
Advantages of Monopterus Albus cage culture

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Advantages of Monopterus Albus cage culture

The cement pond culture eel is also a culture method adopted by the culturists, and the cement pond can be used to carry out the cultivation of eel normally. However, considering the cost, the price of cement pond culture of eel is slightly higher. Generally, the construction cost of cement pond is about 100 yuan per square meter. The specific price varies slightly according to the local market. It is suggested that if the cage culture of eel can be carried out, the cage culture should be selected. If the cage culture cannot be carried out, the cement pond can be selected for the cultivation of eel.

Small farming area restrictions

It is suitable for all the rice field eel producing areas in China. Cage culture must have sufficient water and stable water level conditions such as lakes, reservoirs and ponds, while cement pond culture can be built on sloping fields and courtyards with low environmental requirements.

Accurate administration and small dosage

The amount of water in the cement pool is easy to calculate and accurately apply drugs, while the inside and outside of the cage are connected. Because the bottom of the pond, river bend, lake and other waters is not necessarily flat, the depth of placing the cage is different, and the dosage is difficult to accurately grasp. In order to achieve the ideal drug effect, the usual method is to increase the dosage, which on the one hand increases the cost of breeding, and at the same time it is easy to produce phytotoxicity if it is not well grasped.

Easy to observe and manage

The eel in the concrete pond ate in the blank place without water grass after the domestication, so it was very convenient to observe the feeding and activity of the eel. The usual general management is carried out on land, and the operation is very easy. Cage is generally placed in the water depth of more than 1 meter area, the box is full of weeds, observation is very inconvenient, peacetime management needs to launch or support small boats, operation is extremely inconvenient.

Complete escape prevention

Ecological pond culture eel, with eel pond escape prevention, drainage ditch escape prevention, full-field exit escape prevention multi-pass, almost no eel can escape outside the field. When eels are raised in cages, strong winds blow down the cages, rats bite the cages, and eel climbs out of the cages along the weeds, which may cause eel to escape.

Low water consumption

Eel pool water depth is generally only 30 cm, we eat in the eel growth season, every 10 days or so thoroughly change the water once, a 10 square meters of culture pond, only 0.3 cubic meters of water per day, 1000 square meters of culture farm water demand is only 30 cubic meters per day. Cage culture in dry season, part of the water is not very sufficient areas, it is easy to reduce the water level and appear "hanging box", the use of pond culture for the vast majority of eel production areas to completely change the water is not very easy.

Easy reproduction

With the shortage of wild eel seedlings, it is necessary for us to carry out self-propagation sooner or later. It is convenient to breed eel seedlings in cement pond, but it is very difficult to breed eel seedlings in net cage and other culture methods.

Easy to catch.

It is very difficult to catch eel in net cage, especially in winter. It takes several people to drag a net cage to the shore, and there is a lot of silt in the net cage. It is hard to imagine how hard it is to do such work in cold winter. Dan pond raised eel convenient, as long as the water drain, copy with the net on the line.

Bacteria and viruses do not develop drug resistance

Cage culture pond, a few years later, due to long-term medication, bacteria and viruses in the water will produce drug resistance, but the pond is very large, a lot of silt, it is impossible to thoroughly clean up. At present, many farmers in Hubei have experienced this situation, causing heavy losses and losses. These problems do not exist in pond culture, as long as the eel is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected after sale. So it becomes a new pool.

heat preservation and warming

Cage culture in winter is impossible to carry out insulation, which goes without saying. Like the bad weather at the beginning of 2008, 600 tons of eel were frozen to death in one place in Hubei Province, causing the price of eel to exceed the highest level in history this spring. In the pond culture method, as long as the pond is covered with thin film in winter, the eel can safely overwinter, and in spring, the water temperature can be increased by 3~5℃, and the eel can eat 15~20 days in advance. Autumn can be postponed 15 - 20 days to stop eating. In this way, the feeding time of eel can be increased by one month throughout the year, and the yield can be increased by 10%~20%, while the cage has no way to do this.

Improving the Quality of Commercial Monopterus albus

The water in pond culture can be changed frequently to keep the water clear, so the cultivated eel has bright color and appearance comparable to wild eel, and the quality is excellent. However, because it can not control the water quality, the finless eel raised in the cage can be seen at a glance that it is cage culture, and its commodity value cannot be compared with that of pond culture finless eel.