
Can hermit crabs be eaten?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Can hermit crabs be eaten?

Can hermit crabs be eaten? In fact, hermit crabs can be eaten, but the taste is not good. It is recommended not to eat hermit crabs. When cooked, hermit crabs often have a very strong rotten smell. We sometimes mistakenly use hermit crabs and conch together to cook soup. It often gives off a faint smell of rot in the soup. The more hermit crabs, the stronger the rotten smell.

Nutritional value of hermit crab

Hermit crab is rich in protein, trace elements and other nutrients, which has a good nourishing effect on the body. Studies have found that hermit crabs also have anti-tuberculosis effects, and eating hermit crabs is of great benefit to the rehabilitation of tuberculosis. It is generally believed that freshwater crabs are better for medicinal use, and sea crabs are only available for consumption. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that crabs have the effects of clearing heat and detoxification, tonifying bones and marrow, nourishing tendons and activating blood, dredging channels and collaterals, benefiting limbs, continuing injuries, nourishing liver and yin, and filling stomach juice. For congestion, injury, jaundice, waist and leg pain and rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases have a certain dietotherapy effect.

Hermit crab meat is cold and salty, with relaxing muscles and tonifying qi, regulating stomach and digestion, dredging meridians and collaterals, dispelling heat, clearing heat, nourishing yin, and can treat injuries caused by falls, fractures of tendons, and allergic dermatitis. In addition, hermit crab has a good effect on hypertension, arteriosclerosis, cerebral thrombosis, hyperlipidemia and various cancers. Hermit crabs have high cholesterol, high purine, gout patients should be self-abstemious when eating, people with colds, hepatitis, cardiovascular disease should not eat crabs. China has a tradition of eating crabs around the Mid-Autumn Festival. Because traditional Chinese medicine believes that crabs are cold, they often use seasonings such as minced ginger and perilla to eat crabs.

Matters needing attention in eating hermit crabs

1. Don't eat dead crabs

Parasitic bacteria in dead crabs multiply and spread to crab meat, causing proteins to break down to produce histamine. The longer the crab dies, the more histamine accumulated in the body and the greater the toxicity. Even if the dead crab is cooked thoroughly, the toxin is still not easy to be destroyed. after eating, it will cause nausea and vomiting, flushing cheeks, rapid heartbeat and so on.

2. Don't eat overnight crabs

Hermit crab is a food containing more histidine acid. Under the action of some vitamins, the histidine of overnight leftover crab species will be decomposed into histamine. Heating back to the pot can kill the pathogenic microorganisms, but can not destroy the toxin, resulting in histidine poisoning. Therefore, the crab had better be steamed and eaten now, generally no more than 4 hours.

3. No raw crabs, Liquor-Soaked Crabs

Hermit crabs contain a variety of pathogenic microorganisms. In particular, the egg susceptibility of paragonimus larvae in its body is very high and its resistance is very strong, which can not be killed by soaking in yellow rice wine and liquor alone. Eating raw crabs, Liquor-Soaked Crabs, can easily induce paragonimiasis, cause cough and hemoptysis, and cause paralysis if the virus enters the brain.

4. Do not eat four "parts"

The body surface, gills and gastrointestinal tract of hermit crabs are full of bacteria, viruses and other pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, when eating, you must remove all crab gills, crab intestines, crab heart (commonly known as hexagonal plate), crab stomach (that is, triangular bone pouch, with sediment).

Do not eat with tea, persimmons, peanuts, cold drinks, etc.

The reason is that tea will dilute gastric juice, and there is more tannic acid in tea and persimmons, which will coagulate the protein in crab meat, which is not conducive to digestion, and the solidified substances can stay in the intestinal tract for a long time. After fermentation, it can cause abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhoea. But as long as you don't eat more gastrointestinal health, there's no problem. Peanut kernel fat content is as high as 40%, greasy things and cold crabs eat together, easy to lead to diarrhea. Cold water, ice cream and other cold things, so that gastrointestinal function is reduced, eat together with crabs, easily lead to diarrhea. Similarly, tomatoes can not be eaten with crabs, both belong to cold food, eating together can easily lead to diarrhea.

Preservation methods of hermit crabs

1. Keep the hermit crab in the refrigerator. A small number of hermit crabs purchased can be eaten in about three days. It is relatively easy to keep. Choose energetic hermit crabs, tie up the feet of hermit crabs to reduce physical exertion, then put them in the freezer, keep the temperature at 5-10 degrees, cover with wet towels and preserve. When eating every day, first choose the inactive ones to eat, and the energetic hermit crabs can continue to be preserved.

2. Choose energetic hermit crabs, prepare a 30-50 cm high plastic bucket / basin, put the crabs into them and do not stack them; then add water to half the height of hermit crabs, mainly for moisturizing, and cannot bury all hermit crabs, because you are unlikely to be equipped with aeration equipment, if the water is too deep, hermit crabs will suffocate from lack of oxygen. The bucket / basin does not need to be covered, check the hermit crabs every day, eat the inactive hermit crabs in time, use this method to preserve Yangcheng Lake crabs, when the temperature is not high, hermit crabs can be preserved for more than 5 days.

3. If the amount of hermit crab purchased can not be eaten for three or five days, the best way to preserve it is to use your own bathtub as a temporary pool and let it be enjoyed by the hermit crab first, because the four walls of the bathtub are smooth and the crab cannot escape. Pour the crab gently into the bathtub and inject water just enough to bury the hermit crab, so that the hermit crab can breathe on the water surface and put a small amount of fish and shrimp according to the storage time and quantity. Yangcheng Lake crabs can generally be stored for more than 7 days or longer by this method, and the survival rate of crabs with good quality can reach more than 95%. In addition, check hermit crabs every day and eat the inactive hermit crabs in time.