
If these five kinds of flowers are not cleaned up, you can cut them two times in summer and open a lot of them in 10 days.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The weather is getting hotter and hotter, sunflowers and petunias bloom lazily, with few flowers and old branches, which makes people look very uncomfortable! After shaving a big haircut, immediately obey the post, open more and well! So, flower friends, be ruthless and hard-hearted.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, sunflowers and petunias bloom lazily, with few flowers and old branches, which makes people look very uncomfortable! After shaving a big haircut, immediately obey the post, open more and well! So, flower friends, be ruthless, keep your hands steady, shave your head with a quick knife, and 10 days later, it will be another good flower!

How do longevity flowers shave their heads?

Flower cultivation Daquan

The longevity flower has failed in the summer, when it enters a semi-dormant period. In order to accumulate strength in the future, you can shave your head around July.

Shaving skills

Cut off all the branches and leaves of the longevity flower, leaving only the branches around 3~5cm.

After shaving, it can sprout within a month.

The cut branches can be re-cut and propagated, then keep the plant type at the height of about 15cm, and stop pruning after September.

How do petunias shave their heads?

Flower cultivation Daquan

Petunia burst the pot very quickly, after the explosion, the flowers will grow smaller and smaller, bloom less and less, and decay very quickly. The only way to keep it open like crazy is to shave your head! That is, forced cutting.

Shaving skills

1. Heavy pruning during florescence: petunia is usually in the peak growing season from June to September, cutting off all flower branches every 2-3 weeks, leaving enough nutrition for the new bud.

Seven days later, the basin burst again.

2. Pruning after anthesis: it is found that the longer the plant is, the more scattered it is, and the failed flowers take longer than the new ones, indicating that when the petunia is in decline, it is necessary to quickly cut off all the flower branches, leave 5~12cm or so at the old roots, retain enough nutrition, and bloom again at intervals of time.

Don't wait until all the flowers have failed and the branches and leaves are withered and yellow. It's too late. Pruning is likely to die.

How do millions of small bells shave their heads?

Flower cultivation Daquan

Million small bell flowering period is very long, can bloom from April to frost season, at the end of each wave of flowering season, the plant type is scattered, not beautiful, need to be shaved and re-cut, the new plant type will be better.

Shaving skills

1. Shaving at florescence: after the first flowering, cut off all flower branches and weak branches, leaving strong shoots with buds, and keep the height of the whole plant at about 10~15cm. The bowl will explode again about 10 days after shaving.

The cut flower branches can be cut again!

2, plant type adjustment: growing into a large flower ball type is the most beautiful, usually pruning, take the edge of the flowerpot as the boundary, remove excess lateral branches, the central branch as little as possible, in order to prevent the growth of the plant center short, surrounded by high Mediterranean plant type, affecting the effect.

How do sunflowers shave their heads?

Flower cultivation Daquan

Although sunflowers like light, but when the summer is too hot, few flowers, old branches, look very unhappy, cut a haircut, immediately obedient, banging blossoms!

Shaving skills

1. Coring and dwarfing: for newly cut sunflowers, when the seedlings grow to 4~5cm height, the tip of the main branch should be removed, and if the branch is too long, the plant will be dwarfed and the plant type will become more beautiful.

2. Pinch the bud before the flower: if you want the plant to be compact and the flowers plump, you must pinch off all the new buds at the initial stage of growth, so that the flowers can bloom at the same time and bloom large and round!

Don't forget to apply fertilizer while pinching, diluted phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, just once a week.

3, florescence shaving: during flowering, it is found that the plant type is scattered, the flowering is few, and the color is light, so it needs to be shaved and re-cut. Cut off the scattered flower branches together with the weak twigs, and the plant will keep the 15~20cm high.

Before shaving:

After shaving:

Re-burst the basin:

How do you shave your head?

Flower cultivation Daquan

The flowering period of paulownia is from March to August, and the branches after flowering have no flower buds, which will age quickly and grow weak. at this time, if you want to blossom again as soon as possible, you need to shave your head.

Shaving skills

1, flowering pruning: during flowering, if you find that the bud is small, the flower stem is weak, or even rotten, you should not hesitate to cut off all the flower branches. after shaving, new branches will grow within 10 days.

In order to make the flowers concentrate on the top of the plant and form a bouquet, the leaves around the branches should be removed in time during flowering.

2. Re-pruning after blooming: after complete failure, heavy cutting should be carried out, choose a sunny day, cut off the failed branches, keep 1-2 pairs of leaves, and do not need watering within three or five days after pruning, so as to avoid wound infection leading to rotten balls. It will bloom again within 2 months after pruning.

Flower friends, how are your flowers growing?

Give it a haircut.

The basin will burst again soon!
