
What does Lesser Snow mean by solar terms?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, What does Lesser Snow mean by solar terms?

Lesser Snow is the 20th of the 24 solar terms. On November 22nd or 23rd of each year, the sun reaches the longitude of 240o and enters the solar term. The northwest wind in vast areas of China begins to become a regular guest, and the temperature drops gradually to below 0 ℃, but the earth is not too cold. Although it begins to snow, it does not have much snow, so it is called Lesser Snow. Now let's take a look at the meaning of Lesser Snow's solar terms.

Climatic characteristics of Lesser Snow's solar terms

The temperature in Lesser Snow stage is lower than that in winter stage. When it comes to Lesser Snow's solar terms, it means that there will be snow in North China. The cold air makes the temperature in most areas of northern China gradually reach below 0 ℃. The average initial snow period in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River is basically the same as that of Lesser Snow. Although it begins to snow, the amount of snow is generally small, and the night freezes during the day. If the cold air is strong and the warm and humid air is more active, it may also snow heavily, and the northern part of the south will begin to enter winter. "there is no rain cover at the end of the lotus, and the chrysanthemum still has proud frost branches", which has shown the scene of early winter.

Lesser Snow's agricultural activities of solar terms

1. Leisure sideline: in Lesser Snow season, the weather is cold when the land is covered with snow and ice. In order to break the bad habits of cat winter in the past, we should not be lazy in farming, make use of our winter leisure time to engage in agricultural and sideline production, carry out winter fertilizer accumulation, fertilizer production, willow weaving and straw weaving in accordance with local conditions, and carry out ways to get rich from various channels. In order to rapidly improve the scientific and cultural quality of farmers, it is necessary to arrange sufficient time, do a good job in the propaganda and training of agricultural technology, and put the work of revitalizing agriculture through science and technology into practice.

2. Overwintering in fish ponds: during this period, it is also necessary to prepare and manage fish ponds for overwintering, and to manage well the overwintering fish ponds is the key to improve the survival rate of overwintering fish. Prepare the overwintering feed for large livestock in advance to ensure the survival of livestock over the winter.

3. Storage vegetables: after the Little Snow Festival in the north, fruit growers began to prune the fruit trees and wrap the stalks with straw foil to prevent the fruit trees from freezing. And winter vegetables are mostly stored by soil method, or cellar, or buried with soil, in order to facilitate consumption. As the saying goes, "Lesser Snow shovels cabbage, heavy snow shovels spinach". When cabbage is buried in deep trench soil, stop watering about ten days before harvest, do a good job of anti-freezing, to facilitate storage, and harvest in sunny days as far as possible. After harvest, the roots of cabbage were dried in the sun for 3 to 4 days, and then stored after the outer leaves of cabbage softened. The depth of the ditch is based on the height of cabbage. During storage, the root of cabbage is all downward and side by side in the ditch. When it is cold, it is mostly covered with cabbage leaves and corn stalks to prevent freezing. On the other hand, when semi-mature cabbage is stored, part of the water is put in the ditch, and the soil is released at the same time. The depth of soil and water should be buried in the root, and it will grow and mature when it is eaten.

What should Lesser Snow eat in solar terms?

1. Cured meat: there is a folk custom of "pickling in the winter and storing it in order to protect the winter". After Lesser Snow, the temperature dropped sharply and the weather became dry, which is a good time for processing bacon. After Lesser Snow's solar terms, some farmers began to make sausages and bacon, storing the excess meat in traditional ways, and waiting for the Spring Festival to enjoy delicious food.

2. Eating Zanba: in some places in the south, there is the custom of eating Zanba in the tenth month of the lunar calendar. Zanba is a kind of food made from steamed glutinous rice and mashed. It is a popular delicacy in some parts of southern China. In ancient times, Zanba was a traditional festival offering in the south, and it was first used by farmers to sacrifice cattle gods. As the saying goes, "October Dynasty, Zanba Luyao" refers to the sacrificial event.

3. Dried fish: when Lesser Snow was a fisherman on the coast of south-central Taiwan, fishermen would start drying dried fish and storing dry food. Schools of mullet will come to the Taiwan Strait before and after Lesser Snow, as well as swordfish, sand fish, and so on. As a Taiwanese proverb goes, October beans are so fat that they don't have a head, which means that in the area of cloth bags in Chiayi County, "bean larvae" can be caught in the tenth month of the lunar calendar.

4. Eating shaved soup: before and after Lesser Snow, Tujia people began their annual folk activities of "killing pigs to welcome the New year", which added a warm atmosphere to the cold winter. Eating "shaved soup" is a custom of the Tujia nationality. In the folk activities of "killing New year pigs and welcoming the New year", the delicacies made of fine fresh pork and meticulous cooking are called "shaved soup".

Lesser Snow's proverbs and ballads of solar terms

1. Hebei: "Little snow is all over the sky, there will be a bumper year in the coming year." This is the praise of peasant friends for Lesser Snow's snow during the solar terms, when the snow water can resist drought and cold.

2. Shandong: "Lesser Snow harvests onions, either empty or empty." Radish and cabbage, collected in the cellar. Wheat is irrigated in winter to preserve soil moisture and prevent freezing. Plant trees and collect tree species. Transform the waterlogged depression and control the water and mountains. Supporting water conservancy, repairing canals and digging wells. "

3. Henan: "the Beginning of Winter Lesser Snow, pay close attention to winter ploughing. Combine with re-sowing to increase the harvest. The land is turned deep and the soil layer is thickened. Press the sand and change the soil to kill the pests. "

4. Jiangsu: "the Beginning of Winter goes to wheat late, Lesser Snow accumulates fat."

5. Shanghai and Zhejiang: "the Beginning of Winter and Lesser Snow have a cold wind in the north, and the cotton, grain and oil crops are almost finished. Rape planting wheat to continue sowing, storage sufficient feed do not delay. "

6. Fujian, Guangdong: there were still crops in the field during the period of Lesser Snow, and there are proverbs to look up. There is a local saying in Fujian that "small snow spot green rice", which refers to late rice. In Guangdong, "Lesser Snow is full of red fields" and heavy snow is full of empty fields. "the so-called red here does not mean red color, but refers to a lot of farm work. At this time, late rice is harvested and wheat is sown."