
Technology of raising Duck in fermentation bed

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Technology of raising Duck in fermentation bed

With the continuous development of the duck industry, antibiotics are commonly used to inhibit or kill harmful microorganisms in the digestive tract in order to improve its production performance, but the addition of pit antibiotics to feed has side effects, such as the imbalance of microflora in ducks, the emergence of drug resistance and the effects of drug residues on human health, which have increasingly attracted worldwide attention. Many countries have increasingly banned the use of antibiotics as feed additives. As a substitute for antibiotics, microecological agents are more and more widely used in duck industry, and good economic benefits have been achieved.

Technical principle of raising Duck in fermentation bed

The digestive tract of the duck is relatively short, and about 70% of the organic matter in the feces rate has not been decomposed, with high water content and high organic nutrients. If it is not decomposed in time, it will deteriorate and stink. Under the action of functional microorganisms, part of duck feces is degraded into odorless gases such as water vapor and carbon dioxide, and the other part is transformed into nutrients such as crude protein, bacterial protein, vitamins and so on. In this way, the pollution of duck feces to the environment is eliminated from the source, reaching zero discharge, and the quality of duck meat is naturally improved a lot. The fermentation mattress material eliminates the odor substances in duck feces through physical adsorption, chemical neutralization and biochemical action in the fermentation process. The air in the duck house is fresh and the environment is clean and refreshing, which provides indispensable conditions for the healthy growth of ducks. it helps to improve the disease resistance of ducks.

Production of duck bed for raising duck in fermentation bed

1. Dilution bacteria: 10 square meters per kilogram of starter, diluted evenly with rice bran, corn flour or wheat bran at 1:5, in order to increase the amount of sprinkler and spread it evenly into the cushion.

2. Bedding preparation: about 5 cubic meters per ton of dry sawdust. Sawdust must be non-toxic, harmless, get rid of impurities and be used after drying.

3. Sow and sprinkle bacteria: you can spread it while laying, or you can mix it well and then spread it. Remember that there is no need to add water.

4. Bedding material: the bedding material should be 40 cm. Sawdust can be partially replaced by rice husk, peanut hull and straw, and the surface can be replaced by 20-30 cm sawdust.

5. Put the duck into the bed: after it is made, you can put the sheep in. Don't wait for the fermentation to be done. The surface is dry. You can sprinkle a little water first, so that the sheep can't afford to run.

6. Quick start: bury the fresh feces and urine at 20cm to 30cm, cover with sawdust and flatten it out again. After several times of this operation, you can start quickly.

Daily maintenance: when the feces and urine are too much and too wet, they need to be buried and flattened, pay attention to open the vents, turn over and pry, and use the air flow to adjust the humidity.

Matters needing attention in raising Duck in fermentation bed

1. Often drink 200 times of EM diluent and feed the feed fermented with EM, which can decompose the nutrients of the feed ahead of time and facilitate the full absorption of ducks.

2. The density of duck stocking should be well mastered. After the density, there are too many feces per unit area, and the bacteria in the fermentation bed can not effectively decompose the feces, five to six per square meter.

3. EM bacteria need a humid environment. To observe the humidity of the fermentation bed, you can spray 200-fold EM diluent. The humidity is controlled at about 30%.

4. Pay close attention to the activity of probiotics and, if necessary, add 1:50 times EM to regulate the activity of probiotics to ensure that the fermentation can be carried out normally.

5. Chemical drugs are prohibited, and the use of chemicals and antibiotics is prohibited in duck houses to prevent the killing and inhibition of probiotics and reduce the activity of probiotics.

6. Attention must be paid to ventilation.

7. Normal epidemic prevention.