
What are the common underground pests?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, What are the common underground pests?

Underground pests refer to omnivorous insects that endanger the underground parts of plants, seeds, seedlings or near the soil surface at some point in their life or at some point in their life. there are many kinds of omnivorous insects, such as mole cricket, grub, golden needle worm, ground tiger, root maggot, root soil bug, root aphid, mimetic beetle, cricket, rice root leaf beetle, sugarcane root soil longicorn beetle and termites.

Mole cricket

Mole cricket is commonly known as farm dog, Lara cricket, grilled dog, local dog puppy, bark, etc., for incomplete metamorphosis, it takes about three years to complete a generation. Overwintering as adults or larger nymphs in soil holes, they began to move in April and May of the following year, and harmed the seedlings of corn and other crops. Nymphs gradually grow into adults and continue to harm corn. Overwintering adults begin to lay eggs in mid-June. It hatched at the beginning of July, the larvae gathered at the beginning of hatching, and the 3rd instar dispersed harm. It reached 8-9 instar in autumn and went deep into the soil to survive the winter. The recovery activity of overwintering nymphs in the second spring continued to endanger, reaching 12-13 years old in autumn and overwintering. Activities are harmful in the spring of the third year.


Grubs are the larvae of beetle shells, alias white silkworms, walnut worms, etc., adults are commonly known as golden beetles or beetles, endangering a variety of plants and vegetables. According to its feeding habits, it can be divided into three types: herbivore, fecal herbivore and saprophytic. Herbivore is widespread, harms a variety of crops, cash crops and flower seedlings, and likes to eat seeds, roots, tubers and seedlings that have just been sown. It is a worldwide underground pest with great harm.

Golden needle worm

Golden needle worms, also known as iron filariasis, iron stripe worm, and so on, are the larvae of kowtow worms, which endanger plant roots, stem bases, feed on organic matter, and feed on tobacco. The larvae live in the soil for a long time, mainly harming cereals, potatoes, legumes, beets, cotton and all kinds of vegetables and forest seedlings, can bite the seeds just planted, and eat the endosperm so that they can not germinate. if the seedlings have emerged, they can damage the underground parts of the whisker root, the main root and the stem, so that the seedlings die, the damaged part of the main root is irregular, and it can be eaten into the tuber and tuber.

Ground tiger

Ground tiger, also known as root-cutting insects, night burglar insects, commonly known as land silkworms, soil silkworms, etc., there are many kinds, agricultural crops cause harm to more than 10 species. Among them, the small land tiger, the yellow land tiger, the earth tiger, the white land tiger and the police-striped land tiger are particularly serious, all of which harm the larvae. The hosts and harmful objects are cotton, corn, sorghum, millet, wheat, potatoes, beans, hemp, alfalfa, tobacco, sugar beet, rape, melons and many kinds of vegetables. Seedlings of medicinal plants, forage grasses and forest nurseries are also often damaged.

Root maggot

Root maggots are omnivorous underground pests, mainly harming cotton, corn, potatoes, legumes, melons, cruciferous vegetables, spinach, onions, garlic and so on. They often drill into the stems of seeds or seedlings, or eat from the bottom up in the rhizomes, killing the whole plant and causing lack of seedlings and breaking ridges.


Crickets, also known as crickets, night worms and Zaoji, are important agricultural pests in Northeast China, North China, the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and South China, destroying the roots, stems, leaves, fruits and seeds of various crops, especially serious damage to seedlings. It also harms corn, jute, tobacco, cotton, soybeans and cassava, often causing a lack of seedlings and affecting the harvest.

Root soil bug

Root bugs, also known as wheat root bugs, occur in North China, Northeast China and Inner Mongolia, causing serious damage to corn, wheat and sorghum, as well as other gramineous crops, legumes, tobacco and so on. Usually, the sap is collected from the roots of crops such as corn, which makes the plant wilt and dwarf at the seedling stage, and the heavy ones can make the whole plant wilt and die at the filling stage.

Root aphid

There are many kinds of root aphids. Cotton root aphids mainly damage cotton, bean, broad bean, sweet pea, potato, tobacco, tomato, cabbage, turnip, sugar beet, wheat, oat, rye, millet and so on. The beet root aphid is harmful to adult aphids and nymphs concentrated in the roots, sucking sap, root atrophy, blackening or decay, yellow leaves and withered tops. Bean root aphid mainly harms the roots of bean, pea, broad bean, safflower bean, beet, potato, tomato, cabbage, turnip, shepherd's purse, carrot, wheat, oat, rye, millet, gladiolus, cotton and so on.

Pseudo-terrestrial nail

Ground beetles, also known as walking insects, pseudo-walking beetles, etc., larvae, also known as sand potential, are agricultural pests. Adults mainly harm wheat, cotton, hemp, legumes, sorghum, millet, peanuts, alfalfa and fruit tree seedlings. Larvae can damage the newly planted seeds and unearthed crop seedlings, and can also bite off the roots and stems of the seedlings, resulting in missing seedlings and broken ridges.


Termites have a wide range of food habits, and their nutrients come from plants, and take plant cellulose and their products as the staple food. generally speaking, termites are not important pests to crops in China, but they are still harmful to cash crops, sugarcane. At the same time, some termites harm trees and damage houses and river embankments.

Rice root leaf beetle

Rice root and leaf beetle, also known as rice root golden flower insect, the larvae concentrate on the rice root to bite the whisker root, the damaged rice plant grows slowly, the root is black, the rice leaves turn yellow, the effective tillers and panicle grains are significantly reduced, the whole plant dies in severe cases, and the damaged rice plant rises lightly. At the same time, a large number of larvae and pupae can be found attached to the rice root. In addition to harming rice, many kinds of aquatic plants such as paspalum, wandering grass, lotus, alisma alisma, Pleurotus ostreatus, Hedyotis diffusa and Euphorbia angustifolia are also available, among which Elaeagnus angustifolia is its important wild host.

Sugarcane root longicorn beetle

Sugarcane root longicorn beetle, also known as sugarcane longicorn beetle, sugarcane longicorn beetle, widely distributed in Guangxi, Guangdong, Hainan and Yunnan and other major sugarcane producing areas, mainly with larvae biting the root neck and main root of the host plant, resulting in the death of the whole plant.

Walnut root weevil

Walnut root weevil, also known as walnut transverse gully elephant, walnut yellow spot, etc., is distributed in walnut producing areas such as Henan, Shaanxi, Sichuan and Yunnan. The larvae damage the cortex of walnut roots, and the damage is more serious on the fertile soil around the village and the vigorous growth of walnut trees.