
The best way to kill flies

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The best way to kill flies

Flies like to eat rotten and smelly dirty things. most foods that have crawled or bitten can pollute germs and viruses. people and animals can easily spread diseases when they eat them. The key measure to eliminate flies is mainly to grasp the environmental sanitation of livestock and poultry farms. For different stages of development, let's take a look at the best way to eliminate flies.

A common trick to ward off flies

1. Put some chopped onions, onions and garlic in the kitchen.

2. Lighting dried orange peel, spraying vinegar or putting tomatoes in the room can not only drive flies, but also eliminate odor.

3. Flies hate blue, so they can replace door curtains, screens and windows with blue ones.

4. There are more flies in summer. If you don't pay attention to the washed food, you will be bitten by flies and pollute the food. If you put a few washed onions on the washed fish, meat or bean products, you will avoid fly bites.

The best way to kill flies

1. Eradication of breeding grounds: in order to eliminate flies, the breeding ground must be controlled. It is important to grasp the hygiene inside and outside the livestock house, not to scatter livestock and poultry, and to accumulate manure in the storage tank, eliminate it in time, do harmless treatment, do not dump animal feces casually, strictly manage, eliminate breeding grounds, and do not allow flies to breed, which is the fundamental measure to kill flies.

2. Eliminate maggots: maggots are larvae of flies. The easiest way to eliminate maggots is to spray them regularly with 1% trichlorfon solution. The method of hot killing is also very effective, that is, to cover very hot bran ash on animal dung, but to close and cover strictly. Can suffocate maggots in the dung tank.

3, eliminate fly pupae: first, kill with water, can dig a small ditch around the breeding ground of maggots, maggots can fall into the water and drown when they crawl out after pupation. The second is the method of digging pupae. After shoveling the soil with a depth of 15 cm outside the maggot breeding place, use a small wooden clip to pick up the pupa and burn it or beat it with stone, and then compact the loose soil with lime and water, so as not to pupate into flies and then drill out. Eliminate the aftermath.

4. Eliminate flies: the more suitable method is to use sticky fly paper or 2% trichlorfon to be trapped and killed in sweetened rice or rotten fish and vegetables, to keep moist and enhance the toxic effect, but not to directly expose to the sun or rain. Trichlorfon or phosphos can also be directly sprayed to kill flies. It is hot in summer, when using electric fan for ventilation, you can add a few drops of essential oil to the fan blade, which can also effectively kill flies.

What are the natural enemies of flies?

1. Predatory natural enemies: including frogs, dragonflies, spiders, mantis, ants, lizards, geckos, insectivorous gadflies and birds. Chicken dung is the breeding organism of houseflies and stable flies, but there are often ferocious giant chelate mites and mite, which prey on fly eggs and maggots in feces.

2. Parasitic natural enemies: parasitic wasps, such as wasps and wasps, often lay eggs in fly maggots or pupae, and then take maggots and pupae after hatching. It was found that 60.4% of the pupa bodies dug up in spring were killed by parasitic wasps.

3. Natural enemies of microorganisms: Japanese scholars have found that Bacillus Morita can inhibit the breeding of flies.

What kind of plants are flies afraid of?

1. Nocturnal incense: also known as nocturnal incense tree, originated in tropical America. The leaves are heart-shaped with pilose edges, and between summer and autumn, clusters of yellowish-green bell-shaped flowers bloom in the axils of the leaves. When the treetops on the moon, it will float out bursts of fragrance, which scents mosquitoes and is a good mosquito repellent.

2. Lavender: a small blue-purple flower of Mediterranean origin, shaped like a spike of wheat and usually blossoms in June. Lavender itself has an insecticidal effect, so people make it into sachet and put it in the wardrobe, as well as in the bedroom, to ward off mosquitoes.

3. Pitcher plant: insectivorous plant, master mosquito catcher.

4. Qili incense: Qili incense is a small shrub evergreen all the year round, with umbrella-shaped leaves, bright leaves, dense white flowers and red fruits. The mosquito repelling effect is very good when touching its leaves.

5. Cordyceps: Compositae herbs with small yellow flowers, a plant can have hundreds of flower heads, and there is mucus on the periphery of each flower head. As long as a small mosquito falls on it, it will be stuck, and the corpse of the insect will slowly digest as its growth and nutrition. if dust falls on it, it will be digested without a trace after a few days, and a pot of insectivorous herbivores will be placed at home to catch insects and vacuum.

6. Fly plum: branches, leaves and flowers emit a sensitive smell of mosquitoes and flies, which has a strong mosquito repellent effect and does no harm to the human body.