
The difference between Cornus officinalis and Evodia rutaecarpa

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The difference between Cornus officinalis and Evodia rutaecarpa

Cornus officinalis and Evodia rutaecarpa are Chinese herbal medicines with different taste, meridian tropism, efficacy and use. in clinical use, the two can not be confused and can not be replaced with each other. Let's take a look at the differences between them.

Cornus officinalis

Cornus officinalis is the dried and mature pulp of Cornaceae plant Cornus officinalis, distributed in Shanxi, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Shandong, Henan, Hunan, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Gansu and other places. It is often used for vertigo tinnitus, waist and knee pain, impotent semen, frequent enuresis, collapse and leakage, sweating, internal heat and thirst, etc.

Evodia rutaecarpa

Evodia rutaecarpa is the dry and nearly mature fruit of Evodia rutaecarpa, Evodia rutaecarpa or Evodia rutaecarpa. It has the effects of relieving cold and relieving pain, reducing adverse reactions and stopping vomiting, helping yang and stopping diarrhea. It is often used for Jueyin headache, cold hernia and abdominal pain, cold and wet beriberi, menstrual abdominal pain, epigastric pain, vomiting and swallowing acid, Wudeng diarrhea and so on.

The difference between Cornus officinalis and Evodia rutaecarpa

1. The nature and taste are different: Cornus officinalis is sour, astringent and lukewarm. Evodia has a pungent, bitter, hot and poisonous taste.

2. The meridians are different: Cornus officinalis belongs to the liver and kidney meridians. Evodia belongs to the meridians of liver, spleen, stomach and kidney.

3, the effect is different: Cornus officinalis has the effect of tonifying liver and kidney and astringent essence. Evodia rutaecarpa has the effects of dispelling cold and relieving pain, reducing adverse reactions and stopping vomiting, helping yang and stopping diarrhea.

4. Different indications: Cornus officinalis is often used for vertigo and tinnitus, waist and knee pain, impotent spermatorrhea, frequent enuresis, avalanche zone, sweat collapse, internal heat and thirst, etc. Evodia rutaecarpa is often used for Jueyin headache, cold hernia and abdominal pain, cold and damp beriberi, menstrual abdominal pain, epigastric pain, vomiting and swallowing acid, Wudeng diarrhea and so on.

5, the appearance is different: Cornus officinalis is irregular flake or saccate, the surface is purplish red to purplish black, wrinkled, shiny, some at the top have round persistent calyx marks, the base has fruit pedicel marks, soft. Evodia rutaecarpa is spherical or slightly pentagonal oblate, 2mm in diameter, the surface is dark yellowish green to brown, rough, there are many punctate protuberances or concave oil spots, the top has pentagram-shaped fissures, the base is covered with yellow furry fruit stalks, hard and brittle, cross section can be seen ovary 5-loculed, each locule has a yellowish seed, fragrance is rich.