
What does Frosts Descent mean?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What does Frosts Descent mean?

Frosts Descent is one of the 24 solar terms. Around October 23rd of the Gregorian calendar, Frosts Descent's solar terms mean that the weather is getting colder and the first frost appears. It is the last solar term in autumn, and it also means the beginning of winter. In Frosts Descent's season, health care is particularly important. There is a folk proverb, "it is better to replenish Frosts Descent in a year," which shows the impact of this solar term on us. Let's take a look at what Frosts Descent means.

Frosts Descent's Folk Customs

In some parts of China, Frosts Descent eats red persimmons in season. in the eyes of the locals, this can not only keep warm from the cold, but also replenish muscles and bones. It is a very good Frosts Descent food. The old man in Quanzhou said that when Frosts Descent ate persimmon, Frosts Descent would not have a runny nose if he ate persimmon. In some places, the explanation for this custom is that Frosts Descent should eat razor sticks on this day, or his lips would crack all winter. At this time, people living in rural areas will climb tall persimmon trees and pick a few bright and sweet persimmons to eat.

The origin of Frosts Descent's solar terms

Every year around October 23 of the Gregorian calendar, when the sun reaches the yellow longitude of 210 degrees, it is Frosts Descent in the 24 solar terms. Frosts Descent is the last solar term in autumn and the transitional solar term from autumn to winter. In the autumn evening, there is a lot of heat on the ground, and the temperature suddenly drops below 0 degrees. The water vapor in the air condenses directly on the ground or plants to form fine ice needles, some of which become hexagonal frost flowers, white and loose in structure.

"Frosts Descent" means that the weather is getting colder and the dew condenses into frost. In ancient China, Frosts Descent was divided into three periods: the jackals sacrificed animals, the plants were yellow, and the stings were salty. The jackals began to catch their prey, offering sacrifices to heaven as beasts, and offering sacrifices to autumn gold. The leaves on the earth were withered and yellow, and the stings were all motionless in the cave and lowered their heads to go into hibernation.

Frosts Descent and Agricultural production

Most parts of the north have already swept the end of the autumn harvest, and even hardy onions can no longer grow, because "Frosts Descent can't afford spring onions, the longer they grow, the more empty they will be." In the south, however, it is the "three autumn" busy season, with single-cropping hybrid rice and late rice harvesting, planting early stubble wheat, planting early stubble rape, picking cotton, pulling out cotton straw, and ploughing the soil. If you pull up all the straw all over the ground, there will be fewer insects and diseases in the coming year. After harvest, the straw and stubble should be harvested in time, because there are many overwintering eggs and germs hidden there. Chinese cabbage in North China is about to be harvested, so it is necessary to strengthen the management in the later stage. Frosts Descent season, most parts of our country have entered the dry season, we should attach great importance to forest protection and fire prevention work.

Frosts Descent is also a good time for sheep to breed in the Huang-Huai River Valley. As the agricultural saying goes, "Frosts Descent breeds Qingming milk and comes up to the grass when she is born." Ewes are generally in estrus in autumn and winter, and the duration of mating by rams is generally about 30 hours. like White Dew in the south, the weather is warm when the lambs are born, the grass is fresh and tender, the ewes are nutritious, the milk is sufficient, and they can milk the lambs well.