
What kind of chicken is Sanhuang chicken?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What kind of chicken is Sanhuang chicken?

Sanhuang chicken is one of the most famous native chickens in China, whose name is given by Zhu Yuanzhang. it ranks first in the authoritative book "Records of National Poultry" of the Ministry of Agriculture. It belongs to the nature of farmers. It has delicate meat, delicious taste and rich nutrition. It enjoys a high reputation at home and abroad, and has the excellent characteristics of small size, appearance "three yellow" (feather yellow, claw yellow, beak yellow), strong viability, high egg production and fresh meat. Adult chickens weigh about 3-4 kilograms.

The feathers of Sanhuang chicken are yellow, the neck feathers of rooster are golden, the main wing feathers are red and black, the tail feathers are black, the main wing feathers of hens are half yellow and half black, the tail feathers are black, and the neck feathers are mixed with spotted black-gray feathers. The beak is yellow, the crown is single, the crown of the rooster is higher, and the crown teeth are 5-7. The crown and flesh droop are bright red, the eyelids are thin, the iridescent color is orange, and the ear color is yellowish. The shins and claws are yellow and featherless. Compact, well-proportioned, small and exquisite, straight back, close wings, tail feathers high, shaped like "Yuanbao". The head is of moderate size.

The adult weight of Sanhuang rooster (22 weeks old) is 1600 to 1800g, the hen is 1250g to 1400g, the age at the beginning of laying is 130kg, the age of laying is 130kg, the weight of egg is 1150g, the weight of egg is 42g, the number of eggs laid at 500 days is 180g, the ratio of male to female is 112g, the fertilization rate is 88% 91%, the hatching rate of fertilized eggs is 90% 93%, the slaughtering rate is 88.5%, the eviscerated rate is 65%, the leg muscle rate is 25.0%, and the breast muscle rate is 18.8%.

Sanhuang chickens include many varieties and are widely distributed. There are mainly Sanhuang bearded chickens, Qingyuan Ma Chicken, Xinghua Chicken, Zhongshan Shalan Chicken, Yangshan Chicken, Wenchang Chicken, nostalgic Chicken, Pudong Chicken in Shanghai, Xiaoshan Chicken in Zhejiang, Beijing Oil Chicken, Fujian Putian Chicken, Shandong Shouguang Chicken and so on. These Sanhuang chickens are well received by the domestic market and consumers in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Southeast Asia.

Sanhuang chicken is suitable for breeding in hilly areas, mainly for free breeding, feeding on green grass and vegetables, and replenishing some staple grains such as wheat, corn and paddy, which are mainly distributed in Guangdong, Fujian and Hubei provinces. Sanhuang chicken is an authentic native chicken in China. Later, due to the lack of scale, high quality, poor price and other reasons, Sanhuang chicken gradually faded out in the market. With the continuous enhancement of consumers' awareness of nutrition and health care, the Sanhuang chicken market has slowly "returned", and many enterprises have focused on this traditional brand.