
Breeding Prospect of ornamental Pigeon

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Breeding Prospect of ornamental Pigeon

Ornamental pigeons are pigeons specially for people to watch. It has a very long history. After thousands of years of variation and selection, there are more than 600 species in the world. In recent years, the breeding of ornamental pigeons began to flourish. From the point of view of the market, more and more people raise ornamental pigeons, the varieties continue to increase, and prices begin to rise, but the number of people who buy them has also increased a lot. Some of these pigeons are homing pigeons and ornamental pigeons, and some are meat pigeons and ornamental pigeons. in short, these ornamental pigeons have something pleasing, some have been preserved as ancient pigeon species, and some have become extinct.

For ornamental pigeons, there are people who look at their feather color, their posture, and those who look at their feather color and posture at the same time. There are mainly the following varieties: tile gray pigeon, red crimson pigeon, raindrop pigeon, black pigeon, white pigeon, flower beaver tiger (miscellaneous hair) pigeon, Kirin flower pigeon, butterfly flower pigeon, white striped pigeon, flower wing pigeon, magpie pigeon, quadrilateral white pigeon, black top cover pigeon, both black pigeon, Mao lead pigeon, fan tail pigeon, female pigeon, hibiscus pigeon, ink ring and so on.

Pigeons are self-breeding, usually a pair of pigeons can breed 8 to 10 pairs of squab a year, and can lay eggs and brood all the year round. The period from mating and laying to the end of hatching and brooding is a reproductive cycle of about 50 days. On the other hand, the ornamental pigeons can lay eggs again on the 15th to 20th day of brooding, and the two breeding cycles overlap, and the breeding cycle is shortened to about 40 days.

At present, because the number of domestic ornamental pigeons is scarce, and the market demand is greatly increased, so breeding ornamental pigeons has a very high market benefit. Raising three pairs of high-quality ornamental pigeons is equivalent to the benefits of raising one cow or two pigs, while the breeding of pigeons is far less complex than raising cows and pigs. A pair of ornamental pigeons hatch 8: 10 pairs a year. The current market and pet shop price of a pair of fine pigeons is about 1000 yuan, and that of 8 pairs of pigeons is 8000 yuan, while the annual feed consumption of a pair of ornamental pigeons is 36 jin, the cost is 40 yuan, and the cost of 8 pairs of small pigeons is 30 jin (sold in two months). The cost is 33 yuan, the actual breeding cost will not exceed 100 yuan, and the actual creative benefit of raising a pair of high-quality ornamental pigeons is more than 7000 yuan a year. Even raising 20 pairs of ornamental pigeons earns at least 8000 yuan a year.