
What's the difference between buffalo skin and buffalo skin?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What's the difference between buffalo skin and buffalo skin?

Cattle leather is characterized by thin epidermis, accounting for about 0.5% of the total skin thickness, small and dense pores, fine grains, hair roots and sweat glands growing into the dermis not deep, and a clear boundary between the nipple layer and the reticular layer. Buffalo skin is characterized by sparse indumentum, coarse grain, larger width than yellow buffalo skin, thick and heavy skin, but loose fiber tissue and poor elasticity. The following Qiannong net editor will introduce the difference between buffalo skin and buffalo skin in detail.

Distinguish from the pores on the surface of the skin

1. Cowhide: the pores on the surface are round, the position difference is small, extending directly into the leather, the pores are compact and uniform, the arrangement is irregular, like stars all over the sky.

2. Buffalo skin: the pores on the surface are thicker than those of cattle skin, the position difference is large, the fluff is loose, the number of pores is less than that of cattle skin, the cortex is more relaxed, and it is not as meticulous and plump as cattle skin.

The difference between the fibers on the back of the leather billet

1. Calfskin: the fiber is soft and the fiber is longer.

2. Buffalo skin: the fiber is hard and the length is short.

The difference from the feel of the skin

1. Cowhide: it feels soft and comfortable.

2. Buffalo skin: it feels hard and rough.

From the glossiness of the leather surface

1. Cattle leather: the skin is smooth, delicate and full.

2. Buffalo skin: the surface of the skin is rough and the plumpness is relatively weak.

The difference from the smell of leather

1, cattle leather: cattle smell is relatively heavy, very fragrant cattle flavor, cattle leather production process is the use of synthetic sulfonated oil, almost no taste, only a hint of leather aroma.

2. Buffalo skin: relatively speaking, the bovine flavor of buffalo skin is lighter and shallower. Buffalo skin uses a lot of sulfated fish oil in the production process, which has a slightly pungent fishy smell.

From the difference of skin strength

1. Cattle leather: the strength of the leather is good and it is used in the place of force.

2. Buffalo skin: the strength of the skin is relatively weak, and the skin is used on the handrail and back.

The difference from the fastness of leather

1. Calfskin: stronger and stronger.

2. Buffalo skin: relatively less firm.

The difference from the smoothness of the skin surface

1. Cattle leather: the surface of the leather looks smooth.

2. Buffalo skin: the surface of the skin is relatively rough.

In terms of leather size

1. Cowhide: generally large, rectangular, and less disabled, less paint used to modify the surface, strong sense of dermis to the touch.

2. Buffalo skin: Buffalo skin is generally small, triangular line, and the skin is disabled, the paint used to modify the surface is more, and the sense of plastic is strong.