
Cost and profit of Loach culture

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cost and profit of Loach culture

Loach in China is very popular in the domestic and foreign markets and has a wide market. Since 1995, loach has been popular in the market for more than ten years, with an annual demand of 100,000 - 150,000 tons, but the market can only supply 50,000 - 60,000 tons, with a large gap, driving the price to climb to 26-32 yuan per kilogram year after year. The international market has increased the demand for loach in China year after year, especially in South Korea and Japan.

At present, loach breeding in Hubei, Jiangsu, Anhui, Henan, Sichuan, Hunan, Zhejiang and other places is in full swing, loach adaptability is strong, breeding method is simple, investment is less, labor saving, breeding benefit is high, loach breeding benefit is definitely the most concerned problem of every loach farmer.

The following small series to breed 1 mu of water loach seedling 400 jin as an example for everyone to analyze the cost and profit of loach breeding bar!

1. Site rent: (different places, adjust data by themselves), 1 mu loach pond, site rent cost about 500 yuan

2, site transformation: digging machine construction 160 yuan per hour to work 4 hours (except for the existing pond) to 640 yuan.

3. Seed purchase fund: 1 mu water surface, put 400 jin loach seedlings at 28 yuan/catty, it costs 11200 yuan

4, feed cost: put 400 jin loach seedlings, output 2800 jin loach calculation, according to my company's feed formula breeding. Such as: aquatic organisms, earthworms, rice bran, wheat bran, bean dregs, bean cake, wheat, corn, fish meal and so on do bait, feed cost in 3200 yuan or so

5. Other expenses: fishing medicine, water and electricity, net equipment and other expenses 400 yuan

6. Breeding cycle: Loach is generally raised for 3-4 months to reach the market specification, and the total breeding cost is 15940 yuan.

7. Output: breeding 1 mu loach, throwing 400 catties of seedlings, producing about 2800 catties of commercial loach, the market price of commercial loach is calculated according to the minimum price of 12 yuan/catty, and the income of 2800 catties loach is 33600 yuan.

8. Profit: income 33600 yuan-investment 15940 yuan =17660 yuan/mu (if 2 batches of seedlings are invested in one year, the benefit is higher).

Breeding can only make money from two aspects, that is, how to reduce the cost of raising and improve the survival rate, how to improve the growth rate. How to reduce the cost of loach breeding, is a professional farmers must think about the problem, but also an important part of breeding loach money, let's continue to take a look at it!

How to reduce the cost of loach farming?

1. If there is paddy field or puddle suitable for breeding loach, resources can be fully utilized to save construction investment.

2. Loach seedlings are very selective. When they first enter the pond, they should be fed with suitable feed in time. The feed includes rotifers, small phytoplankton and other palatable bait, and appropriate feed such as cooked egg yolk, fish meal, milk powder and bean cake. When loach grows to the extent that it can ingest microorganisms and animal and plant debris in the water, it can be fed with coarse plant grains such as rice bran, bran, corn flour, wheat flour, etc., mixed with chopped fish, shrimp, snails, earthworms, maggots, mealworms and other carnivorous animals.

3. The water quality of loach should be fertilized in time to provide natural bait for loach. And pay attention to water quality not too fat, so as not to cause loach hypoxia.

4, rainstorm weather and loach appetite is not strong, do not feed, reduce the waste of feed.

5, often disinfect and do a good job of prevention and control, so that loach healthy growth.

How to improve the survival rate of loach breeding?

Breeding loach seedlings often encounter the embarrassing situation of easy reproduction and difficult cultivation. The survival rate of seedling cultivation always stagnates at about 20%. At present, it is difficult to form a large-scale breeding and popularization pattern, which seriously restricts the industrialization development of loach. There are several points to improve the survival rate of loach seedlings.

1. The loach incubation pool is preferably a cement pool larger than 20 square meters. After three days of incubation and emergence, there is no rush to cultivate in separate ponds. The original pond is used to cultivate strong seedlings. During this period, appropriate egg yolk is fed. After one week of cultivation, the loach seedlings grow to about 1 cm, and the physique is enhanced. The ability to avoid enemies is enhanced, and then the ponds are divided.

2, before the release of seedlings to use quicklime or bleaching powder to thoroughly clear the pond, to be a week after the water toxicity completely disappeared, can release seedlings, and before the release of seedlings put in a few loach seedlings test water, 4 hours to 8 hours without abnormal reaction, loach seedlings can be formally placed in the pond, pond water depth generally maintained at 30 cm to 50 cm.

3. Put 300kg decomposed manure into each mu before seedling release to cultivate natural bait. After 3 ~5 days, plankton in the pond will reproduce to the peak period, and seedlings will be put in time.

4. Put about 150,000 loach larvae per mu. Feed loach seedlings special powder or self-made powder per mu every day after loach seedlings are placed in the pond. It is not recommended to feed soybean milk. Although soybean milk is palatable, it is not easy to control the water quality quickly.

5. The initial stage of breeding loach seedlings requires high dissolved oxygen in water. Generally, the dissolved oxygen in water should reach 4 mg ~5 mg/L. The effect of watering with sprinklers is better. The spray is small and dense, and it will not harm the weak loach seedlings. The transparency of pond water quality is controlled to be more than 30 cm, and loach seedlings can be cultured in ponds after one week of cultivation.