
The leaves of the iron tree are yellow. don't save them indiscriminately. Pay attention to the 5 points where the pots are green every year.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, There are many reasons for the yellowing of iron tree leaves, if it is caused by alkali soil, it can be irrigated with ferrous sulfate solution; if it is caused by discomfort in light, it should be replenished and shaded in time; if it is caused by discomfort in watering, it is necessary to ensure that it should be watered once in the morning and evening in summer.

There are many reasons for the yellowing of iron tree leaves, if it is caused by soil partial alkali, it can be irrigated with ferrous sulfate solution; if it is caused by discomfort in light, it needs to be replenished and shaded in time; if it is caused by watering discomfort, it is necessary to ensure that it is watered once in the morning and evening in summer and once every 10 days in winter; if it is caused by improper use of fertilizer, scientific fertilization is needed and thin fertilizer is applied frequently.

1. Acid solution

Reason: the growth of iron tree needs a slightly acidic environment, if the soil is slightly alkaline, it will cause the leaves of the plant to turn yellow.

Solution: weak acidic substances such as 500 times ferrous sulfate solution can be selected for watering and spraying once a week. After watering several times, the effect can be seen gradually.

2. Sufficient light

Reason: lack of light will lead to insufficient nutrition during the growing period, and the leaves will atrophy and turn yellow.

Solution: when there is plenty of sunshine, irradiate the plant under scattered light, do not always grow in semi-shade or full shade.

3. Proper watering

Reason: too much or not enough watering may lead to yellowing of leaves, if too much watering will lead to anoxic decay of roots and ossification and yellowing caused by poor growth; if the hypothesis is not enough, plants will turn yellow from bottom to top, from old to new leaves due to lack of water.

Solution: the dosage should be controlled when watering, water shortage should be once in the morning and evening in summer and once in about 10 days in winter.

4. Scientific fertilization

Reason: overweight or too little fertilization may cause leaves to yellowing.

Solution: fertilizer concentration should be lower, thin fertilizer should be applied more, if the concentration is too high or fertilization is too frequent, it is necessary to timely control fertilizer and watering; if the number of fertilization is less, the tender leaves begin to yellowing, pay attention to fertilizer, but do not apply thick fertilizer.

5. prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

Reason: red spiders, shell insects, leaf macula and yellow spots and other diseases and insect pests can also lead to plant leaves yellowing.

Solution: remove the diseased leaves, and then use carbendazim and other agents to spray and sterilize in time.