
Conservation methods of large flower canna

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Big flower canna, also known as red banana. The flower colors are milky white, yellow, orange, pink, bright red, purplish red and so on. The florescence is from June to October. Dwarf species are suitable for potted ornamental plants. Many people hope to cultivate such beautiful flowers by themselves. Next, the editor of Boqi Network will show you the conservation methods of large flower canna.

Big flower canna, also known as red banana. The flower colors are milky white, yellow, orange, pink, bright red, purplish red and so on. The florescence is from June to October. Dwarf species are suitable for potted ornamental plants. Many people hope to cultivate such beautiful flowers by themselves. Next, the editor of Boqi Network will take you to see the conservation methods of canna.

Large-flowered canna (details)

Big-flowered canna prefers sunny and warm climates and is not resistant to cold. The sandy loam which is fertile, deep, moist and well drained is required. It can grow all the year round in the south and there is no dormant period. In the north of the Yangtze River, the stems and leaves withered after the frost. At this time, you can first cut off the ground, then dig out the roots, dry them for a few days, and then bury them with dry sand in a cold room of 5: 7 ℃ for the winter. Stacking should not be too thick, with a height of 20cm to 25cm.

Because of its tall plants, it is necessary to provide adequate water supply during the growth period. But it is afraid of waterlogging, soil water is easy to cause decay, therefore, the land should choose sunny shelter from the wind and good drainage. Because of its exuberant growth and root system can reach about 70 cm in the soil, so the deep soil layer and fertile soil are important conditions to ensure its good growth and development. Canna canna has large flowers, long florescence and needs a lot of nutrients. Rational fertilization is the main measure to raise this flower well. No matter in the field or in the pot, the organic fertilizer with sufficient nitrogen and phosphorus should be applied as the base fertilizer before planting.

Compound liquid fertilizer should be applied several times during growth and flowering. After each fertilization, it is necessary to water and loosen the soil in time to loosen the soil, facilitate the development of root system, and make it have many flowers and luxuriant branches and leaves. If there is a lack of fertilizer or lack of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, the plant will be weak, with only long stems and leaves and little or no flowering. After each flower fade, the mullions should be cut off in time and liquid fertilizer should be applied to ensure the nutrients needed when blooming again.

Culture method of large-flowered canna: large-flowered canna has rich and colorful flowers and long flowering period (June to October). It is an excellent material for beautifying the courtyard, and its dwarf variety is suitable for potted plants. Soil is the basis of the growth and development of large-flowered canna, which has a great impact on the root growth, nutrient absorption and aboveground growth and development of canna. Large-flowered canna likes high temperature, developed roots, but shallow roots, mostly distributed in the surface layer from 15cm to 30cm, and likes slightly acidic, loose and fertile soil. It grows best in soil with loose and fertile soil, good drainage and ventilation. When planting, the loose soil made of organic manure and slightly acidic planting soil is most beneficial to its root growth and new bud tillering. Due to the shallow distribution of root system, the depth of turning soil is not strict when planting, which is about 15cm. The planting depth is from 2cm to 3cm at the top of the bulb covered with soil to keep the plant upright and not easy to lodge. 1. Fertilizer big flower canna likes fertilizer, when planting, apply sufficient base fertilizer, commonly used fertilizers are: loose organic manure (manure), peanut cake, urine, compound fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer and so on. The selection of fertilizer and the timing of fertilizer application should be determined according to the season and plant growth. Through practice, the first application of loose organic fertilizer in spring can effectively loosen the soil, supplement nutrients and maintain humidity, which lays a good foundation for the tillering of buds and the growth of plants in the future. The effect of organic fertilizer based on chicken manure (manure) is long, and the effect of loose soil is good, but the fertilizer effect is slow. at this time, in order to speed up and strengthen the fertilizer effect, we can apply a mixture of compound fertilizer and urea. The plants that enter the growth and flowering stage need to be fertilized continuously because of their fast growth and many flowers. It is observed that every 25 days combined with loose soil application of peanut cake or chicken droppings (dung) mixed with phosphate fertilizer, the effect is better. It contains more comprehensive nutrients, especially sufficient nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which can effectively promote the growth of flowers, deepen the color of flowers and make the leaves green. Its disadvantage is that the fertilizer effect is slow, which affects the tourism environment of public green space. In the process of operation, we use the method of covering soil after fertilization. The large-flowered canna enters the dormant period in winter, but the climate in Chaoshan area is warm. if properly maintained, the flowering period of the canna can be extended to the whole year, and attention should be paid to the supplement of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and the addition of plant ash in order to enhance the cold resistance of the plant. 2. Watering in the daily management and maintenance of large-flowered canna, water control directly affects plant quality, improper watering, too dry and too wet are easy to cause poor growth and even death of canna. Therefore, it must be timely and flexibly controlled according to the season and weather. The number of watering and the amount of water in a year are always variable and can only be operated by the observation of managers and the accumulation of rich experience. (1) watering in spring: when the temperature rises in spring, canna canna breaks dormancy, some leaf buds grow normally, water consumption increases, and the watering time is watering once a day. (2) Summer watering: summer is the peak growth period of canna, and it consumes a lot of water. It needs to be watered once a day in the morning and evening, and once a day during the plum rain season in June. It should be waterlogged in time in case of heavy rain, and the watering weight should be increased appropriately in July. If necessary, spray the foliar surface with water to reduce the temperature and increase the humidity. Keep the leaves clean and fresh. (3) Autumn watering: although the air temperature has dropped in autumn, the air is still very dry and the evaporation is very large, and the soil surface should be watered frequently to keep the soil moist. After October, the air temperature drops day by day, and the amount of water should be reduced as appropriate. The water content in the branches and stems of the plant is reduced, and the tissue is well developed to increase the ability of cold resistance. (4) watering in winter: in winter, canna canna grows slowly, even stops growing, and consumes very little water. Watering once a day, watering in winter should first be carried out when the temperature is high, the effect of watering in the sun is the best, watering is generally better at about 02:00 in the afternoon. 3. If the large-flowered canna planted in the mowing land has enough space to grow on its own, it can get correct plants, and there are many factors that affect the normal growth of the plant, such as yellow leaves and diseased leaves due to diseases and insect pests, or space competition so that part of the plant can not receive sunlight and lose its balance, or cold wind attacks in winter, or some leaves are burned by strong sunlight reflected from the building wall, and the new buds and tillers are exuberant in growth and flowering. It is easy to be too dense and need to be pruned to achieve complete plant shape and plump and moderate flowering. General pruning is flexible according to different seasons and plant growth. The period from March to October is the season for the growth and flowering of large-flowered canna. As the new bud tillers are extremely exuberant and plants are prone to overdensity, flowering plants, weak plants without flowers, diseased plants and degraded plants must be cut every three days. When a single variety is planted in pieces, we should also pay attention to the removal of variegated varieties, which is conducive to the germination and growth of strong buds, dwarf plants and make the flowers bloom neatly. According to practical experience, the number of flowering plants should be controlled at 10 to 15 plants per square meter (28 to 36 plants per square meter planted on the ground) so that they can blossom continuously throughout the year. The culture method of big flower canna, how to raise big flower canna

How to raise canna with big flowers? Introduction to the culture method of large-flowered canna: large-flowered canna likes sunny and warm and humid climate, and is not very cold-resistant; it is not strict with the soil, but because its roots can go deep into the soil above 70cm, it likes fertile soil with deep soil, moist and good drainage. Today, I will introduce the cultivation method of canna, and how to raise it.

Culture methods of large-flowered canna:

Large-flowered canna, with rich and colorful flowers and long flowering period (June to October), is an excellent material for beautifying the courtyard, and its dwarf variety is suitable for potted plants. Soil is the basis of the growth and development of large-flowered canna, which has a great impact on the root growth, nutrient absorption and aboveground growth and development of canna. Large-flowered canna likes high temperature, developed roots, but shallow roots, mostly distributed in the surface layer from 15cm to 30cm, and likes slightly acidic, loose and fertile soil. It grows best in soil with loose and fertile soil, good drainage and ventilation. When planting, the loose soil made of organic manure and slightly acidic planting soil is most beneficial to its root growth and new bud tillering. Due to the shallow distribution of root system, the depth of turning soil is not strict when planting, which is about 15cm. The planting depth is from 2cm to 3cm at the top of the bulb covered with soil to keep the plant upright and not easy to lodge.

1. Fertilizer application

Big flower canna likes fertilizer and applies sufficient base fertilizer when planting. The commonly used fertilizers are: loose organic manure, peanut cake, urine, compound fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer and so on. The choice of fertilizer and the timing of fertilizer application should be determined according to the season and plant growth. Through practice, the first application of loose organic fertilizer can effectively loosen the soil, supplement nutrients and maintain moisture, which lays a good foundation for the tillering of buds and plant growth in the future. The effect of organic fertilizer mainly composed of chicken manure (manure) is long, and the effect of loosening soil is good, but the fertilizer effect is slow. at this time, in order to speed up and strengthen the fertilizer effect, we can apply a mixture of compound fertilizer and urea. The plants that enter the growth and flowering stage need to be fertilized continuously because of their fast growth and many flowers. It is observed that every 25 days combined with loose soil application of peanut cake or chicken droppings (dung) mixed with phosphate fertilizer, the effect is better. It contains more comprehensive nutrients, especially sufficient nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which can effectively promote the growth of flowers, deepen the color of flowers and make the leaves green. Its disadvantage is that the fertilizer effect is slow, which affects the tourism environment of public green space. In the process of operation, we use the method of covering soil after fertilization. The large-flowered canna enters the dormant period in winter, but the climate in Chaoshan area is warm. if properly maintained, the flowering period of the canna can be extended to the whole year, and attention should be paid to the supplement of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and the addition of plant ash in order to enhance the cold resistance of the plant.

two。 Watering

In the daily management and maintenance of large-flowered canna, water control directly affects the plant quality, improper watering, too dry and too wet can easily lead to poor growth and even death. Therefore, it must be timely and flexibly controlled according to the season and weather. The number of watering and the amount of water in a year are always variable and can only be operated by the observation of managers and the accumulation of rich experience.

(1) watering in spring: when the temperature rises in spring, canna canna breaks dormancy, some leaf buds grow normally, water consumption increases, and the watering time is watering once a day.

(2) Summer watering: summer is the peak growth period of canna, and it consumes a lot of water. It needs to be watered once a day in the morning and evening, and once a day during the plum rain season in June. It should be waterlogged in time in case of heavy rain, and the watering weight should be increased appropriately in July. If necessary, spray the foliar surface with water to reduce the temperature and increase the humidity. Keep the leaves clean and fresh.

(3) Autumn watering: although the air temperature has dropped in autumn, the air is still very dry and the evaporation is very large, and the soil surface should be watered frequently to keep the soil moist. After October, the air temperature drops day by day, and the amount of water should be reduced as appropriate. The water content in the branches and stems of the plant is reduced, and the tissue is fully developed to increase the cold resistance.

(4) watering in winter: in winter, canna canna grows slowly, even stops growing, and consumes very little water. Watering once a day, watering in winter should first be carried out when the temperature is high, the effect of watering in the sun is the best, watering is generally better at about 02:00 in the afternoon.

3. Trim

If the large-flowered canna planted on the ground has enough space, it can get a correct plant by growing on its own. there are many factors that affect the normal growth of the plant, such as diseases and insect pests, yellow leaves, diseased leaves, or space competition so that part of the plant can not receive sunlight and lose its balance. or the cold wind attacks in winter, or because of the strong sunlight reflected from the building wall, part of the leaves are burnt, the new buds and tillers are exuberant in growth and flowering. It is easy to be too dense and need to be pruned to achieve complete plant shape and plump and moderate flowering. General pruning is flexible according to different seasons and plant growth.

The cultivation method of big flower canna, how to raise big flower canna is introduced here. I believe everyone knows something about the medicine Feiwang (chitin + avermectin). I hope the introduction of the editor will be helpful to you.