
These three kinds of soil are used to grow flowers in summer. There is no need to apply fertilizer for two months.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Many flower lovers know that flower cultivation pays attention to "three percent fertilizer and seven percent water", so we all focus on fertilization and watering. In fact, there is another key point that can not be ignored, that is, soil. The soil of flowers is good or bad.

Many flower lovers know that flower cultivation pays attention to "three percent fertilizer and seven percent water", so we all focus on fertilization and watering. In fact, there is another key point that can not be ignored, that is, soil. The soil of flowers is good or bad, whether there is nutrition or not is directly related to the growth of plant roots. If you want to grow flowers, you must have good roots. Only when the roots grow well, the potted plants will be beautiful.

There are many kinds of potted soil for flowers, and the growth habits of each kind of flowers are different. Therefore, the soil had better not use the kind of special soil for flowers sold in the market. Wouldn't it be better to prepare it yourself? Next, I would like to share with you which kind of soil we should use to grow flowers best in the hot summer. Remember to keep it.

1. Growing flowers with rotten leaf soil

Rotten leaf soil, I believe many flower friends know its benefits:

Because the rotten leaf soil is made from fallen leaves and withered grass, it has high humus content, strong water retention and good permeability, so it can be said to be the best choice for flowerpot soil. The use of rotten leaf soil is also exquisite. When growing flowers, it is necessary to mix and prepare according to the ratio of rotten leaf soil and ordinary garden soil at 1:1. Such nutritious soil can promote the rooting of plants and ensure the normal growth of flowers. Rotten leaf soil can be collected in the woods or made by itself.

How can rotten leaf soil be made by itself?

When autumn comes, go to the field to collect broad leaves or pine needles, weeds, etc., and then pile them in a pit. When stacking, put a layer of leaves and then a layer of garden soil. After stacking several layers repeatedly, pour a small amount of water, and finally cover the top with a layer of garden soil. Wait until the next summer to open the pit, turn and mash the accumulation, and then pile it as it is. Generally speaking, it can be used in autumn. It takes a long time, so be patient!

2. Growing flowers with peat soil

Peat soil refers to the soil in which a large number of inadequately decomposed plant residues accumulate and form a peat layer under the condition of lack of oxygen. This soil contains plant residues, humus and some minerals that have not been completely decomposed. In particular, a large number of microorganisms can promote the activity of flower pot soil.

In addition, peat soil also contains a small amount of phosphorus and potassium, these two elements are necessary for plant growth, the lack of plant leaves will hinder photosynthesis and transpiration, leading to the phenomenon of yellow leaves and flowers. So remember to add some peat to grow flowers in the future. Peat soil can be used at the same time as the rotten leaf soil above, and can be mixed in a 1-to-1 ratio.

3. Grow flowers with mountain mud

Mountain mud refers to the soil formed by the long-term accumulation of fallen leaves of trees in the mountains. It can be said to be a kind of natural soil containing humus. Because the soil of the mud is loose, contains more humus, and basically shows acidity. So it's best to nourish acidic flowers. For example, our common camellia, orchids, magnolia, gardenia and azaleas and so on. One mountain mud with two ordinary garden soil, the basin soil prepared in this way is not only loose but also nutritious, which is very conducive to rooting and promoting flowers.

This is the end of the knowledge about growing flowers and using soil. Thank you for reading!

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