
The 10th Cross-Strait Book Fair opened on October 17.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The 10th Cross-Strait Book Fair will be held in Taiwan from October 16 to October 23, 2014. Among them, the main exhibition venue in Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall will be held from October 17 to 19. In Kaohsiung, Taichung, Tainan and.

The 10th Cross-Strait Book Fair opened on October 17.


The 10th Cross-Strait Book Fair will be held in Taiwan from October 16 to October 23, 2014. Among them, the main exhibition venue in Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall will be held from October 17 to 19. Sub-venues for cross-strait book exhibitions and sales have been set up in four counties and cities, including Kaohsiung City, Taichung City, Tainan City and Pingtung County, from October 18 to 24. The opening ceremony of the 10th Cross-Strait Book Fair was held at 10:00 in the morning at the Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall, the main venue in Taipei.

The Cross-Strait Book Fair, founded in Xiamen in 2005, is the only professional fair for cross-strait publishing exchanges co-sponsored by the publishing industry on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and held annually between Xiamen and Taipei. so far, it has successfully held nine sessions on both sides of the strait. The exhibition area of the former 9th Cross-Strait Book Fair reached 150000 square meters, with 4800 exhibitors and publishers on both sides of the strait, 6500 booths, a total of 7.3 million books of 1 million kinds, and a retail order of 285 million yuan on the spot. 1103 copyright trade and cooperation projects have been reached.

The cross-strait book fair has developed into a publishing exchange activity with the highest specification, the largest scale and the richest content on both sides of the strait, and has become an important platform for emotional communication among the publishing circles on both sides of the strait. the important window for the display of achievements, the important bridge for exchange and cooperation, and the important brand for industrial development have been enthusiastically participated by the book industry on both sides of the strait and are generally welcomed by readers on both sides of the strait.

The 10th Cross-Strait Book Fair is jointly sponsored by the China Publishing Association, the Xiamen Municipal people's Government, the Fujian Provincial Bureau of Press, publication, Radio, Film and Television, the Taiwan Book Publishing Industry Association, the Taiwan Book Distribution Association and the Taipei Publishing Business Association. It is jointly undertaken by Zhejiang Press, publication, Radio, Film and Television Bureau, Xiamen Culture, Radio and Television Press and Television Bureau, Straits Publishing Group Co., Ltd., Xiamen Waitu Group Co., Ltd., Beijing Shuyou Family Cultural Exchange Co., Ltd. and Taiwan Book Publishing Industry Association, the executive agencies are Taiwan Book Publishing Industry Association and Xiamen Waitu Group Co., Ltd.

I. participation of publishing circles on both sides of the strait

At the invitation of the Taiwan Book Publishing Industry Association, Song Mingchang, consultant of the China Publishing Association, served as the general head of the mainland visiting delegation. A total of 256 members of the mainland visiting delegation have arrived in Taipei one after another from 16 cross-strait direct shipping cities on the mainland. Together with Taiwan's book industry colleagues, they will jointly participate in the 10th Cross-Strait Book Fair. A total of 202 mainland publishing houses (including 15 publishing groups and 38 independent publishing houses) and 22 libraries have signed up to participate in the fair, covering 17 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions). Nearly 100000 kinds of mainland books were exhibited and sold, with a total of 310000 copies, or about 17 million yuan.

During the 10th Cross-Strait Book Trade Fair, the mainland delegation will conduct in-depth exchanges with Taiwan publishing colleagues in various fields and links of the publishing industry, such as cross-strait book trade, copyright trading, content acquisition and editing, publishing and printing technology, publishing and distribution marketing management, etc., learn from the digital transformation mode and diversified development ideas of the publishing industry on both sides of the strait in the Internet era, and discuss the close cooperation between the publishing industry on both sides of the strait. Integrate resources, seek new business opportunities to jointly expand the world Chinese book market, and promote the common development of the publishing industry on both sides of the strait.

II. Setting up major active projects

The 10th Cross-Strait Book Fair held a total of 37 activities, of which 16 were the main activities. 1, book display and sales; 2, Zhejiang province publishing achievements exhibition; 3, library procurement and subscription, organize communication and exchange of library professionals on both sides of the strait; 4. Cross-strait book copyright trade, set up copyright trade zone, promote cross-strait copyright transaction negotiations and cooperation 5. At the Cross-Strait Publishing Summit Forum, experts and scholars from both sides of the strait will take "Exchange, Cooperation, Development and Prosperity" as the theme. In-depth discussion on new ideas and developments for strengthening cross-strait publishing cooperation; 6. Signing ceremony of cross-strait publishing cooperation projects; 7. Cross-strait book display and sales at Kaohsiung branch venue; 8. Cross-strait book display and sales at Taichung branch venue; 9. Cross-strait book display and sales at Tainan branch venue. 10, Pingtung County branch venue cross-strait book display and sales; 11, Taipei main venue "Beautiful Fujian" photo exhibition; 12, Kaohsiung branch venue "Beautiful Xiamen" photo exhibition; 13. Book signing activities for well-known writers from both sides of the strait. Invite 25 writers from both sides of the strait to sign and hold lectures; 14, cross-strait library resources construction symposium; 15, cross-strait publishing industry project cooperation and docking activities 16. The 10th Anniversary Achievement Exhibition of the Cross-Strait Book Fair.

III. Schedule of major activities

From 10:00 to 10:40 on October 17th, the opening ceremony of the 10th Cross-Strait Book Fair was held in area An of the Taipei World Trade Center. At the same time, the winning results of young writers from both sides of the strait participating in the Dragon Youth Literature Award were announced and awarded.

From 10:50 to 11:20, the opening ceremony of Zhubin Province was held in the exhibition area of Zhejiang Province in area An of the first World Trade Center in Taipei. Before and after the opening of the museum and during the exhibition, the inheritors of the mainland's intangible cultural heritage will demonstrate the wood carving techniques in Dongyang City, Zhejiang Province, and the production techniques of Xiashi Lantern in Haifu City, Zhejiang Province. Zhou Yan, first-class actress of Zhejiang Xiaobihua Yue Opera Troupe, and Li Xiaowen, first-class actress, will bring authentic Yue opera playing and singing programs. A photo exhibition of Hangzhou West Lake and the Grand Canal, a world cultural heritage site, will also be held in Taiwan for the first time.

From 11:30 to 12:00, a signing ceremony for cooperation in cross-strait publishing projects was held at the stage of the opening ceremony of area An of the World Trade Center in Taipei. A total of 6 cross-strait publishing cooperation projects have been signed. They are: "General Collection of Classics and documents of Chinese Folk beliefs and Folk Culture since the Ming and Qing dynasties" authorized signature in the mainland, exclusive agent signing in the mainland of the duplicates of "Treasure cases of all dynasties", the National Palace Museum collection of 62 copies of "Yongle Dadian" high simulation this Chinese mainland regional museum allocation license, Beijing copyright Agency Co., Ltd. and the all-Federation of Taiwan Publishing Merchants Association signed a cooperation agreement. Bi Shumin, vice chairman of the Beijing Writers' Association, signed a contract with Taiwan's Metropolitan Cultural undertakings Co., Ltd. "May you embrace the world warmly" and signed a cooperation agreement with Taiwan's hometown Culture Society on the selection and compilation of the Classic works of Taiwan's 50 Yuan Writers.

From 14:00 to 16:45, a cross-strait publishing summit forum with the theme of "Exchange, Cooperation, Development and Prosperity" will be held in Conference Room 3 on the second floor of the first floor of the Taipei World Trade Center. More than 100 people from publishing circles on both sides of the strait will gather together to conduct in-depth discussions on a number of issues of cross-strait publishing cooperation. Zhu Yongliang, vice president of Zhejiang Publishing United Group, Zhang Shuyan, general manager of Xiamen Dalongshu Culture and Media Co., Ltd., Lin Zaijue, publisher of Taiwan Lianjing Publishing Co., Ltd., and Yu Guoding, chairman of Taiwan e-Book Association, were invited to give speeches. The speakers on both sides of the strait were Jiang Dade, deputy director of the Fujian Provincial Bureau of Press, publication, Radio, Film and Television, and Chen Benyuan, chairman of the Taiwan Book and Publishing Association.

From October 17 to 19, more than 20 signing lectures for writers from both sides of the strait were held at the main venue in Taipei. From 14:00 to 16:45 on the 17th, the first appearance will be "Twelve classes not taught at School" by Zheng Chunyue, a writer from Taiwan's Hakka Publishing House. Luo Yaxuan's "Doll with broken Clockwork" will also hold reading lectures and book signing activities.

Ye Yonglie, a mainland writer who has been writing all his life, is a popular science writer and reportage writer widely known to mainland readers. he was a director of the World Science Fiction Association and honorary chairman of the Hong Kong overseas Literary Federation. Ye Yonglie, who is 74 years old this year, will be invited to Taiwan from 11:00 to 11:50 on October 18 to perform at the World Trade Center in Taipei, bringing Taiwanese readers the signing of their latest work, "knocking on the door of Taiwan's celebrities," with its unique perspective. share with readers their experiences in traveling around Taiwan in recent years and their experiences about Taiwan's local conditions and customs.

Comic author Yao Feila, who first became a contracted comic writer, founder and pioneer of mainland story comics, founded the most influential cartoon team on the mainland, including Yu Yanshu and Xia Da. Yao Feila's cartoon work "Ghost blowing the Lantern" has entered the Japanese comic book market in a high profile. The urban love cartoon "80 ℃" is being serialized at present. "80 ℃" booklet 1-6 has been officially released in the mainland, and the comic book "Pig Tou Comic classroom", a kind of cartoon technique teaching, is serialized in the professional comic magazine Cartoon Artist. In addition, the mainland delegation also organized other colorful cultural activities.

From 10:00 to 10:50 on October 18, an inspiration collision and creative exchange meeting was held between Yao Feila, a veteran cartoonist from the mainland, and Fang Wenshan, a gold medal lyricist and director in Taiwan's discourse music scene, at the Zhejiang Zhubin Provincial Exhibition area in area An of the World Trade Center in Taipei.