
What does Lesser Fullness of Grain mean by solar terms?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, What does Lesser Fullness of Grain mean by solar terms?

Lesser Fullness of Grain is one of the 24 solar terms, the second solar term in summer. its meaning is that the grains of summer crops begin to be full, but they are not yet mature, but Lesser Fullness of Grain is not yet full. It is Lesser Fullness of Grain when the sun reaches 60 degrees of longitude from May 20 to 22 every year. Let's take a look at what Lesser Fullness of Grain means by solar terms.

The origin of Lesser Fullness of Grain's solar terms

"monthly order 72 waiting for collection solution": "in mid-April, Lesser Fullness of Grain, things are so small that they are full." At this time, the grains of summer crops such as wheat in the northern part of the country have begun to be full, but they are not yet mature, about the later stage of milky maturity, so they are called Lesser Fullness of Grain. The agricultural proverb in the southern region gives Lesser Fullness of Grain a new meaning: "small discontent, dry broken field ridge", "small full of discontent, Grain in Beard does not care." The word "Man" is used to describe the surplus and shortage of Rain Water, pointing out that if the field is not filled with water when Lesser Fullness of Grain, it may cause the field to dry and crack, and even Grain in Beard will not be able to plant rice.

Climatic characteristics of Lesser Fullness of Grain

1. In the southern region: "Lesser Fullness of Grain is full of rivers and rivers" reflects the climatic characteristics of heavy rainfall and heavy rainfall in this area. Generally speaking, if the cold air in the north can go deep into the southern part of China at this time, and the warm and humid air in the south is also strong, then it is easy to cause torrential rain or torrential rain in South China. Therefore, the late stage of Lesser Fullness of Grain's solar terms is often the tense stage of flood control in these areas.

2. The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River: "Lesser Fullness of Grain does not fall, Huangmei is less" and "Lesser Fullness of Grain has no rain, Grain in Beard has no water". For the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, if Rain Water is too few at this stage, it may be that the subtropical high in the Pacific is weak and located to the south, which means that there may be less precipitation in Huangmei season. Therefore, there is a popular proverb, "Lesser Fullness of Grain does not fall, Huangmei is less", "Lesser Fullness of Grain has no rain, Grain in Beard has no water".

3. The middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River: "small discontent, wheat has a risk". During Lesser Fullness of Grain's solar terms, such a saying was still circulated in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River: "small dissatisfaction, wheat has a risk." This "one risk" means that wheat has just entered the milking stage at this time, and it is very vulnerable to dry and hot wind, resulting in insufficient grain filling, dry seeds and reduced production. There are many ways to prevent dry and hot wind, such as building shelterbelts, spraying chemicals and so on are very effective measures.

4. In the south of the Yangtze River, "I am so busy that I don't know him." the three cars here refer to water tankers, oil tankers and silk carts. At this time, the crops in the farmland need plenty of water, so the farmers are busy turning over the water on the water wheel, and the harvested rapeseed is also waiting for the farmers to go to Chung to make fragrant rapeseed oil, so the farm work in the field can not be delayed. But the silkworm babies at home should also be taken good care of. Around Lesser Fullness of Grain, silkworms will begin to form cocoons, and sericulturists are busy shaking silk carts for silk reeling. "Qing Jialu" recorded: "Lesser Fullness of Grain at first, silkworm women cooking cocoons, car reeling, day and night operation." It can be seen that the ancient Lesser Fullness of Grain solar terms when the new silk has been on the market, the silk market is about to become prosperous, silkworm farmers and silk merchants are all full of expectations, waiting for the day of harvest to come soon.

In addition, during Lesser Fullness of Grain's solar terms, the south of the Yangtze River is often full of rivers and lakes, and if he is dissatisfied, it must be a year of drought and little rain. There are many proverbs in this respect. For example, Anhui, Jiangxi and Hubei provinces have the saying that "little discontent, no water to wash dishes", Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou and other regions have "small dissatisfaction, dry broken farmland ridge", and Sichuan Province also has "Lesser Fullness of Grain does not go down." the saying that ploughs and harrows hang high. The word "Man" here does not mean that the crop is full of grains, but that Rain Water has more.

Lesser Fullness of Grain's solar terms farming

1. Wheat producing areas: at this time, it is appropriate to pay close attention to the prevention and control of insect pests in wheat fields to prevent the attack of dry and hot wind and sudden thunderstorm, gale and hail. In the south, we should pay close attention to the topdressing and cultivation of rice, and the harvest and drying of summer crops on a sunny day. During this period, we must pay attention to watering "wheat yellow water" and pay close attention to the prevention and control of insect pests in wheat fields so as to enhance the growth of wheat.At the same time, some effective wind prevention measures should be taken to prevent the attack of dry and hot winds and sudden thunderstorms and gales.

2. Rice producing areas: because "Xiaoman is planting rice seedlings" and "rice seedlings are running to small valleys and running to autumn", Lesser Fullness of Grain is the right season for rice planting. Whether the summer drought in South China is serious or not is directly related to the planting area of rice, and sooner or later, it is closely related to the per unit yield of rice. In central and western South China, there are often winter and spring droughts, and heavy rain comes late. In some years, heavy rain does not come until June, or even as late as July at the latest. In addition, Lesser Fullness of Grain's annual solar term rainfall is not much, with an average of only about 40 mm, and the natural rainfall can not meet the water demand for planting seedlings, which makes the summer drought in central South China more serious.

3. Vegetable farming

① continues to strengthen the cultivation and management of crops in the greenhouse, pay attention to ventilation, especially after the rain, uncover the film in time, and reduce the temperature and humidity in the greenhouse. At the same time, pay attention to strengthen the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests.

② should do a good job in the cultivation and management of open field vegetables, melons and fruits, timely topdressing, weeding, disease prevention and pest control.

4. Fruit tree farming

① citrus: continue to do a good job in flower and fruit protection and pest control, with emphasis on scab, resin disease (black spot), red spider, scale, leaf roll moth and other diseases and insect pests. Pay attention to drainage to prevent waterlogging and soil erosion.

② Waxberry: continue to do a good job of fruit protection and insect control as the center of management. Timely fruit thinning, to overcome the size of the year. The standard of fruit thinning is generally as follows: 3 fruiting branches are left in every 6 fruiting branches, 3 fruiting branches are removed, and 3 fruiting branches are left, and 2 fruits are left in each branch. Pest control refers to the previous solar term.

5. animal husbandry and agriculture

If the production needs of ① rabbit professional households, Lesser Fullness of Grain can also have a baby before and after, which can ensure the safety of young rabbits in summer. To keep the rabbit house dry, we should first do a good job in the cleanliness and hygiene of the rabbit house.

② strengthens summer forage planting (Mexican corn, forage sorghum).

③ continues to strengthen the work of mosquito and fly control, and insect repellent should be added to the feed.

④ continues to prevent the occurrence of Japanese encephalitis, parvovirus disease, and allergic dermatitis.