
The market price of baby fish in 2015

Published: 2024-07-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/20, The market price of baby fish in 2015

Giant salamander is a kind of animal with high edible value, which has delicate meat, delicious taste, high quality protein, rich amino acids and trace elements, and high nutritional value. It is known as "ginseng in water". It is regarded as a rare supplement in the markets of Hong Kong, Taiwan and Southeast Asia, so what is the price of baby fish on the market?

How much is the baby fish per jin?

Baby fish meat tender and plump, delicious taste, contains a lot of protein, fat, vitamins and minerals and other nutrients, vegetables are rare and rare at the feast. It is regarded as a rare and precious tonic in Hong Kong, Macao and overseas markets. It has higher medicinal value, has the effect of nourishing and strengthening, and mainly treats anemia, neurasthenia, blood deficiency and spleen weakness, arthritis and so on. Although baby fish has been listed as a second-class protected animal in the country since 1986, there are still some people who take risks and steal baby fish. The price of baby fish on the black market has reached more than 2000 yuan per jin. According to the National Wildlife Protection Law, artificially tamed and bred baby fish with compound conditions can still be sold on the market, so there are still baby fish on the market, but because the quantity is relatively small, the price is also relatively high. Generally speaking, baby fish weighing more than three catties cost 700 or 800 yuan per catty. Baby fish weighing less than three catties cost about 1,000 yuan per catty, and young dolls cost two to three hundred yuan each.

Previously, due to the falsely high price of baby fish, a lot of private capital was invested in breeding and expanded, but now the central government has cracked down on public money to eat and drink. The combination of these two factors has directly led to a sharp drop in the price of baby fish. At present, the wholesale price of dollfish is 500-600 yuan per jin, which can be said to be the lowest in recent years.

How much is the wholesale price of dollfish?

At present, there are still many farms on the market that raise baby fish for sale. The editor has collected the wholesale prices of baby fish from some farms for your reference.

The nutritional value of baby fish is very high, so although the price of baby fish is relatively high, many people will spend money on eating baby fish. So much for sharing the price information of dollfish with you. Thank you for reading.