
Quyang Town, Jingxi City, Guangxi: a female branch secretary, mulberry and sericulture with a rich side

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Quyang Town, Jingxi City, Guangxi: a female branch secretary, mulberry and sericulture with a rich side

"the 4th instar silkworms should be moved to the ground for feeding. Spread a layer of lime on the surface before moving silkworms. It is required that the moving silkworm should be placed evenly and thinly rather than densely. Every morning before the mulberry leaves are sprinkled with lime for silkworm body disinfection and sand isolation, do not turn the ground residual leaves, do not allow silkworms to eat residual leaves. If diseased silkworms are found to be picked up in time, they should be disinfected in a lime tank and buried deep away from the silkworm chamber. " On September 8, in Paitiantun, Pole Village, Quyang Town, Jingxi City, the author happened to see Nong Mengxiang teaching practical sericulture techniques to sericulture farmers who came to study in his own sericulture room.

Nong Mengxiang, 45, female, is a member of the Communist Party of China and is currently the party branch secretary of Pole Village, Quyang Town, Jingxi City. Her experience of planting mulberry and sericulture began in 2004, when the Quyang town government mobilized the masses to plant mulberry and sericulture, and Nong Mengxiang planted 1.5 mu of mulberry trees in the heart of trying. Because mulberry seedlings were planted late, mulberry leaves did not grow luxuriantly, so they could only raise 0.25 silkworms at a time that year, and the annual income from cocoon sales was only 800 yuan. "at the beginning of sericulture, the silkworms had to be clustered every time, although there were only 0.25 silkworms, but at that time they would ask two or three relatives to help. They would only put the silkworms on the checkered clusters one by one, and they were often busy until late at night." When it comes to sericulture for the first time, Nong Mengxiang still remembers it. While learning, raising and learning at the same time, with the increase in the number of sericulture, Nong Mengxiang mastered a whole set of practical techniques of mulberry sericulture. Now, when the silkworm is about to cluster, she can manage one or two silkworms alone.

In the second year, Nong Mengxiang expanded the mulberry garden by 10 mu, and the income from sericulture reached more than 7000 yuan that year. Just as she continued to expand the scale of sericulture, in 2008, when the world financial crisis broke out and the cocoon market was in the doldrums, the vast majority of silkworm farmers backed down and cut down mulberry trees to grow other crops, but Nong Mengxiang persisted because she was optimistic about the industry. With the continuous rise in cocoon prices, the mulberry area of Nong Mengxiang is also expanding. In 2013, she expanded the mulberry garden by 5 mu, and in 2014, she expanded the mulberry garden by 10 mu, bringing the total area of the mulberry garden to 28 mu. In 2015, she raised 42 silkworms and earned 76000 yuan. This year, as of August 31, she has raised 31 silkworms and earned more than 50,000 yuan from cocoon sales. At present, she has just entered autumn, and she can raise silkworms in two batches of about 10 each in autumn. It is estimated that her income from sericulture this year will exceed 80,000 yuan.

Planting mulberry and sericulture has completely improved Nong Mengxiang's life. in recent years, she has used the money from the sale of silkworm cocoons to buy a van and built a four-story villa building covering an area of 98 square meters.

Nong Meng Xiang planted mulberry and raised silkworms to become rich and became a local capable person and celebrity. Since 2011, nearby villagers have come to learn the practical skills of growing mulberry and sericulture, often two or three groups of people a day. For the villagers who came to "learn from the classics", Nong Mengxiang did not spare no effort to teach each other until they all learned. Paitiantun Chen Wenji in Pole Village originally took advantage of convenient transportation to set up a kindergarten in his own home and recruited about 30 students each semester. In 2014, when he saw that the income of Nong Mengxiang planting mulberry sericulture was more than that of his kindergarten, he resolutely decided to stop running the kindergarten, plant 16 mu of mulberry trees and raise silkworms. This year, he has raised more than 20 silkworms and earned more than 30,000 yuan, which is more than his own kindergarten. Ma Li, a middle-aged widowed, is a poor family in Paitiantun, Pole Village. She not only has to support her elderly mother-in-law, but also has to raise two sons. Life is very difficult. With the encouragement of Nong Mengxiang, she planted 5 mu of mulberry trees in 2016. at present, she has raised 3.5 silkworms and earns more than 5000 yuan. It is just around the corner to take off her "poor hat".

Driven by Nong Mengxiang, Quyang Town set off a new round of mulberry sericulture upsurge. In 2016, there were 25 families growing mulberry in the town, covering an area of 1580 mu. By the end of August, the town had raised 1600 silkworms with an income of 2.56 million yuan.

Because Nong Mengxiang is approachable and helpful, she is deeply loved by the masses. At the same time, because she has a strong sense of responsibility and can bear hardships and stand hard work, the local government listed her as the leader of party members and reserve cadres at the village level for training. With the support of organizational training and villagers, Nong Mengxiang was elected party branch secretary of Pole Village, Quyang Town, in September 2014.