
What are the skills of fishing crucian carp in winter?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What are the skills of fishing crucian carp in winter?

After the Beginning of Winter, the winter in the real sense came, the cold air invaded frequently, the weather gradually turned cooler, and crucian carp spent the winter in groups hiding under obstacles with high water temperature in deep water areas, which created a good prerequisite for winter fishing of crucian carp. Large crucian carp, which are usually difficult to catch, are often caught at once in winter. Although it is difficult to fish crucian carp in winter, choosing the right fishing spot, bait and the right fishing time can also achieve a bumper harvest, and the catch is no less than that in other seasons. Winter fishing crucian carp, as long as master the following ten, it is not difficult to get a bumper harvest.

It is not advisable to give up Yin when fishing crucian carp in winter.

The well-known proverb "Winter Diaoyang" is usually understood to have two basic concepts: one refers to the days when the sun shines in winter, and the other refers to the unsheltered sunny water at any time in winter.

However, through practice, the former is understandable, while the latter is somewhat one-sided. In other words, fishing to the sunny water surface, it should only be when the sun shines, it will appear warmer than the shady place, so the fish are easy to gather and fish. But from a dialectical point of view, even if there is the sun, it can be disturbed by the infiltration of the cold air of the whole atmospheric circulation before sunrise because of the cold fog and especially the absence of the sun. the water temperature here is not as good as some sheltered shady places such as bends with mountains, dense forests with grass, tall buildings and so on. It is for this reason, according to the living conditions and activities of fish, at this time, they will not go to the sunny surface of the "worst-hit area" to nest, but to sneak into the shadowy "natural habitat" to hide. Therefore, when choosing the favorable position of "Winter Diaoyang" in winter, we should not give up timely "Diaoyin" in order to be more scientific, more practical and more fruitful.

Choose good weather for fishing crucian carp in winter, not for sudden cold fishing

Fish belong to cold-blooded animals, so once the water temperature of the living environment changes under the influence of air temperature, its whole living habits will change accordingly.

It is for this reason that the above-mentioned "winter main fishing crucian carp" does not mean that crucian carp can be caught at any time in this season. If it is really relatively easy to fish, you have to choose a "sunny day" in winter, especially if you have sunny weather for about a week in a row, the temperature will be more stable, and the water temperature of 12: 15 degrees in the morning and evening will be more persistent. As the saying goes, "it is cloudy in autumn and sunny in winter, and five days of sunshine is like fishing in spring." if you encounter such rare sunny weather in winter, it is the best time to fish crucian carp.

Of course, in cloudy days in winter and even colder snowy days, as long as the constant temperature of the water area for quite a period of time is not lower than 5 degrees below the minimum critical feeding water temperature of crucian carp, it will be congenital "sleep" rather than "death" and still bite the hook. However, if the air is suddenly cold, causing the water temperature to suddenly drop below 5 degrees, at this time, the fish will feel particularly uncomfortable because of this unexpected conditioned reflex and form an acquired "panic disorder" that will temporarily stop feeding. Therefore, many experienced anglers, after the Beginning of Winter every year, often use the fishing concept of "do not want to fish grass crucian carp in winter, but also have a rest in sudden cold crucian carp gnawing" to arrange their own time for activities, and when they encounter sudden cold weather, even if they are idle at home, they don't want to go fishing.

The water level of fishing crucian carp in winter should be appropriate, not too deep.

"Deep fishing in winter" is also a basic common sense in fishing and a habit of many anglers. However, if we simply understand "deep" as some people say, "hide a big crucian carp in deep water, the deeper the better," it will seem a bit one-sided and out of touch with reality. Because although the water temperature is "deep" in summer, "cool" in winter and "warm" in winter, it is relatively suitable for the living environment of fish, but the deeper the water is, the less oxygen will be dissolved. According to the relevant data of ichthyology and the experience of the predecessors in the fishing industry, it is shown that even the more hardy crucian carp and carp In winter, it is most suitable for its living environment to live only at a depth of 4 to 6 meters, but not as deep as possible, especially when crucian carp swim to some shallower places at noon on a sunny day. Of course, the so-called "shallow" here is not as shallow as spring seed production, at least at about 2.5 meters, is their hiding place.

In fact, according to the mantra that "the water level is not deep, fish is the key", it also includes one-sided words such as "deep fishing in winter". Therefore, the selection of fishing positions in winter, if not depending on the situation, only deliberately catch very deep, often will not be so successful.

The feed for fishing crucian carp in winter is fragrant and should not be too light.

To a certain extent, "bait" is more important than "bait". As the saying goes, "there is fish in the nest by fishing skills, but there is no fish in the nest by lure." Especially in the case of less swimming and lazy fish in winter, the bait should not only pay attention to strong fragrance, but also pay attention to fresh colors, with "fragrance" and "color" to stimulate the fish's sense of smell and vision, in order to "strongly" lure the fish into the nest. For example, good baits such as red "musk rice" of commercial bait, yellow and traditional bait white medicinal rice, mash mixed with rice (dry) rice, and so on, are all quite good, but they should be fed in the right amount first, and then replenished less.

Insects are used for fishing crucian carp bait in winter, not pasta type.

Freshwater fish eating habits, generally have summer and autumn partial "vegetarian", winter and spring partial "meat" hobby, so there is a fishing proverb said "the Beginning of Summer noodle bait fishing grass carp, winter earthworms good fishing crucian carp." The reason why the worm bait for winter fishing, especially earthworms, is better than red worms, meat maggots and wigglers, it is not only because it contains high eggs and a special flavor, but also because when it is used as a whole, it keeps rolling and wriggling on the fish. it's easier to be found by fish and it's quite seductive.

On the contrary, if you use powder noodle vegetarian bait, in addition to the special amusing effect of earthworms, it also lies in that if it is too loose and soft, before the less swimming and lazy fish bite into the nest, it may fall off and atomize long ago. Although this situation can be avoided if it is rigid, the fish like to touch and gnaw such a "dead pill" very much. Therefore, the best bait in winter is earthworms, but must adhere to the live use, and because of the small "bite" of crucian carp in winter, we should also pay attention to picking the big and abandoning the small, generally there is the most suitable match stick thickness, the bait body fat will be bloated in the hook bend, blocking the hook door and affecting the hook tip to pierce the fish mouth smoothly, it will often produce the phenomenon that "a meal" can not be caught in the fish.

It takes a long time to catch crucian carp in winter, so it is not suitable to change nests frequently.

In winter, because the fish are in the "hibernating" state of swimming less and moving lazily, after feeding the nest, even if the best bait, which belongs to the bright color and strong fragrance, can stimulate its sense of smell and vision, it will take at least two hours or even longer for the fish to enter the nest. During this period, if the anglers want to respond to the fish news in 20 to 30 minutes according to the "fish search" in spring and autumn, it is obviously too hasty, and if they change their nests frequently, they will often "the fish will come and the fish will disperse." The more frequently you change, the more annoying you get. East and west, bustling at both ends. In this nest and that nest, the fish scales are missing.

In practice, the way to master the time of changing nests for winter fishing is: Jiawo, from feeding to trial fishing for about two hours, if you don't see any reaction from drifting, you can consider sprinkling the second nest that has been fed at the same time; when there is no fish signal for 30 minutes and 40 minutes after the trial fishing in the second nest, switch to the third nest, so go down and try fishing one by one. When you find out that there is a fish in a nest, even if you catch one every now and then, it is best not to "empathize with someone else". Winter, after all, is winter, and then again, it is no more than this, or even worse.

When fishing crucian carp in deep water in winter, you should not lift the rod lightly.

The water level of fishing spots in winter is generally deeper than that in spring and autumn. It is precisely in this way that once there is a fish bite, the wrist "pick-up force" of the pole should be "heavier" than fishing in shallow water in order to be sure of catching fish. Because: fishing shallow water, hook to float this section of the fishing line is shorter, so when lifting the rod line, the line in the water layer cut water resistance is very small. Therefore, even if the "pick-up force" of the pole tip is relatively light, the "lift" piercing force of its fast transmission to the fish hook is still easy to pierce into the fish mouth.

On the contrary, fishing in deep water, because the fishing line to float is longer, so when lifting the rod with the line, the line in the water layer cut water resistance is very large. At the moment, if the wrist "lifting force" of the angler's lifting rod is still as light as fishing in shallow water, it will reduce and cushion the speed and intensity of the "lifting" puncture force of the fishing drive to the hook, so that the hook is not easy to pierce into the mouth and often has the feeling of "a meal", but it is difficult to hit the fish.

The floating signal of fishing crucian carp in winter is weak, so it is not suitable to wait for the big news.

In winter, crucian carp bait hooks are more gentle and weaker than usual, so even if the "sinking force" of floating and hooks, baits and falls is exactly the same, the fishing group is very sensitive, but because it "eats" is really too weird. even if the earthworm bait is transmitted to the drifting fish bite signal, there is little obvious "going up" or "dragging" this kind of performance. Therefore, anglers, regardless of whether they are using vertical drift or star drift, should pay attention to any weak response to float and accurately grasp the time of pole lifting. If you want to wait for its "big ups and downs", it will often be empty.