
What is the saying that sesame blossoms?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, What is the saying that sesame blossoms?

Sesame, also known as fat sesame, flax, etc., annual erect herbs, common food in life, so do you know the Xiehouyu about sesame? In fact, the common Xiehouyu about sesame seeds are sesame flowering, hiding watermelons in sesame piles, growing watermelons in sesame fields, and so on. Let's take a look at what sesame flowering allegorical sesame is.

What is the saying after sesame blossoms?

Sesame blossoms-- higher and higher. Sesame flowers are high one after another. it is used to describe the meaning that people are getting higher and higher and their lives are getting better and better.

What are the Xiehouyu of sesame?

Sesame cake-- a lot of ideas, sesame falls in the eye of the needle-- just as it happens, sesame face-- big skin, sesame lice-- mixed with lice, sesame stalk as the latch-- can't be scrutinized. Watermelons hidden in sesame piles-- big in small, watermelons in sesame fields-- big and small, rats in sesame fields-- popular, rotten watermelons in sesame fields-- count you.

Expansion: when do you say goodbye?

Xiehouyu is a special language form created by the Chinese working people in their daily practice since ancient times. it is a short, funny and vivid sentence. It is composed of two parts, the first part plays the role of "introduction", like the riddle, and the latter plays the role of "back lining", like the answer to the riddle, which is very natural and appropriate. In a certain language environment, usually say the first half, "Xie" to the second half, you can understand and guess its original meaning, so it is called Xiehouyu.

1. Homophonic category: homophonic Xiehouyu is the use of homophones or near-homophones to derive another kind of meaning from the original meaning. See this kind of Xiehouyu, often have to turn a few twists and turns to suddenly realize, so it is also more interesting. It is also reasonable for some books to include it in the category of "puns". For example, the empty coffin is buried-there is no one in the eye (tomb).

2. Metaphorical events: metaphorical allegorical sayings are analogies of objective or imaginary things. If you have some understanding of the characteristics and circumstances of Shebi, you can naturally understand the "answer to the mystery" in the second half of the story. For example, moving wood in the lane-straight, cold water noodles-does not make much progress, and so on.

3. Metaphorical category: metaphorical category Xiehouyu uses some or some objects and animals as an analogy. If you understand the nature of divination, you will be able to understand its meaning. For example, scalpers' shoulders and feet-irresponsible, pawn on the chessboard-can only advance, not retreat.

4. Stories: Xiehouyu generally quotes common allusions, fables, myths and legends as an example. The above two examples, as long as you know the story of Liu Bei and Lin Chong, you can know it by heart. For example, Liu Bei borrowed Jingzhou-- only borrowed but not returned, Lin Chong stick to beat Hong instructor-- only to see your flaws.