
Still watering succulent plants on time? If you don't master the skills, you will only grow more slowly.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Some flower friends always water the succulent plant on time. Just after the succulent plant is put on the pot, the soil is slightly moist. It is not necessary to water the succulent plant at a fixed time every day. The frequency of watering depends on the air humidity, weather and soil conditions.

Some flower friends always water succulent plants on time. Just after succulent plants are put on the pot, the soil is slightly moist. There is no need to water them at a fixed time every day. The frequency of watering should be determined according to air humidity, weather, soil conditions, and so on. Do not ignore these factors, otherwise it will be easy to rot roots or lack of water leaves become soft. In order to master the watering technology of succulent plants, we must first understand the dormancy habits of various species. More watering during the dormant period can easily lead to plant decay, such as dormant stone flowers in summer, and so on, the plant will immediately rot: dormant fairy balls in winter, if watered in winter, will cause root rot or susceptibility to freezing, although it does not necessarily rot in winter, but it will rot in spring.

Some people think that there is a lack of water as soon as they see some plants with red leaves, leaf tips and old leaves dry. In fact, this phenomenon may occur because the light is too strong, the basin soil is short of water for a long time, the root system is destroyed, the root neck is rotten, and the root neck is automatically repaired and scarred after being bitten by insects, resulting in poor water transport. Therefore, being familiar with the growth of plants is very helpful to master the watering technology. generally, plants with particularly exuberant growth and those at flowering and budding stage have higher requirements for water, and their watering should be timely as far as possible, while some old balls whose growth is basically stagnant, the number of watering is less.

It is necessary to master the principle of watering succulent plants: watering frequency should be low, watering as little as possible, if not dry, watering should be thoroughly; many novice succulent plants who do not die of drought are waterlogged to death because watering is too frequent. Spring and autumn watering, at the beginning of slow watering, the opposite depends on the soil and flowerpots, red pottery pots should be watered more, porcelain pots should be watered less, granules should be watered more, and non-granules should be watered less. in short, succulent soil should be kept moist in spring and autumn so that succulent plants can grow well. Summer watering, it is necessary to less watering, watering too much will easily lead to succulent black rot, less watering but nothing, so long as the summer does not let succulent root hair dry out.

In fact, to sum up, the principle of watering is very simple, just planted, do not water and do not bask in the sun, slow for ten days to two weeks, and then water. The principle is also very simple: watering is to replenish the water consumed by plants. Just planted succulent plants, due to root damage, almost suspended growth, so during this period of time except for the evaporation of water on the leaf surface, the loss is very little. Root water absorption is limited, if the rush to water, supply exceeds demand, it will naturally lead to rotting roots. Therefore, when the root system returns to growth, it is the best policy to start watering.

In addition, in the process of absorbing nutrients, the roots also continue to excrete acid metabolites to acidify the soil, which is not conducive to the growth of plants, so when plants grow to a certain stage, they must turn over the basin and change the soil. According to the variety and the size of the plant, it can be changed every 2 or 3 years (the seedlings of some varieties can even be transplanted several times a year). For most varieties, the basin is generally changed in the middle and last ten days of March, and combined with the change of basin for ramet culture.

For the conservation of hydroponic succulent plants, the water level and the location of roots are very critical, which also need to be classified according to the varieties of succulent plants. 2 rolls and magnolia with more developed roots can add more water to the container to let the roots completely soak in water. On the other hand, the root system of crassulaceae stone lotus is very few, and it does not need too much water, so the root system can just touch the water, leaving some space for the root system to reach down and absorb water by itself. and the glass bottle will evaporate the water in the sun and water it indirectly.

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