
Is it illegal to eat baby fish?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Is it illegal to eat baby fish?

Baby fish is the largest and most precious amphibian in the world. it has colorful back, four fingers like human hands, five toes like human feet and loud cries around its mouth. it is known as baby fish, and its lifespan is longer among amphibians. Let's take a look at whether it is illegal to eat baby fish.

Is it against the law to eat baby fish?

It is against the law to eat wild baby fish, but it is not against the law to eat second-generation baby fish. Baby fish is the largest and most precious amphibian in the world. it is not only the national second-class protection of amphibious wild animals, but also the key development of agricultural industrialization and characteristic agriculture and wild animal gene protection species. China stipulates that only the second generation of baby fish can be eaten and traded, and illegal capture, hunting, sale and consumption of wild giant salamander will be punished by law.

What does the second generation mean?

The "baby fish of the first generation" is the first generation of baby fish bred directly from the wild baby fish, which can be raised but not allowed to be eaten, and the "baby fish of the second generation" bred by the "baby fish of the first generation" can be eaten and sold in the market. There is almost no difference in appearance between the "baby fish of the first generation" and the "baby fish of the second generation", which is difficult to distinguish by the naked eye, which gives many lawbreakers an opportunity, but an "electronic chip" implanted into the doll's body has been developed. the chip can record and track baby fish.

Population status of baby fish

Some people estimate that the total stock of baby fish in China is 50,000, but the real wild baby fish may not reach 50,000 in nature. Of course, the more realistic number needs to be evaluated by in-depth investigation and research. It has been reported that the annual reproduction of baby fish is 100000, and the number of artificial breeding has exceeded 1.6 million. According to statistics, the amount of natural resources of dollfish is about 90,000, especially in hilly and mountainous areas. due to the aggravation of industrial pollution in economically developed areas, resources are even more insufficient. Dabashan District, Nanjiang County, Bazhong City, Sichuan Province, with high mountains and dense forests and no industrial pollution, is the best environment for baby fish to live.