
What does Lesser Heat mean by solar terms?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What does Lesser Heat mean by solar terms?

Lesser Heat is the eleventh solar term of the 24 solar terms in the lunar calendar and the fifth solar term in summer, indicating the official beginning of the summer season. Lesser Heat's solar terms are handed over when the sun reaches 24 degrees longitude. Summer heat means hot. Lesser Heat is a little hot, but not very hot, which means that the weather is beginning to be hot, but it is not yet the hottest. Most parts of the country are basically in line with it. Crops across the country have entered a stage of vigorous growth, and field management needs to be strengthened.

Weather characteristics of Lesser Heat

The average temperature of Lesser Heat in the south is about 33 ℃. In the middle of July, the daily mean temperature is higher than 30 ℃ and the daily maximum temperature is higher than 35 ℃ in the low-altitude valley of southeastern China. In the northern part of the northwest plateau, frost and snow can still be seen at this time, equivalent to the scene of early spring in South China.

At the beginning of Lesser Heat, the Meiyu in the Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin ended successively, and the vast area north of the Huaihe River and Qinling Mountains in the east began the southeast monsoon rainy season from the Pacific Ocean, and the precipitation increased obviously, and the rainfall was relatively concentrated. South China, Southwest and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are also in the southwest monsoon rainy season from the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea, while the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are generally high temperature and little rain under the control of subtropical high. In some years, the cold air force in the north was still strong before and after Lesser Heat, and the warm air in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River was neck and neck with the warm air in the south, resulting in frontal thunderstorms. The thunderstorm in Lesser Heat's season is often the weather message of "inverted Huangmei", which indicates that the rain belt will remain in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River for some time.

Around Lesser Heat, most parts of southern China entered the season with the most thunderstorms. Thunderstorm is a severe weather phenomenon, which is often accompanied by strong winds and torrential rain, and sometimes hail, which is easy to cause disasters. In the eastern part of South China, Lesser Heat began to enter the summer drought period because he was often controlled by subtropical high and had sunny and hot weather. The climatic characteristics of drought in the east and waterlogging in the west in most parts of southern China.

The folklore of Lesser Heat

According to legend, "June 6" is the day when the Dragon Palace dries its robes. Because this day is almost on the eve of Lesser Heat, the day of the year with the highest temperature, the longest sunshine, and the strongest sunlight, every household will unanimously choose this day to "bask in". It is to hang the clothes stored in the cabinets outside to be exposed by the sun, so as to remove the tide, dehumidification, mildew and moth.

People say that "June 6" Baisuozi put on the house. Legend has it that the Altair and Vega in the sky are separated by the Milky way, and only the seventh day of July can meet in a year. But there is a Milky way among them, and there is no ferry. What should we do? Therefore, on the sixth of June, most children in the world will put the "Baisuozi" worn on their hands on the Dragon Boat Festival and let the magpies take it away, and build a bridge as beautiful as a rainbow over the Milky way, so that the cowherd and the weaver girl can meet.

Legend has it that this day is the day for the "little white dragon" to go home. Because "Little White Dragon" violated the law of heaven, he was imprisoned by the father of the Dragon King on a distant island and lost his freedom of movement. Only on the sixth of June, the Dragon King allowed him to go home to visit his mother. Because of the eagerness to visit its mother, "Little White Dragon" traveled day and night along the way, bringing thunder and lightning, stormy winds and torrential rain.

On the summer day, the ancients said: Fu means "hiding away from the heat". The sacrifice of the sun has been recorded as far back as the pre-Qin Dynasty. According to the ancient book, when sacrificed on the summer day, "its Emperor Yan Emperor, his God wishes fusion." Emperor Yan is said to be the sun god, and Zhu Rong is the fire god of his great-great-grandson. It is said that Emperor Yan asked the sun to send out enough light and heat to make the grain grow, so that human beings would not worry about food and clothing from now on. People thanked him for his merit and commemorated him at the hottest time. Therefore, there is the legend of "sacrifice to the sun".

Lesser Heat's Folk Customs

The sixth day of June is the "Tianya Festival". According to historical records, this section began in the fourth year of the Yuan Fu of Zhe Zong in the Song Dynasty. "gift" means "gift", that is, the festival of divine gifts. This is the reason why the emperors of the Song Dynasty gave their subordinates "iced noodles" and "fried noodles" in the summer days, so it is called Tianji Festival.

Two volts of radish, three volts can grow buckwheat, dumplings, two volts of noodles, three volts of pancakes scrambled eggs.

Eating dumplings on the head is a traditional custom. In the summer, people lose appetite and are often thinner than usual, which is commonly known as bitter summer, while dumplings are appetizers and appetizers in Shandong. Some places in Shandong eat raw cucumbers and boiled eggs to cure the bitter summer. Eat eggs in the morning and eat nothing else.

Xuzhou people eat mutton, known as eating sheep, this custom can be traced back to the period of Yao and Shun, there is a bowl of soup in Pengcheng Fuyang, there is no magic doctor to prescribe a prescription. Xuzhou people love eating sheep more than local folk songs: pick up girls on June 6, new wheat cake mutton soup. The custom of eating noodles on summer days began at least during the three Kingdoms period. Wei's Spring and Autumn period: eat soup cakes in the summer sun, take towels to wipe sweat, and the soup cakes here are hot soup noodles. At the age of Jing and Chu, it was written that soup cakes should be eaten in the summer sun in June, which is called evil in May, and evil should also be found in June.

In the summer days, you can also eat fried noodles on the surface of the water. The so-called fried noodles are fried dry and cooked in a pan, and then mixed with water and sugar, which was more common in the Han Dynasty than in the Tang and Song dynasties. Su Gong, a medical scientist in the Tang Dynasty who first cooked wheat grains and then ground noodles, said that fried noodles can relieve annoyance and heat and stop leakage.

In addition, there is a custom of improving diet for cattle in Linyi area of Shandong Province. Boil wheat kernel soup for cattle in summer. It is said that cows drink strong and can work without sweating: spring bull whip, steak bull (bull), wheat kernel soup, lick cow rice, lick cow drink without sweat, and last until June.

The Lesser Heat season is the second stage of rice cultivation in Taiwan, the seedling stage, the first stage of rice cultivation, the yellow maturity of rice, and the rich period of towel gourd, balsam pear, cucumber, and wax gourd. The sea area around Taiwan belongs to the warm water area, and it is also the warm water fish gathering period. There are small rolls of red d and other fish catches in the north of Keelung, while black sea bream can be caught in the freshwater area.

The so-called Lesser Heat eating mangoes means that this season is the mature and rich season of mangoes. The lotus fields in Baihe Town, Tainan County are rich in lotus pods and lotus seeds. Baihe Town, which is known as the home of lotus flowers, holds a Lotus Festival every year.