Li Peng's confidence. He plans to comprehensively promote the comprehensive prevention and control technology and program of green citrus in the next five years, and develop a cooperative with 5000 members. In Lianghekou Town (more than 500 mu has been built in 2016), Jiuyuxi (80 mu of green citrus base has been built in 2016) and surrounding villages and towns, establish green food high-quality citrus production bases of more than 30, 000 mu. To ensure the demand of citrus end-market sales, to provide consumers with high-quality and safe green high-quality citrus.

Build Northeast navel Orange Direct sales Center to make farmers' citrus trees a cash cow

It's hard to grow oranges. Ordinary people work hard for the end of the year, whether they can make money or not depends on sales. Whenever he saw that the oranges were unsalable, Li Peng felt very sad.

The purpose of setting up a cooperative is to lead the villagers to get rich together. now that the quality of oranges has improved, how to sell oranges at a good price is in front of Li Peng.

In order to sell Zigui navel oranges, Li Peng made full use of his previously accumulated network resources, from relatives to friends, from drugmakers to fruit merchants. When he heard that there were acquaintances selling oranges, he had to find out the market demand and consumers' spending habits. Over the past few years, he has traveled through several major citrus wholesale markets across the country, including Harbin, Mudanjiang, Changsha, Xi'an and other places.

In 2015, Zheng Wuhong, the main merchant Li Peng cooperated with-- Zheng Wuhong from Changsha and Fengguo Industry-- was the new friend he made when he opened up the market. After Li Peng introduced Zheng Wuhong to Lianghekou Town, he bought more than 2.5 million kilograms of oranges that year, becoming one of the main forces of citrus sales in the town. In the citrus acquisition, Li Peng did his utmost to assist Zheng Wuhong in weighing, waxing, packing, and getting on the bus from navel oranges to ensure that 50,000 jin of fresh fruits were sent from Lianghekou Town to Changsha Hongxing Fruit Market every day.

Led by Li Peng, a number of citrus sellers came to Lianghekou town. In 2015, they sold more than 6000 tons of oranges, contributing to the citrus sales in Lianghekou town. He was also praised by the local government as an advanced individual in economic work.

Deng Bangxi, three groups of farmers in Taiping Village, under the guidance of the cooperative over the past two years, not only the output of navel oranges has increased year by year, but also the sales of navel oranges have become more and more optimistic year after year. She praised Li Peng for doing practical things to everyone, turning her oranges into money.

In order to create a stable sales network for Zigui navel orange sales, Li Peng decided to set up a Zigui navel orange direct sales center in Harbin. In August 2016, Li Peng returned to his hometown of Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, to rent a warehouse of 2000 square meters in the center of Harbin for citrus storage, packaging, fruit washing, waxing and other business. At the same time, two Zigui navel orange experience shops have been set up in Daoli District of Harbin. And Harbin Carrefour, Wal-Mart, Metro three large supermarkets to achieve docking. It has achieved docking with 20 small and medium-sized supermarkets such as Zhonghong and Xiaoyue, and established citrus sales contacts with more than 60 fruit retail stores distributed in four districts of Harbin Daoli, Daowai, Nangang and Xiangfang.

At the same time of the construction of the northeast sales network, Pengyuan Citrus Cooperative in Zigui County was transformed into a professional cooperative of land shares in Zigui County.

The restructured cooperative began to build a 1000-square-meter integrated services building in the center of Lianghekou Town, Zigui County. The construction of the integrated services building began at the end of September 2016 and was officially put into use in early 2017. The building sets up a green food citrus pesticide agricultural fertilizer supporting service center and the national sales and service department of Taobao Wangpengyuan store, and sets up a citrus technical training center with a capacity of 150 people.

In October 2016, the Northeast Zigui navel Orange Direct Marketing Center was launched in an all-round way. Li Peng decided to use the Harbin Zigui navel Orange Direct sales Center as a window to constantly expand citrus sales channels to the surrounding areas, and strive to make Zigui navel oranges occupy the entire northeast market after three to five years of efforts, driving the annual sales of Zigui navel oranges to more than 100000 tons, and realizing more than 400 million yuan in cash income for farmers.