
What does Grain Rain mean?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What does Grain Rain mean?

Grain Rain is the sixth solar term of 24 solar terms. Grain Rain is the sun when the sun reaches 30 °longitude from April 19 to 21 every year, which originates from the ancient saying that "rain gives birth to a hundred grains". At the same time, it is also the best time to sow seedlings and order beans. Grain Rain is the last solar term in spring. The arrival of Grain Rain's solar terms means that the cold wave is basically over and the temperature picks up faster, which is greatly conducive to the growth of cereal crops.

Grain Rain's solar terms farming

Grain Rain is the last solar term in spring, when the seedlings in the field are first planted and new crops are planted, and Rain Water is most in need of nourishment, so it is said that "spring rain is as expensive as oil." At this time, Rain Water is relatively abundant in most parts of southern China at this time, with annual rainfall of about 30 to 50 millimeters in late April. The first heavy rain generally occurs at this time of year, which is beneficial to rice planting and the growth of corn and cotton at seedling stage. But in most of the rest of South China, Rain Water is less than 30mm, and irrigation measures are needed to mitigate the effects of drought.

The mountains of the Northwest Plateau are still in the dry season, and the precipitation is generally only 5 to 20 mm. The rainfall before and after Grain Rain in South China often "moistens everything silently as the spring breeze sneaks into the night", because "Bashan Night Rain" has the most opportunities in April and May. "the sky in Shu often rains at night, and the river sill is sunny." this kind of rainy and sunny weather at night is quite suitable for the growth of spring crops and the harvest of spring crops. Grain Rain's high temperature and frequent overcast and rain will lead to the occurrence and prevalence of diseases and insect pests in the three wheat fields. The vast number of rural areas should do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in the three wheat according to weather changes.

Weather characteristics of Grain Rain

In ancient China, Grain Rain was divided into three phases: "the first Hou was born in Ping Shi, the second Hou Mingdove brushed its feathers, and the third Hou Dai Sheng fell to Mulberry." After Grain Rain, the rainfall increased, duckweed began to grow, then the cuckoo began to remind people to sow, and then Dai Sheng began to be seen on mulberry trees.

Grain Rain, after the solar terms, the rainfall increased, and the rain gave birth to a hundred grains. The rainfall is abundant and timely, and the cereal crops thrive. In the southern region of Grain Rain season, "the poplar flowers fall to the end of the regular cry", the catkins fall, the cuckoo cries at night, the peony spits, the cherry is ripe, and the natural scenery warns people that it is late spring. At this time, the temperature in the south rises rapidly. In general, the average temperature in late April has reached 20 ℃ to 22 ℃, which is more than 2 ℃ higher than that in the middle of April, except in the northern and western parts of South China. Eastern South China often has a high temperature of more than 30 ℃ in one or two days, which makes people feel hot. Low-altitude valley belt industry to enter the summer.

The climatic characteristics of high temperature in spring in South China are beneficial to catch early in the cultivation measures of spring crops. The suitable temperature for planting red carp is 18 ℃ to 22 ℃, which can be satisfied at this time. The experience of the old arid area in South China has proved that planting red peel early after Grain Rain can seal the rattan leaves before the summer drought, enhance the ability of drought resistance, and obtain high and stable yield.

"before Grain Rain, he was good at planting cotton," and then said, "Grain Rain does not plant flowers, but his heart is like crabs." Since ancient times, cotton farmers have used the Valley Rain Festival as an indicator of cotton sowing, compiled into proverbs and handed down from generation to generation. Most of the weather proverbs of the Gu Yu Festival revolve around the center of rain without rain, such as "Grain Rain is gloomy and drizzly in summer", "Grain Rain rains, there is no dry soil for 45 days" and so on. In addition, Grain Rain's solar terms, such as high temperature and frequent overcast and rain, will lead to the occurrence and prevalence of diseases and insect pests of the three wheat. The vast number of rural areas should do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in the three wheat according to weather changes.

Grain Rain legends and allusions

There are twenty-four solar terms in the lunar calendar, and the sixth is the Valley Rain Festival. How do you say the word Grain Rain? Why use it as the name of solar terms? In order to understand the reason, we have to start from Changjie word-making.

After the epoch-making, mankind has gone through hundreds of thousands of years without words. In the era of the Yellow Emperor, a capable man Changjie came out of the court. Determined to make the world get rid of the suffering without Chinese characters, he resigned and went out, visited Kyushu, returned to his hometown Yangwu village, and was the only one who lived in a ditch where no one created characters. It took three years to produce as many words as a bucket of rapeseed. When the Jade Emperor heard this, he was greatly moved and decided to award Changjie a heavy prize. What's the prize? Awarded a golden man.

That night, Changjie was sleeping soundly when he heard someone shouting, "Changjie, come and receive the award." Cangjie opened his eyes vaguely, but he saw the room full of bright lights. He didn't know why, so he sat up and looked around hurriedly. It didn't matter at first glance, but I saw a golden man standing on the ground. He muttered to himself: how did this happen? where did you get this golden man? Is it a dream? Just thinking, the rooster crowed in the east and west, and soon after dawn, the golden man still stood firmly on the ground. He remembered the cry he heard in his dream and realized that the golden man was a prize given to him by the celestial gods. On second thought, I only did what I was supposed to do, and I didn't deserve such a reward. So he worshiped three times in the air as a token of gratitude to the gods.

The next day, he called the young men from the whole village to carry and push the gold men to the Huangdi Palace. When the Yellow Emperor asked about the origin of the Jin people, he only said that he had picked it up by accident and said that it was a thing in the world. It should be shared by the rest of the world. I picked it up by chance, but I didn't dare to own it. I came here to offer it. The Yellow Emperor was well aware of his noble personality and accepted it with a smile. However, four or five days later, when the Yellow Emperor and his ministers were watching the gold men, suddenly a glow came and the gold men disappeared. The Yellow Emperor felt very uncomfortable, but he could not figure out where the Golden Man had gone, so he sent someone to report the news to Cangjie.

However, he said that Cangjie was sleeping soundly, and in his dream he heard someone shouting, "Cangjie, you don't want the golden man who the Jade Emperor gave you a prize. What do you want?" In his dream, Cangjie said, "I want a good harvest of grain so that people all over the world can have something to eat." The man said, "well, I'll tell the Jade Emperor to take the golden man back and send you some millet." Hearing this, Cangjie woke up. When he looked out of the window, he saw stars all over the sky. Knowing that he was dreaming, he didn't think much about it and fell asleep again.

The next day, the weather was clear and cloudless. Cangjie was about to go out, but he saw grains falling all over the sky. The grain was thicker than rain, and it had been down for half an hour, and the ground was more than a foot thick before it stopped. Changjie, strange and happy, hurried out the door and saw that the grain was spread all over the village and covered with mountains and rivers. The villagers were also so surprised that they all gathered millet from their families.

At this time, Cangjie suddenly remembered the scene in his dream. Knowing that it was the reward given to him by the Jade Emperor, he hurried to read the Yellow Emperor newspaper. On the way, he met a man sent by the Yellow Emperor, explained the situation to each other, and went to see the Yellow Emperor together. After listening to Cangjie's report, the Yellow Emperor felt that Cangjie's service should be vigorously commended. So he took the day of millet rain as a festival, called the Valley Rain Festival, and ordered people all over the world to sing and dance on this day every year to thank God. Since then, the Valley Rain Festival has continued. People in Baishui regard this day as a festival to offer sacrifices to Changjie.