
The technique of raising Duck in Orchard

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The technique of raising Duck in Orchard

Raising ducks in orchards and the combination of planting and breeding can make fruit trees and ducks symbiosis with each other, which can reduce the cost of planting and raising and improve the economic benefits of the breeding industry. The main technical points are introduced as follows:

Stocking time

According to the situation of feed resources in the orchard, duck raising in the orchard can be divided into two periods: stocking period and captivity period. The most suitable stocking period is the flourishing period of animal and plant growth in the park, usually from mid-April (after Qingming Festival to Grain Rain) to the end of October. At this time, the forage grass in the garden grows luxuriantly, and there are many by-products of fruit trees. Ducks can feed on all kinds of grass, wild vegetables, flowers, leaves, fruits and other plant foods, as well as a variety of animal foods such as eggs, pupae, insects and near-surface flying insects. Adult ducks can be stocked all year round.

Garden site selection

Ducks act foolishly and cannot peck on trees, which provides a guarantee for low-column grazing in the orchard. Where the soil and water conditions are better, higher trunk or old apples, pears, apricots, Hawthorns, persimmons, walnuts and other orchards can be stocked. Free-range ducks can play a role in grass control, and duck dung can provide high-quality fertilizer for fruit trees. This is an effective measure to transform the high-quality and efficient orchard with overgrown weeds, extensive management, serious insect pests, no fruit at the right age or low yield and low efficiency.

Stocking density

According to the size and strength of stocking ducks, the stocking density is determined, and the principle that it should be sparse but not dense should be followed. Generally, there are an average of 20 ducks per mu in orchards and 2000 ducks in 100 mu orchards.

Supplementary feeding on time

In order to supplement the lack of feed during the stocking period, ducks should be replenished at the right time. The stocking of ducklings begins at the age of 4 weeks, and the early stage is the nestling stage, which can be raised in captivity and cage. The ducklings were replenished once in the morning and evening to supplement the energy deficiency. The supplementary feeding amount was determined according to the principle of half full in the morning and sufficient late, and the feeding times and quantity were reduced step by step to promote the free feeding of ducks. With the growth of ducklings, the supplementary feeding of ducks can be decided according to duck pecking weeds, wild vegetables and insects. In the main period of stocking, supplementary feeding was carried out after returning to the shed in the evening, and sufficient drinking water was prepared to satisfy drinking. Before the young ducklings are released in spring, they should exercise to adapt to the changes of external temperature and gradually enter the stocking garden.

Prevention and extermination of diseases

Disease prevention of stocking ducks also adhere to the policy of "prevention first, prevention is more important than cure". Vaccination should be carried out regularly in accordance with routine defense procedures, and the work of epidemic prevention and eradication should be done well.

Prevent poisoning

When the fruit trees in the stocking garden must be sprayed with pesticides, it is strictly forbidden to spray highly toxic pesticides. Low-toxic and efficient pesticides or low-concentration and low-toxic fungicides should be used. During the spraying period, limited area fence grazing should be carried out to avoid poisoning due to misplaced. Ducks can also be kept in captivity for 3 to 5 days, and then put into the stocking area. When grazing in the limited area, the supplementary feeding amount can be increased appropriately.