
Measures for on-site safety inspection of agricultural machinery

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Measures for on-site safety inspection of agricultural machinery

Chapter I General principles

Article 1 in order to standardize the safety inspection of agricultural machinery, reduce the hidden dangers of agricultural machinery accidents, improve the safety technical status of agricultural machinery, prevent and reduce agricultural machinery accidents, and ensure the safety of people's lives and property, these measures are formulated in accordance with the regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Agricultural Machinery Safety.

Article 2 the term "agricultural machinery" as mentioned in these measures, refers to tractors, combine harvesters, motorized plant protection machinery, motorized threshing machines, feed grinders, rice transplanters, straw cutters and other agricultural machinery that may cause harm to personal and property safety as determined by the competent department in charge of agricultural mechanization at the provincial level.

The on-the-spot safety inspection referred to in these measures refers to the activities of safety inspection of agricultural machinery within a prescribed period of time at the established inspection points or agricultural machinery operation sites and parking places in accordance with the relevant safety technical standards or inspection technical specifications.

Article 3 the on-site safety inspection of agricultural machinery shall follow the principles of openness, impartiality, science and convenience for the people.

Article 4 the competent departments of agricultural mechanization of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be in charge of the on-the-spot safety inspection of agricultural machinery within their respective administrative areas.

The agricultural machinery safety supervision and administration institution subordinate to the competent department of agricultural mechanization (hereinafter referred to as agricultural machinery safety supervision agency) shall be responsible for the implementation of field safety inspection of agricultural machinery within its own administrative area.

Article 5 the competent departments of agricultural mechanization of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall strengthen the leadership and inspection of the field safety inspection of agricultural machinery, improve the institutional system of safety supervision of agricultural machinery, implement the provisions that the funds required for safety inspection shall be included in the financial budget, and ensure the normal development of free on-the-spot safety inspection of agricultural machinery.

Article 6 the competent departments of agricultural mechanization of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall support and guide the owners of agricultural machinery to strengthen the safety and maintenance of agricultural machinery. Priority shall be given to those who participate in the safety inspection on time and maintain the state of safety in accordance with the law when implementing the state's preferential policies.

Chapter II Inspection

Article 7 the owner of agricultural machinery shall timely maintain and maintain the agricultural machinery to ensure that its safety and technical condition is good, and regularly apply for safety technical inspection to the agricultural machinery safety supervision institution in the place of domicile.

Article 8 the owner of agricultural machinery shall ensure that the safety warning signs, protective devices and other safety facilities of agricultural machinery are complete and effective.

Article 9 whoever applies for the license plate and driving license of a tractor or combine for the first time shall carry out safety inspection in accordance with the relevant provisions and obtain the safety technical inspection certificate issued by the agricultural machinery safety supervision agency.

From the date of registration, tractors and combine harvesters will be inspected once a year.

Article 10 the tractors that pass the inspection shall be issued with the inspection marks in accordance with the relevant provisions, and the driving licenses of the combine harvesters that pass the inspection shall be endorsed. The inspection certificate is stored in the files of tractors and combine harvesters.

Article 11 when carrying out the first safety inspection of agricultural machinery, such as motorized plant protection machinery, motorized thresher, feed grinder, rice transplanter, straw cutter, etc., the owner shall provide proof of origin, agricultural machinery and personal basic information. The specific periodic inspection interval shall be determined by the competent department of agricultural mechanization of the people's government at the provincial level according to the actual needs of the local machinery operation.

Article 12 if the competent department of agricultural mechanization finds that there is a hidden danger of accidents in agricultural machinery during the safety inspection, it shall inform the owner to stop using it and eliminate the hidden danger in a timely manner.

The owner of agricultural machinery shall discharge the hidden danger within the prescribed time limit and apply for inspection again in time.

Article 13 the results of the original inspection of agricultural machinery under any of the following circumstances shall be invalid:

(1) those that should be scrapped in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State

(2) refitting without authorization

(3) to replace the main parts related to safety performance.

Article 14 the Ministry of Agriculture shall be responsible for formulating national technical standards for safety inspection of agricultural machinery such as tractors and combine harvesters. In the absence of a unified national technical standard for safety inspection, the competent departments of agricultural mechanization of the people's government at the provincial level shall formulate corresponding local technical standards for safety inspection according to the actual operation and use of local agricultural machinery.

Chapter III Management

Article 15 Agricultural machinery safety inspectors shall not engage in safety inspection work until they have obtained relevant certificates after passing the training and examination.

Article 16 Agricultural machinery safety supervision institutions shall be equipped with equipment, instruments and vehicles that meet the requirements of on-site safety inspection of agricultural machinery.

Article 17 Agricultural machinery safety supervision institutions shall strengthen the training and internal management of agricultural machinery safety inspection personnel, constantly improve the level of safety inspection services, and give full play to the role of towns and villages in agricultural machinery safety inspection.

The agricultural machinery safety supervision institution may employ on-the-job rural agricultural machinery technicians who meet the conditions prescribed in the preceding paragraph to participate in the inspection work.

Article 18 in organizing the safety inspection, the agricultural machinery safety supervision institution shall formulate and announce the inspection plan, clearly define the type, time and place of participating in the inspection of agricultural machinery, and the announcement period shall not be less than 10 days.

Article 19 the safety inspection site shall meet the requirements of safety, convenience and high efficiency.

Article 20 Agricultural machinery safety supervision institutions and their safety inspection personnel shall conduct on-the-spot safety inspection of agricultural machinery in strict accordance with the relevant technical standards for safety inspection, and shall be responsible for the inspection results.

Article 21 Agricultural machinery safety supervision institutions that carry out on-the-spot safety inspection shall establish and improve the field safety inspection files of agricultural machinery and preserve the inspection results and relevant technical data in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.

Article 22 where agricultural machinery is put into use without inspection or unqualified inspection, it shall be dealt with by the competent department of agricultural mechanization of the local people's government at or above the county level in accordance with the regulations on Safety Supervision and Administration of Agricultural Machinery and other laws and regulations.

Chapter IV Supplementary provisions

Article 23 these measures shall enter into force as of February 1, 2012.