
Feeding and Management techniques of Meat Duck during nestling period

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Feeding and Management techniques of Meat Duck during nestling period

Meat ducks grow very rapidly, have high requirements for feeding and management, and are sensitive to the environment, and are relatively delicate. A little carelessness can lead to growth retardation and even increase mortality, so scientific feeding and management is needed. Mainly from the following aspects:

The choice of ducklings

Meat commercial ducklings must come from excellent healthy mother ducks. breeder ducks have been immunized with duck plague, avian cholera, viral hepatitis and other vaccines before laying eggs to ensure that ducklings do not get sick during the rearing period. The size of the ducklings is basically the same, weighing 55-60 grams, lively, no big belly button, crooked head and feet, etc., the coat color is waxy yellow, too dark or too light are eliminated.


Too large flock of ducklings is not conducive to management, environmental conditions are not easy to control, prone to shock or squeeze death, so in order to improve the brooding rate, group management, each group of 300 500.

Drinking water

Water is very important to the growth and development of ducklings. Ducklings must drink water before eating, which is also called boiled water or tide. Adding appropriate amount of vitamin C, glucose and antibiotics to the drinking water of ducklings will have a better effect, which will not only increase nutrition but also improve disease resistance of ducklings. The number of drinking fountains provided should be sufficient, the water should not be cut off, and the water should be prevented from overflowing.

Start eating

The ducklings were fed for the first time when the ducklings came out of their shells for 12 hours or when the ducklings in the flock of ducklings began to look for food. The meat ducklings were fed with full-price small pellet feed. If there were no such conditions, they could also be fed with half-raw rice and egg yolk. A few days later, the ducklings were fed with nutritious full-price feed.

The method of feeding

First-week-old ducklings should be allowed to eat freely, keep feed often in the feed plate, not too much at a time, so as to prevent ducklings from getting sick or wasting feed if they can't eat for a long time. So feed Changtian less. Feed 35 grams per duck in the first week, 105 grams in the second week, and 165 grams in the third week.

Pay strict attention to the prevention of diseases

Meat ducks are reared intensively on the Internet, and the population is large and concentrated, which is prone to epidemic disease. Therefore, in addition to strengthening daily feeding and management, it is necessary to do a good job in epidemic prevention. When raised to about 20 days old, each animal is injected with 1 ml of duck plague attenuated vaccine; about 30 days old, each animal is injected with 2 ml of avian cholera vaccine. Usually, 0, 01% potassium permanganate and 02% potassium permanganate are used to drink water, and the effect is also very good.