
Rich bamboo leaves are no longer yellowed in this way, and neighbors envy them all the year round.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Fugui bamboo is a kind of indoor plant that is easy to raise. Many people like Fugui bamboo, not only because of its blooming, bamboo safety, ten thousand years bamboo, transporting bamboo, but also because of its slender stems and leaves and good-looking leaves.

Fugui bamboo is a kind of indoor plant that is easy to raise. Many people like Fugui bamboo, not only because it has rich flowers, bamboo report peace, ten thousand years bamboo, transfer bamboo, has a very good meaning, but also because its stems and leaves are slender, the leaves are very good-looking, many people and many families raise them. Raise such a basin at home, bring a trace of embellishment to home life, the ability to purify the air is also super, especially good-looking. But if you keep it, you will find that the leaves are getting more and more yellow. What's going on?

Raising rich bamboo at home can not only beautify the environment, but also purify the air. If the culture method is improper, the branches and leaves are easy to turn yellow. Next, the editor will talk to you about the breeding skills of rich bamboos in the family.

Temperature: the vitality of rich bamboo is relatively strong, and the most suitable growth temperature is in the range of 20 to 28. The light must not be too strong, half-overcast is the best. Winter temperature not less than 8 degrees can safely grow; if it is in summer, the temperature had better not exceed 33 degrees, the temperature is too high or too low will affect the growth of rich bamboo.

Lighting: from the growth habits of rich bamboo, rich bamboo is a shade-loving green plant, which needs sunlight but not too strong. Therefore, owners who raise rich bamboo at home can put it in a cool and ventilated place, and the cool indoor environment can promote the rapid growth of rich bamboo.

Nutrient solution: after rooting, you need to use some nutrient solution or compound fertilizer, usually once every three or four weeks. You can also add some brandy to promote the leaves of the plant to become greener. Not too much, not too much. Raising rich bamboo can not be like growing vegetables, more nutrient solution can grow more luxuriantly, this is wrong, multi-nutrient solution will lead to rotten roots, rich bamboo can not be absorbed. Breed with nutrient solution. Fertilize according to the growth of Fugui bamboo, topdressing should not be too frequent, once every 2-3 months.

Water quality: most of the rich bamboos are bottled, and the water quality is very important for water-raised plants. Do not take the water directly from the faucet, it contains too much chlorine. Tap water can only be left standing or exposed to the sun for two or three days. You can also use pure water directly. The water quality of cultured rich bamboos is very important. Tap water at home can also be kept for 24 hours before use to prevent chlorine in the water from affecting the growth of its roots.

Change water: during the period of rooting, the frequency of changing water is larger, and you need to change water about once a week. In order to take root, you can also use charcoal or a few iron nails. In about two weeks, the root will grow out. At this time, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of watering. Change every three weeks or so, because the plants prefer to adapt to the current water. If you change water too many times, it is easy to turn the leaves yellow, and if it is serious, it will wither. However, between changing water again, a small amount of water needs to be replenished from time to time.

Rich bamboo is raised in this way, the leaves are no longer yellow, and the neighbors are envious of them all the year round. Just share these. I hope it will be helpful to those who like to grow flowers. if you have any better suggestions, please feel free to leave a message below.