
Key techniques of duckling breeding

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Key techniques of duckling breeding

Understand the physiological characteristics of ducklings

Ducklings have three main physiological characteristics: first, they grow rapidly. Second, the ability to regulate the body temperature is weak, so it is difficult to adapt to the external environment. Third, the size of digestive organs is small and the digestive ability is weak.

Make good preparations before brooding

First of all, we should prepare enough fresh and high-quality full-price feed. Secondly, the nursery, breeding equipment and necessary facilities should be fully equipped to ensure that every duckling can eat feed and drink water. Thirdly, the nursery and breeding equipment should be disinfected with 2% caustic soda water and rinsed with clean water after drying. Finally, the nursery was fumigated and disinfected.

Drink before you eat.

The ducklings have no hunger after coming out of the shell. 24 hours after the ducklings come out of the shell, the feathers of the ducklings are dry, lively and active, often making a "quack" sound and starting to peck each other. At this time, it is necessary to feed water before eating. If the ducklings are mentally tired, their eyes are half-open and half-closed, and they are unwilling to move, it is already past the feeding time. Ducklings eat too early, it is easy to damage the digestive organs, affecting the health of ducklings; eating too late, the supply of nutrients is not conducive to growth and development. Therefore, the best time for ducklings to eat is between 14 and 24 hours after hatching. Drink before you eat. Adding appropriate amount of glucose or vitamin C to drinking water can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, clean up intestines and stomach, promote metabolism, accelerate the absorption of residual yolk, increase appetite and enhance physique. If 1 ‰ potassium permanganate is added to drinking water, it can also play the role of gastrointestinal disinfection.

Grasp the feeding method and times

The digestive function of ducklings is not perfect, so when feeding ducklings, they should not feed too much each time, only 60% to 70% full. if they are fed too much, it is easy to cause indigestion, the gastrointestinal volume of ducklings is small, and the speed of digestion is fast. If the feeding times are too small, make the ducklings hungry for a long time, it will affect the growth and development of ducklings. In the case of 14-day-old ducklings, the chyme can reach the duodenum in 5 minutes, defecate in 2 hours, emptying in 4 hours, and the ducklings are hungry when the feeding interval is more than 4 hours. Generally speaking, the smaller the ducklings are, the less they eat and the more times they are fed. In the initial stage of brooding, it is necessary to feed less and feed frequently, feeding 6-8 times a day and 1-2 times for dinner, so as to promote the activity of ducklings.

Do a good job in thermal insulation

Temperature is the main technical measure to cultivate ducklings. Only when the temperature is suitable, the body heat consumption of ducklings is low, the growth and development is fast, and the survival rate is high. 1-3 days old 32-34 ℃, 4-6 days 28-30 ℃, 7-10 days 24-26 ℃, 11-13 days 20-22 ℃. The temperature decreases gradually, and the daily temperature change is less than 2 ℃. Under different climatic conditions, the heating or cooling should be based on the behavior of ducklings, and try to meet the best temperature requirements of ducklings. For example, when the temperature is too low, the ducklings are afraid of the cold and gather close to the heat source to warm each other, often causing crush or suffocation; when the temperature is too high, the ducklings are far away from the heat source, gasping for breath, and drinking water increases; when the temperature is normal, the ducklings are energetic, lively, good appetite, moderate drinking water, bright fluff, stretching legs, uniform distribution, lying silent, eating, drinking and excreting normally.

Feeding density and grouping

The feeding density of ducklings should be suitable, and if the feeding density is too high, it will cause damp duck house, dirty air, poor growth of ducklings and other consequences; if the density is too low, it will waste space, manpower and other resources, resulting in reduced efficiency. The more reasonable density of online brooding is 25-30 chicks per square meter at the age of 1-7 days, 15-25 birds per square meter at the age of 8-14 days, 10-15 birds per square meter at the age of 15-21 days, and 8-10 birds per square meter at 22-28 days old. The density of brooding on the ground should be doubled. At the same time, pay attention to higher density in winter and lower density in summer. Reasonable grouping: 200-300 ducklings in each group are raised in groups, and ducklings, weak ducks and sick ducks are singled out and carefully managed.

Ensure ventilation and ventilation

The metabolism of ducklings is exuberant, and the excessive concentration of harmful gases such as carbon dioxide, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide produced by the decomposition of feces and residues will endanger the health of ducklings, and in serious cases, it will cause ammonia poisoning and death in large numbers. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the air circulation in the rearing room at any time, reasonable ventilation, keep the indoor air fresh, eliminate the excess water in the room, keep the duck house dry and clean, improve the living environment of ducks, and achieve the purpose of promoting the healthy and rapid growth of ducks.

Do a good job in epidemic prevention and control

The introduction of duck seedlings from epidemic areas is strictly prohibited.

1. Do a good job of disinfection: pay attention to the disinfection of duck shed and environment, as well as the brushing and disinfection of material trough and drinking fountain, and choose 2-3 different disinfectants to be used alternately to prevent bacteria from producing drug resistance.

2. Preventive medication: focus on the prevention of salmonella, Escherichia coli and mycoplasma disease in ducklings. Use antibiotics at the age of 1-7 days, but sensitive drugs must be used.

3. Epidemic prevention: do a good job of immunization against duck plague, duck viral hepatitis, duck infectious serositis and avian influenza vaccine. When getting vaccinated, add electrolytic multi-dimensional or vitamin C powder mixture. The use of antibiotics should be stopped for 1-2 days before and after vaccine injection.