
Efficient pond culture technology of freshwater shrimp

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Efficient pond culture technology of freshwater shrimp

At present, the cultivation methods of shrimp mainly include pond culture, cage culture, rice field culture, net enclosure culture, etc., which can be singly cultured or mixed culture of fish and shrimp. Each shrimp culture method has its own characteristics and requirements. Today, we will introduce the efficient pond culture technology of shrimp in detail.

Basic conditions and facilities of shrimp culture pond

1. Tangkou selection: shrimp ponds should be built in places close to water sources and with fresh water quality and no pollution.

2, pond size: shrimp pond should not be too large, generally should be below 7000 square meters, to 1500-3500 square meters is best, water depth 1.5-2 meters.

3, pond cleaning: in winter or before stocking, should first remove the bottom sludge clean, or dry pool exposure, until the sediment formed small cracks. Leveling the pool around to form a gentle slope, and tamping the pool ridge to ensure no leakage. A ditch is opened in the center of the bottom of the pond, and a shrimp pool is arranged at the water outlet. The size of the ditch pool can be flexibly controlled according to the area of the pond, as long as it is conducive to harvesting. If the pool is large, the ditch should be opened wider.

4. Set up shrimp nest: plant some submerged plants such as bitter grass and verticillata around the pond, occupying 1/4- 1/3 of the bottom area. At the same time, bamboo branches are tied into broom-like, several bundles are arranged in a string in the water layer of the pond. When pulling the net, they are taken out and dried. They can be used repeatedly, and the effect is better. The use of aquatic plants and bamboo techniques plays an important role in improving shrimp production.

rational stocking

Although it is simple and easy to breed parent shrimp with eggs in the pond and cultivate directly, its yield is low and unstable. The main reasons are low survival rate of larvae, often multiple generations in the same pond, unable to control density, blindness in management, uneven result specifications, overall small, low market rate. Therefore, special ponds should be used to breed young shrimps, and then stock them according to plan.

The stocking method is generally 15.2 million per 667 square meters, and the stocking is selected on cloudy days or in the morning. After 15-20 days of stocking, the young shrimps are matched with silver carp summer flower fish in an appropriate amount. Two seasons can be stocked in a year, one is to stock 23 cm overwintering young shrimps in February and March in spring, and the other is to stock young shrimps (about 1.5 cm) in June and July in summer.

Culture and development of shrimp seedlings

1. Special pond cultivation of juvenile shrimp: select a pond with an area of 500-2000 square meters and a water depth of about 1 meter, after dredging and finishing, apply sufficient basal fertilizer, put 5-7.5 kg of egg shrimp every 667 square meters in May, and put parent shrimp with similar egg color into a pond as much as possible. Generally, cage incubation method is adopted, and some floating aquatic plants and bamboo techniques are set in the box. It is appropriate to put 0.5 kg of egg-holding shrimp in the cage per square meter. Keep the water fresh and have sufficient dissolved oxygen during incubation. Feed according to shrimp weight of 3% to determine the amount of bait per day, to ensure that parents shrimp satiation. After the larvae hatch, remove the parent shrimp and net cage, sprinkle the fertile water with soybean milk, and when the larvae metamorphosis into young shrimps, put a small amount of rice bran, peanut cake or bean cake powder, generally about 25 days, the young shrimps can reach 1.2-1.5 cm, which can be used as shrimp larvae for summer stocking, and 400 - 800 thousand young shrimps can be obtained per 667 square meters.

2. Nurturing young shrimps in cultivation pond: breeding young shrimps in summer and breeding eggs in autumn. At this time, in feeding management, pay attention to more bait, more fertilizer, keep water quality fertilizer and cool. At the end of incubation, soybean milk or manure can be poured according to specific conditions. At the same time, large shrimps should be caught and small shrimps should be kept. The adult shrimps reaching the market specifications should be caught and listed to reduce the density, which is beneficial to the growth of young shrimps in the pond. Before winter, this batch of young shrimps generally reach 2-3 cm, and can be stored in the pond for winter stocking in the following spring.

3. To overwinter, young shrimps and prawns should be divided into ponds for overwinter: overwinter stocking should be carried out in sunny and warm days in December, and the overwinter pond should be selected from ponds with wind and sunlight, water depth of more than 1.5 meters and more aquatic plants. The parent shrimps should be sorted properly, and the specifications should be as large as possible. The ratio of male to female is 2:1. The stocking amount is 20-30 kg per 667 square meters. Young shrimp put 30-40 kilograms per 667 square meters. During the winter, the shrimp usually feed once a week. Maintain maximum water depth and pay attention to proper water change. In severe winter, we should prevent the pond from freezing. In the late winter, the water temperature gradually increased, the feeding amount should be gradually increased, and the parent shrimp should enter the intensive cultivation period. When the female prawns hold eggs, transfer the prawns holding eggs to a prawn seedling culture pond.

Scientific feeding

1. Feed type: Shrimp has miscellaneous food habits, but it has certain selectivity for bait. Shrimp like to eat peanut cake, bean cake, not like rapeseed cake, cottonseed cake; like to eat earthworms, shellfish, etc., the utilization rate of animal waste is very low.

2. Feeding amount: Generally, the daily feeding amount is controlled at 4% to 8% of the shrimp weight in the pool. The daily feeding rate of juvenile shrimp is 0.1-0.3 kg/ten thousand fish, and the powder mixture is the main one. Feeding time, so that there is a little residual bait in the pool shall prevail. With the increase of water temperature and shrimp growth, gradually increased to 2-3 jin/ten thousand tail.

3, feeding method: adhere to the principle of four fixed, generally daily morning and evening once, feeding in the morning of the day of one-third of the amount, feeding in the evening of the day of two-thirds of the amount. It is not advisable to feed a single bait, pay attention to the combination of meat and vegetables, and the general animal bait should account for about 20%. When feeding clams, the shells should be broken, and the miscellaneous fish should be cut into pieces. It is not suitable to beat with a beater because it is easy to become pulp, not only the utilization rate is low, but also the water quality is easy to deteriorate. When feeding, attention should be paid to the combination of sprinkling and watering, which is beneficial to prawn feeding and domestication.

strengthen daily management

The key to daily management is to patrol the pond frequently, observe carefully, and solve problems in time. Management content has the following aspects.

1, water quality regulation: shrimp pond water to fertilizer, clear water can not raise shrimp. High yield shrimp pond anti-hypoxia is a top priority, often change water, can prevent water quality deterioration and hypoxia floating head. Flush as much as possible in the early morning and evening of the hot season. When the water quality is light, fertilizer should be applied in time. Fermented fertilizer or chemical fertilizer with fast fertilizer effect should be applied to keep the water quality fertile and tender. Fertilizer should not be applied in rainy weather.

2. Harm prevention and escape prevention: daily filtration with dense eye net to prevent wild fish and ferocious fish from entering. These fish not only compete for food ability, but also most of the enemies of shrimp. The drainage outlet should also be blocked with dense net. If the shrimp body length is large or the shrimp in the pond is overbred, the blocking net mesh can be changed to a larger size in order to control the density. If it is difficult to prevent wild miscellaneous fish in the pool, you can take advantage of the characteristics that mandarin fish do not like to eat shrimp, put some large-scale mandarin fish species to control wild miscellaneous fish, but be careful, do not overstock.

3, pay attention to observation: shrimp growth and development observation growth and development of the purpose is targeted implementation of management. One is to look at the individual size composition, determine the size of the bait particles and the amount of bait; the second is to see whether the growth is normal, such as slow growth or mutual killing, it is necessary to check the bait quality, pond shrimp density and water quality fat and thin, etc., and take timely measures; the third is to look at the breeding period, such as parent shrimp holding eggs, hatching, etc., in order to take corresponding management measures. The method of observation is to copy with a net, measure the body length with a ruler, and make a record. The results were compared with those of the previous fortnightly inspection. It can also be observed by visual inspection in combination with daily inspection of ponds.