
Green jasmine. Raising like this in summer is as crazy as taking hormones.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Jasmine, green pineapple, rose, summer. The secret of the full basin turned out to be this. In the annual summer of going out black in seconds, jasmine and green apple thrive in the heat, mastering this little trick to make your home.

Jasmine, green pineapple, rose, summer. The secret of the full basin turned out to be this.

In the summer when you go out for a second and turn black every year, jasmine and green pineapple thrive in the heat, mastering this little trick to make your jasmine basin full!


Buy jasmine flower friends, do not often have such trouble, their own jasmine, not as luxuriant as other flower friends' jasmine bloom, what is more angry, other people have already bloomed twice, their own flowers have been slow to move, don't worry, there is a remedy!

Pruning frequently in summer:

Don't underestimate the small act of pruning, the jasmine can bloom four degrees after pruning!

Jasmine cutting:

Do not throw away the pruned branches, with a pair of leaf cuttings, but also an unexpected harvest!

Fertilizing frequently:

Sufficient nutrients can make jasmine grow luxuriantly, and it takes minutes for jasmine to bloom a few degrees, so act quickly and apply more organic fertilizer to jasmine, but you must pay attention to prevent root burning.

Green pineapple

You have your floor curtain, I have my green curtain, although not landing, but very beautiful very green, arrangement!

Clever tricks and frequent fertilization:

Do not throw away the remaining beer in summer, leave it for seven days and mix it with ten parts of water and spray it directly on the leaves. You can also add a ground aspirin or vitamin B12 to enrich nutrition and make the leaves shiny and luxuriant.

Trick cuttings:

If you want green pineapple to grow luxuriantly, you might as well try cutting. Cut off the branches with buds (knots), water frequently to keep the soil moist, take root in less than a week, maintain adequate nutrition, and ensure that the basin is full!


A wave of high temperature hit, rose flower friends should have a headache, rose does not blossom for a long time!


If you want the rose to blossom continuously, you'd better give the rose proper shade in summer, but the rose planted in the ground is generally not used.

Pay attention to fertilization:

Do not apply fertilizer during the hot period, or it will cause the death of rose plants!

Pruning in time:

Rose after blooming 1-2 times, it is easy to grow blind branches, must be pruned off, otherwise the nutrition will be taken away by it! There is no bud at the top of the blind branch, there is only a pair of leaves, we must recognize it.

Rose cuttings:

The cutting temperature should not be higher than 30 degrees Celsius, otherwise it is easy to cause rotting roots and affect the survival rate of flowers and plants.

Hanging orchid

Gentle and quiet hanging orchid, in the summer on the "flower crazy", crazy growth, it is no exaggeration!

Pay attention to the growing environment:

The growth environment of the orchid is not restricted, where the lighting is good, water it frequently and keep the leaves and roots moist.

When changing the basin, apply base fertilizer at the bottom, and add organic fertilizer every month, which can effectively prolong the growth period of Cymbidium!

Tiger Pilan

Tiger Pilan is not only an expert at purifying the air, but if you raise it well, it will not be a problem to burst the basin in minutes!

Planting method:

Dry soil and then watering, to prevent stagnant water rotten roots, frequently add fertilizer organic fertilizer, in order to meet the requirements of the growth and development of tiger skin orchid, burst pot is not a problem!


Intercept the tiger skin orchid with two leaves and branches into the soil to keep the soil moist and nutritious. After a week, you can see the tiger skin orchid seedlings!

Green jasmine. Tiger Pilan is raised like this in summer and grows as crazy as hormones.

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