
Are spiders insects?

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Are spiders insects?

Spiders are also known as web worms, flat spiders, garden spiders, octopus, campytheca, wave silk, and so on. they are the general name of all species of arachnids, arachnids

Are spiders insects?

Spiders are not insects. Spiders belong to the arachnid phylum Arachnida, and taxonomically, insects belong to adjacent groups in the large family, because insects are defined as "three segments of the body, chest and abdomen, two pairs of wings and three pairs of feet, one pair of antennae, and the bones are wrapped around the outside of the body." the shape changes in a lifetime. Spiders do not conform to the above-mentioned insect characteristics, but like insects, they all belong to a large family of invertebrate arthropods, indicating that they have a lot in common. Many Westerners, including the famous Faber, classify spiders and scorpions as "insects", which fully shows that the relationship between them is very close.

What food do spiders eat?

Spiders are carnivorous animals with a wide range of food, most of which are insects or other arthropods, and sometimes prey on animals several times larger than themselves, such as South American bird spiders sometimes prey on birds, mice and so on. The spider has no upper jaw and does not directly swallow the fixed food. when the prey is caught with a net, the venom secreted by the venom gland in the chelate limb is injected into the prey to kill it, and the digestive enzymes secreted by the midgut are infused into the tissue of the prey torn apart by the chelate limb. it is quickly broken down into juice and then sucked into the digestive tract.

Species classification of spiders

1. Safari spiders: safari spiders are common spiders in hilly areas, which have a large population and strong predation ability, and play a very important role in controlling pest populations, such as high-footed spiders, white-forehead cancer spiders and so on.

2. Web-forming spiders: the most important feature of web-forming spiders is the behavior of web-forming, which secretes mucus through the protuberances at the tip of the silk sac. this mucus can be condensed into very fine silk as soon as it comes into contact with air, and the web made of silk is highly sticky and is the main means of predator. for insects that stick to the Internet, they will first inject a special liquid jujube digestive enzyme into their prey, which can make the insect coma, twitch, and even die. And make the body liquefied, after liquefaction to suck food, such as the new spider, black widow and so on.

3. Cave spiders: cave spiders like to hide in sand piles or caves and make webs at the mouth of the cave. the web itself is not sticky and is purely used to sense the size of prey and prey, such as bird-catching spiders, Chinese tarantulas, furrow hard-skinned spiders and so on.