
When growing flowers, a small pill can play a big role in making the flowers rub long.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Many flower lovers will grow some flowers at home, which will not only make the home vibrant, but also make the air at home cleaner. Therefore, when raising flowers, many flower lovers have a lot of good tricks to let flowers grow.

Many flower lovers will grow some flowers at home, which will not only make the home vibrant, but also make the air at home cleaner. Therefore, when raising flowers, many flower lovers have many good tricks to make flowers grow better. The old florist told me a very good way to grow flowers. With small tablets, the leaves of flowers can be thickened and green.

1. Ferrous sulfate tablets to grow flowers

Ferrous sulfate tablet is a common tablet in daily life, which is usually thrown away if it expires, but many people do not know that it can also be used to grow flowers and has a good effect on regulating the potted soil of flowers and plants. It can adjust the acidity and basicity of the soil. When growing flowers at ordinary times, if you put the ferrous sulfate tablets in the spray can and spray them on the leaves of the flowers, you can make the leaves of the flowers more shiny.

Therefore, if the flowers at home do not grow well, or if the leaves appear yellow leaves, you can use ferrous sulfate tablets to try to grow flowers to ensure that flowers can grow vigorously.

2. Aspirin tablets

Aspirin tablets are available at home, but if they are kept for a long time, they will be useless if they are out of date. It is a perfect time to grow flowers. Because aspirin contains salicylic acid for Cuijin plants to take root, if you put an aspirin pill during cutting, it can make the cutting plant take root faster. And aspirin tablets can not only promote the rooting of flowers and plants, but also have the effect of sterilization and disinfection. In short, growing flowers with aspirin has a strong effect on flowers.

3. Vitamin C tablets

Vitamin C is very common in life, but many people do not know that using it to grow flowers is also very good. Especially for gardenia, jasmine and so on, the effect is very good. Because vitamin C will show weak acidity if it is dissolved in water, and if you use vitamin C solution to water flowers, it will make alkaline soil show weak acidity, so that flowers that like acidic soil can be watered with it after alkaline soil. It can make flowers grow better.

4. Metronitrate file tablets

Metronitrate file tablets may not be very common in some people, it can treat toothache. In fact, it is also a very good flower-growing tablets, it has a good role in sterilization and disinfection. When changing the pot, the rotten flowers are soaked in the Metronitrite file solution, which can not only sterilize the rotten roots, but also improve the survival rate of the flowers, make the flowers grow more exuberantly and the leaves more green.