
Construction method of greenhouse for broiler breeding

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Construction method of greenhouse for broiler breeding

The broiler greenhouse is similar to the vegetable greenhouse in appearance. The chicken house usually sits from north to south, with a span of 8 to 10 meters. The east, north and west are surrounded by brick walls about 15 meters high, with thicker walls and more windows installed on the walls. The south wall of the chicken house is open, which is connected by large wooden windows and battlements with equal spacing. The wooden windows are covered with translucent plastic film, which can not only keep warm but also ventilate. The top of the chicken house is mostly single-slope type, with a long bamboo pole and thick iron wire to form a flat bracket, and then covered with one or two layers of plastic film, covered with grass or sandwiched with wheat straw as a thermal insulation layer. There are varying numbers of battlements in the henhouse to support the top of the entire henhouse.

Advantages of broiler breeding greenhouse

1. The investment is small and the effect is quick: at present, the construction of a greenhouse for raising 1,000Mel 1500 meat-eating chickens only needs an investment of about 2000Mel 3000 yuan, and its cost is only the cost of the brick and tile structure chicken house. Generally, if 2 batches of broilers are raised in each chicken shed, all the investment in the chicken shed can be recovered.

2. It can provide a better growth environment for broilers: using the "warm effect" of plastic film in winter can increase the greenhouse temperature, save energy and improve feed conversion efficiency. In summer, covering the top of the greenhouse with grass and straw has a better thermal insulation effect, when ventilation will be open on both sides, pull up the screen, can play a good heat prevention effect.

3. The utilization rate of shed is high, and the economic benefit is great: broilers raised in greenhouse are generally raised with thick cushion on the ground, 12 chickens can be raised per square meter, and the utilization rate of shed is higher. At present, the breeding level of domestic broilers has reached the age of 6 murals at the age of 7 weeks, leaving 2 weeks to clean and disinfect chicken sheds, so that 5 batches of broilers can be released in one year. Based on the net profit of 2 yuan per chicken, the annual net profit of each batch of 1000 broilers can be about 10, 000 yuan.

4. A high level of feeding and management is required: as broilers grow rapidly, all aspects of nutritional needs should be supplied in time, otherwise the lack of nutrition in any aspect will affect their growth and even lead to nutritional metabolic diseases. Therefore, broiler feed requires the use of full-price compound feed, and the effect of pellet feed is the best. At the same time, due to the high feeding density and strict requirements on the growth environment, if the level of feeding management is low, chickens are prone to infectious diseases, such as coccidiosis, chicken pullorum, colibacillosis, chronic respiratory diseases and so on. This requires that when raising broilers, we should strengthen feeding management, strive to provide a good growth environment for broilers, and improve the body weight and survival rate of broilers, so as to obtain higher economic benefits.

Construction method of broiler breeding greenhouse

The main contents are as follows: 1. The choice of shed site: it is best to choose a place with open terrain, good ventilation, close to water source, no soil pollution and no noise on the far road. Those that meet the above requirements, such as fields, open spaces between villages, orchards and vegetables, river beaches and barren slopes, etc., can be used. This can provide a suitable living environment for broilers.

2. Architectural specifications: at present, the double oblique greenhouse is widely used, with a length of 2-30m and a width of 7-8m, running from east to west or north to south, with a construction area of 140m ~ 240 square meters, and can raise 1000 ~ 1500 broilers. According to the calculation of raising 1500 bamboo poles with a length of 30 m, 200 bamboo poles with a length of 4.5 m, 20 bamboo poles with a length of 8 m and 2500 bricks are needed. In addition, an appropriate amount of string, wire, wheat straw or straw should be prepared.

3. Greenhouse assembly

Brick walls are built at both ends of the ① greenhouse, doors are left in the middle of one end of the gable, ventilation holes are left on both sides of the gable, only vents or windows are installed in the other end of the gable, and two tube holes of the smoke stove are left for brooding or heating. A row of columns are embedded every 2m between the two brick walls, one in the middle (the same height as the top of the shed), and two on the left and right sides (of which the outer two are the same height as the outside of the shed), for a total of 5 rows of longitudinal columns. The longitudinal support of the greenhouse is formed by connecting the top of each row of longitudinal columns with 8m long bamboo poles. Then a group of 4.5 m long bamboo poles were used. The joints are fastened, and the horizontal 30-40cm at every interval is tied around the longitudinal posts to form the transverse bracket at the top of the greenhouse. In this way, a complete greenhouse support is built.

② plastic film is glued in advance according to the specification of length and width. When covering the film, choose no wind and rain weather, put the film directly on the scaffolding. Then cover the plastic film with 10-20cm thick wheat straw or other weeds (to prevent the grass from falling, cover it with a plastic net). Add a layer of grass or oiled paper on it and fix it vertically and horizontally with wire anchor. At the top of the shed, an exhaust hole with adjustable diameter 40-50cm is arranged every 3m / 4m. Drains were dug around the shed to facilitate drainage during the rainy season.

Preparation before use of broiler breeding greenhouse

1. Thoroughly clean up the utensils and dust in the henhouse, and replace the old surface soil with new soil on the dirt ground. Check and maintain the heating and lighting equipment in the chicken house to eliminate the hidden danger of fire. Prepare fuel, electric light bulb, lamp port, etc. The drinking water and feeding utensils should be soaked and disinfected with 2% fire lye for more than 12 hours, then rinse with clean water and cool dry.

2. After drying, the floor of the chicken shed is sprayed with 2.5% fire lye to disinfect the floor. Cover the dry ground with clean and dry bedding with a thickness of not less than 5cm, such as short straw, 6-10cm, rice bran, peanut shell, etc., and dry sand can be used as bedding in the later stage. Evenly arrange all drinking water and feeding utensils.

3. The chicken shed was tightly sealed and fumigated with formalin and potassium permanganate for 48 hours. After disinfection, the greenhouse film, doors and vents were opened for ventilation. The method of fumigation: formalin 28ml, potassium permanganate 14g, water 14ml per cubic meter in the new chicken house, and formalin 40ml, 20g potassium permanganate and water 20ml in the old chicken house. First dissolve potassium permanganate into a porcelain basin filled with water, and then pour formalin into it. The cushion should be cleaned around the porcelain basin. Should be careful not to use plastic basins, otherwise it is easy to cause fire.

4. There should be a preheating process of more than 24 hours at least before entering the brood, so that the temperature in the brooding shed should be kept at 32 ℃. In addition, enough warm boiled water should be prepared.

Environmental control of broiler breeding greenhouse

1. Temperature: broilers have strict requirements on temperature during the whole breeding period. Some experiments showed that after 5 weeks of age, the optimum temperature was deviated by 1 ℃, and the body weight of each broiler was reduced by about 20 g at 8 weeks of age. The range of suitable temperature for broilers is as follows: 1 the suitable temperature range of 2-day-old broilers is 34 ℃, 3-7 days 32 ℃, 8-14 days 30 ℃, 15-21 days 27 ℃, 22-28 days 24 ℃, 29-35 days 21-24 ℃, from 35 days old to 21 ℃. It should be noted that the temperature listed above refers to the temperature at the height of the chicken back. Whether the temperature is appropriate or not can be judged not only by observing the thermometer, but also by observing the activity of the flock. When the temperature is normal, the broilers are lively, evenly distributed, have a good appetite, drink properly, do not squeeze in the pile during sleep, are quiet, and cannot hear screams. When the temperature is too high, the chicken is not active, away from the heat source, gasping for breath, reduced food intake, reduced water intake, often appear diarrhea phenomenon, long-term deviation is slow growth and development, feathers lack of luster. When the temperature is too low, broilers take the initiative to approach the heat source, send out continuous screams, sleep at night is not quiet, easy to squeeze or even crush or suffocate, which should be paid enough attention.

2. Temperature: the suitable relative humidity range for broilers is 50%-70%. Generally, a higher temperature is required before 10 days of age, up to 70%, which is beneficial to promote the absorption of yolk in the belly of chicks and prevent chicks from dehydration. After 10 days of age, the relative humidity is less and can be kept at about 65%, which helps to keep the shed dry and prevent coccidiosis caused by wet bedding.

3. Light: the purpose of light is to prolong the feeding time of broilers and promote their growth rate. One kind of light time arrangement is 23 hours of light every day and 1 hour of darkness during the whole feeding period. this method can increase the mortality of broilers in the middle and later stage. At present, the following lighting schemes are generally adopted: 1-2-day-old 24-hour light. At the age of 342 days, light was light for 16 hours and dark for 8 hours. After 43 days of age, 23 hours of light and 1 hour of darkness, this light scheme not only did not affect the growth of broilers, but also improved the survival rate. The principle of light intensity is from strong to weak, 1-7 days old should reach 3.8w/ square, 8-42 days old should be 3.2w/ square, and 42 days old should be 1.6w/ square. The strong light in the early stage is helpful to help the chicks familiarize themselves with the environment, fully feed and drink water, while the strong light in the later stage is harmful to broilers and hinders their growth. Weak light can make chickens quiet and conducive to growth and development. In addition, in order to make the light intensity distribution uniform, do not use more than 60w bulbs, the lamp height is 2m, the lamp distance is 2m.

4. Feeding density: whether the feeding density of broilers is reasonable or not has a lot to do with raising broilers and making full use of the chicken house. When the feeding density is too high, the air quality in the shed decreases, causing infectious diseases, and also leads to the crowding of chickens, grabbing for food each other, resulting in uneven development of body weight, and it is easy to make chickens die of heatstroke in summer. The feeding density is too small, and the utilization rate of the shed is low. The breeding density of broilers should be determined according to different ages, seasons, air temperature and ventilation conditions, such as smaller in summer and larger in winter. The following feeding density (per square meter) can be used for reference: 40 at 1 ~ 7 days old, 30 at 8 ~ 14 days old, 27 at 5 ~ 21 days old, 21 at 22 ~ 28 days old, 18 at 29 ~ 35 days old, 14 at 36 ~ 42 days old, 11 at 43 ~ 49 days old and 10 at 50 ~ 56 days old.

5. Spring and autumn: spring and autumn is the best season for raising broilers in greenhouse. The average environmental temperature in these two seasons is about 10-25 ℃, and the relative humidity is between 60% and 70%. By taking appropriate measures, the temperature in the greenhouse can be easily controlled within the range of 1823 ℃ and the relative humidity is controlled at about 60%, which provides the best environment for the growth of broilers, which can be achieved by adjusting the opening degree, orientation and time of the film. At 10: 15 a day in spring and autumn, when the external temperature reaches more than 20 ℃, the surrounding film can be fully opened and ventilated, which is beneficial to the cooling in the shed and the evaporation of cushion water. At 2: 4 am every morning, the external environment temperature is low, so the greenhouse film can be partially closed.

6. Summer: the outside temperature is relatively high day and night in summer, so effective measures must be taken to prevent heat and cool down, otherwise it will easily lead to the death of heat stroke in broilers, especially when they are close to leaving the fence. When the summer weather is hot, in addition to opening the surrounding greenhouse film and all vents, doors and windows, several electric fans can also be installed to cool down. 3-4 rows of plastic hoses can also be placed in the shed to cool the chickens with cold water. Experiments have proved that this method is very effective in preventing heat stroke in broilers. In addition, it can also be combined with disinfection and often spray chickens with cold water, which also plays a role in reducing the temperature of the shed. When it is very hot, it is necessary to reduce the feeding density for broilers over 40 days old, generally no more than 8 per square meter.

7. Winter: the external temperature is relatively low in winter, and the average temperature is often in the range of 0-10 ℃, with the lowest reaching 10 ℃ below zero. In general, the temperature in the greenhouse should not be lower than 18 ℃. To achieve this goal, a row of 2m high enclosure can be built with bricks or straw barriers around the 1m line of the shed to prevent the cold north wind from attacking the greenhouse. Second, all the greenhouse film should be closed. When there is sunshine, the grass on the front slope of the east-west shed will be lifted about, the east side of the north-south shed will be lifted early, and the west side of the canopy will be lifted in the afternoon to raise the temperature in the shed. At night or in cloudy, rainy and snowy weather, the shed can be completely closed, and 1 or 2 stoves can be produced if necessary to raise the temperature in the shed. In addition, the feeding density of broilers can be increased to 10 / 12 / m2 in winter, which is also beneficial to the increase of temperature in the shed. Another difficult problem to deal with in raising broilers in winter is the removal of harmful gases in the shed, because excessive ventilation is not conducive to heat preservation in the shed. The solution: first, make full use of the vents of the roof and gables on both sides, and open the vents when there is sunshine during the day when the temperature rises. Second, the polluted cushion is often replaced by dry sand, which is conducive to maintaining the temperature in the shed and preventing the production of harmful gases.

8. Temperature control of brooding: the temperature of brooding is relatively high, which can isolate the non-door end of the greenhouse (about 1x5mm 1x4), the middle is covered by thin film, and there are 1 or 2 stoves (chimney diameter is 14~18cm) to raise the temperature and raise the brood. Underground fire pipes can also be used for heating under certain conditions. With the increase of age, the temperature requirement decreases gradually, and the feeding area increases, which can be gradually cooled down according to the requirements, and the feeding area can be expanded until the barrier film is removed.

Breeding technology of broiler in greenhouse

1. Drinking water: chicks should drink water before feeding when they are just connected to the shed. It is best to drink warm boiled water within 3-5 days of age, and the water temperature should be consistent with room temperature, and then drink cold water later, which can stimulate the appetite of chicks. In addition to the need to limit water for drug administration and epidemic prevention, the supply of drinking water should not be interrupted. The quality of drinking water requires freshness, cleanliness and hygiene. Water fountains should be cleaned and disinfected regularly every day.

2. Feeding: feeding 2 hours after drinking water when entering the nestling. At the initial age of 5-7 days, feed can be sprinkled on clean newspapers, plastic sheeting or feeding plates for chickens to feed. In order to save feed and reduce waste, material buckets should be added gradually from the age of 4 ~ 5 days, and all material buckets should be used after 7 ~ 8 days of age. In addition to the need for feed restrictions in the second week, they are free to eat at other times, that is, they are fed as much as they want. In the second week, 90% satiety restriction could reduce the incidence of sudden death syndrome in broilers without affecting the later body weight. The feeding times should be appropriate, generally 8 times a day in the first week, 7 times a day in the second week, and then 5-6 times a day until they are out of the column. Generally speaking, one bucket is needed for every 20 to 30 chickens. After the barrel is placed, its edge should be as high as the back of the broiler, and each feeding should not be too much, which can reduce the waste and pollution of feed. At present, the feed formula of broilers is generally divided into three stages: 0-3 weeks old with pre-feed, 4-5-week-old with medium-term feed, and 6-week-old to post-column feed. It should be noted that during the conversion of feed between different stages, there should be a gradual transition, with an adaptation period of 3 to 5 days. If the feed is changed suddenly, it is easy to cause greater stress reaction in broilers and cause disease in the flock.

3. Disease prevention procedure of greenhouse broilers.

① immunization program: 4-5-day-old kidney type infectious oil emulsion inactivated vaccine was injected intramuscularly per chicken, 7-9-day-old chicken iv vaccine + transmission H120 combined vaccine was injected into the eye and nose once (or at the same time each chicken was subcutaneously injected with 0.2ml Newcastle disease oil emulsion inactivated vaccine), 14-16-day-old Fabricius bursa vaccine twice the amount of water or Fabricius bursa freeze-dried attenuated vaccine drinking water At the age of 26-28 days, double-dose drinking water was given to the vaccine in bursa of Fabricius, and double-dose drinking water was given to 31-33-day-old chickens with iv vaccine of Newcastle disease (for example, oil vaccine of Newcastle disease was injected at 7-9 days old).

② medication procedure: 1-day-old oral rehydration salt, quick replenishment-14 or Zhiyi more drinking water. At the age of 2 ~ 6 days, the patients drank water twice a day. You can also drink water with gentamicin 40000 uplink I and 0.005% doxycycline powder at the age of 8-12 days. 15-17-day-old norfloxacin powder 0.005% drinking water, after 15 days of age with a variety of anti-coccidial drugs (such as Maduramycin, chlorophenylguanidine, salinomycin, etc.) alternately, 7 days stop for 5 days. 31-33 days old: 0.005% drinking water for Cyclopropoxacin or Ennoxerite.