
It is not rigid to grow flowers with this kind of water in summer.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Now many people will raise some flowers, can decorate the home, but also can not do without watering, most flower friends directly choose to use tap water to water flowers, before long pot soil begins to harden, plants begin.

Now there are many people who can raise some flowers, which can decorate their homes and nourish their feelings, but they cannot grow without watering. Most flower friends directly choose to water the flowers with tap water. Before long, the soil begins to harden, and the plants begin to grow poorly. It is more troublesome to change pots for them.

Today, Hua er will introduce you to a kind of "water", which is much easier to use than tap water, and every family has it, which is used to grow flowers, flourish and grow luxuriantly, but not rigid!

This kind of water is the condensed water of the air conditioner. If the air conditioner is turned on almost all day and night in summer, a large amount of condensed water will be produced. This kind of water is "soft water" in disguised form, which is relatively pure and free of impurities. It is used to water flowers without hardening the soil.

In summer many flowers will appear a large dry tip yellow leaves, seriously affecting the ornamental effect, so before watering, you can first put a rusty iron nail or iron block to increase iron elements to prevent dry tip yellow leaves, and then put in a little aspirin tablets, 1L of water into 1x4, grind into the powder and stir evenly, provide vinyl salicylic acid, promote plant absorption of nutrients, and maintain exuberance.

Can be used after 2-3 days, watering supernatant, can be irrigated once a week, such as green pineapple, hanging orchid, happiness tree, rich tree, etc., can grow very exuberant, green leaves.

This condensed water can not only be used for watering, but also can be used to clean the leaves. When mixed with beer at 100 per cent, it can be poured directly into a fine nozzle pot, then sprayed on the branches and leaves, or wiped with a damp cloth to make the leaves more green and shiny.

Condensed water flower cultivation is introduced here, flower friends have other additions, you can share with you in the comment area below, oh, if you want to know more about flower cultivation, you can pay attention to flowers!