
The difference between big yellow croaker and small yellow croaker

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The difference between big yellow croaker and small yellow croaker

Many people will think that the big yellow croaker and the small yellow croaker are the same kind of fish. They think that the big yellow croaker is the big yellow croaker, the small one is the small yellow croaker, and the big yellow croaker is the name changed by the small yellow croaker when it grows up, and the small yellow croaker is the name of the young fish that the big yellow croaker has not yet grown up, isn't it? Let's take a look at the difference between the small yellow croaker and the big yellow croaker.

The difference of nicknames between big yellow croaker and small yellow croaker

1, small yellow croaker: small yellow croaker scientific name small yellow croaker, also known as small fresh, big eyes, color, small cucumber, ancient fish, yellow scale fish, small spring, golden dragon, thick scale, small yellow flower and so on.

2. Big yellow croaker: large yellow croaker, also known as yellow croaker, big king fish, big fresh, big yellow croaker, red melon, golden dragon, osmanthus yellow croaker, Dazhong, Hongkou, stone head fish, stone fish, cucumber fish, etc., is one of the traditional "four major seafood" (big yellow croaker, small yellow croaker, belt fish, squid).

The difference of nicknames between big yellow croaker and small yellow croaker

1. Small yellow croaker: the body of small yellow croaker is oblong, the side is flat, and the tail stalk is twice as long as its height. The head is large, the mouth is wide and inclined, and the upper and lower jaws are slightly equal. There is no need for the lower jaw, and there are 6 fine holes in the chin. The upper and lower jaws have fine teeth, the lateral teeth of the maxilla and the medial mandible are larger, but there are no canine teeth, the palatine bone and plough bone are toothless, the head and body are scaled by guide bars, the scales are larger, the lateral supra-linear scales are 5-6, the dorsal and anal fin strips are covered with small round scales, the anal fins are less than 10, and the two branches of the lateral canal are parallel but not equal, showing a long and short tube shape.

2. Pseudosciaena Crocea: the body of Pseudosciaena Crocea is elongated, laterally flattened, the body length is about 40cm to 50cm, the tail stalk is slender, more than 3 times the height, the scale is smaller, the dorsal fin starting point to the lateral line has 8-9 rows of scales, the head is larger, with a well-developed mucous cavity, the lower jaw is slightly protruding, the body is yellowish brown, the ventral surface is golden yellow, each fin is yellow or grayish yellow, the lips are orange, the swim bladder is larger, the front end is round, there are 2 white sagittal otoliths in the skull and 2627 vertebrae.

The difference of distribution between large yellow croaker and small yellow croaker

1. Small yellow croaker: small yellow croaker is widely distributed in the East China Sea, the Yellow Sea, the Bohai Sea and the west coast of the Korean Peninsula, mainly in the coastal areas of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong and other provinces. and affected by the Yangtze River runoff in the southern part of the Yellow Sea and the northern part of the East China Sea with a depth of 40m and 80m, it belongs to warm near-bottom fish.

2. Large yellow croaker: large yellow croaker is distributed in the coastal waters of Chinese mainland and the west coast of Korea from the middle of the Yellow Sea to the east of Qiongzhou Strait, and occasionally to the west of Leizhou Peninsula. the large yellow croaker along the coast of China can be divided into three populations: the South Yellow Sea-East China Sea, the Taiwan Strait-East Guangdong and the West Guangdong.

The difference of efficacy between big yellow croaker and small yellow croaker

1. Small yellow croaker: small yellow croaker is rich in protein, sugar, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, sodium, magnesium, selenium, vitamin An and other nutrients needed by the human body, and has high edible value. and no matter from Chinese traditional medicine or modern medical research, it is found that small yellow croaker also has high medicinal value, such as swim bladder has the effect of moistening lung, invigorating spleen, tonifying qi and blood. Gallbladder can clear heat and detoxification, calm the liver, reduce blood lipids, fish phosphorus can be used for pharmaceutical glue, testis can be used to extract protamine and arginine, and ovaries can be used to extract lecithin.

2. Big yellow croaker: the meat quality of big yellow croaker is good and delicious. Squirrel yellow croaker is a feast delicacy, most of which are sold fresh. Other fish are salted into "melon", washed and dried to make "yellow croaker" or canned. The swim bladder can be dried into valuable food "fish belly" and "yellow croaker glue". Vitamin An is contained in liver, which is a good raw material for making fish liver oil. Otoliths can be used as medicine.