
Comprehensive knowledge of agricultural safety production

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Comprehensive knowledge of agricultural safety production


1. Residents living in bungalows should quickly run out of the house with protective protection on their heads. when it is too late to run, they can hide under the table, under the bed and next to sturdy furniture, and cover their mouth and nose against dust and smoke with towels. Residents living in buildings should choose small rooms such as kitchens and bathrooms to absorb shocks or hide in places such as inner wall roots and corners that are easy to form a triangular space; stay away from external walls, doors and windows and balconies, and do not use elevators.

2. When you are in the wild, you should avoid mountain feet and cliffs as far as possible to prevent rolling stones and landslides.

3. When you are in class in the classroom or working in the workplace, you should quickly hold your head, close your eyes, and hide under the lectern, desk, office furniture and other places. Evacuate in an orderly manner after the earthquake.

Debris flow

1. If you find signs of debris flow, you should immediately observe the topography and run to the hillsides or highlands on both sides of the valley.

2. Try to get out of the house and into the open area to prevent it from being buried as much as possible. When escaping, discard all items that affect the speed of running.

Don't hide under a steep hillside with rolling stones and a lot of accumulation.

Don't stay in low-lying places, and don't climb to the trees to hide.

Lightning strike

1. Pay attention to closing doors and windows. Indoor personnel should stay away from metal objects such as doors and windows, water pipes, gas pipes and so on.

2. Turn off household appliances and unplug the power supply to prevent lightning from invading from the power cord.

3. When outdoors, avoid in time, do not stay in the open field, stay away from isolated trees, towers, telephone poles, billboards, and do not use mobile phones outdoors.

4. When there is no place to hide in the open outdoor, you should try to find a low-lying place (such as a pit) to hide, or squat immediately to reduce the height of the body.

5. Try to take fewer baths on thunderstorm days, and users of solar water heaters must not take baths.

Electric shock

1. When someone is electrocuted, turn off the switch and cut off the power immediately. At the same time, use sticks, belts, rubber products and other insulating items to pick out the electrified objects on the body of the person who is electrocuted.

2. the person who is electrocuted from the power supply should be quickly moved to a ventilated and dry place to lie on his back, loosen the coat and trouser belt, check the mouth of the electrocuted person, clean the oral mucus, and remove dentures if there are any dentures.

3. Rescue on the spot immediately. If breathing stops, artificial respiration should be used to rescue. If the heart stops beating, it should be rescued by artificial extrathoracic heart compression.

High temperature

1, the diet should be light; drink more cold boiled water, cold salt water, white chrysanthemum water, mung bean soup and other summer drinks.

2. Operators under high temperature conditions should take protective measures or stop operation.

3, try to reduce the time of outdoor activities during the day, go out with an umbrella, wear a sunhat, and apply sunscreen to avoid strong light burning the skin.

4. When sweating, do not take a shower with cold water. You should dry your sweat first, and then bathe with warm water after a short rest.

5. If someone has heatstroke, they should immediately carry the patient to a cool and ventilated place and give the patient anti-heat drugs such as normal saline or "ten drops of water".

Dangerous situation in public places

1. In case of congestion or emergency, you should keep calm and make a short stop in a relatively safe place.

2. Pay attention to the surrounding terrain, look for signs of safe passage or emergency exit, determine your own position, and be ready for evacuation at any time.

3. Pay attention to listen to the radio, obey the guidance of the on-site staff, evacuate orderly from the nearest safety exit as soon as possible, and do not go against the flow of people or take shortcuts.

4. When you accidentally fall in the crowd, you should immediately contract your body and hold your head tightly to minimize injury.

Pesticide poisoning

1. Immediately cut off the source of poison and get away from the scene of poisoning.

2. Take off the contaminated clothes and rinse the body surface repeatedly with lukewarm soapy water and diluted alkaline water for more than 10 minutes (note: when trichlorfon is poisoned, alkaline liquid can not be used).

3. Patients in a coma should be sent to the hospital immediately and their stomachs should be pumped by medical staff. For conscious poisoning patients, use chopsticks or fingers to stimulate throat vomiting.

4. When a coma patient vomits frequently, the rescuer should lower his head and tilt his mouth to one side to prevent vomit from blocking the respiratory tract and causing asphyxiation.

5. when the patient stops breathing and heartbeat, he or she should be rescued by cardiopulmonary resuscitation for a long time, and then sent to the hospital for treatment after the vital signs are stable.

Home fire

1. When the frying pan is on fire, cover the pan quickly to put out the fire. If there is no pot cover, pour the chopped vegetables into the pot to put out the fire. Never water it.

2. When electrical appliances catch fire, first cut off the power supply, and then use wet quilts or wet clothes to crush the fire to death. If the TV is on fire, it should be close to the TV from the side to put out the fire.

3. When the liquefied gas tank is on fire, in addition to covering the pressure with wet quilts and clothes, dry powder or baking soda can also be sprinkled to the root of the flame to close the valve when the fire is extinguished.

4. when escaping, cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel and leave quickly with your back in the direction of the fireworks. When the escape passage is cut off and there is no one to rescue for a short time, close the doors and windows to meet the fire, plug the cracks with wet towels and wet cloth, and drench the door with water to prevent fireworks from invading.

Highly pathogenic avian influenza

1. Try to avoid contact with birds that die abnormally. When handling dead poultry, wear protective clothing, gloves and masks, disinfect or wash hands with soap immediately.

2. if you have fever, headache, chills, shivering, pain and weakness, sore throat, cough and other symptoms after contact with birds, and the fever does not go down within 48 hours, you should go to the hospital immediately.

3. Poultry workers should be vaccinated against avian influenza in time and thoroughly disinfect the workplace.

4. If chickens, ducks, pigeons and other birds are found to have a large number of diseases or die of unknown causes, they should report to the animal epidemic prevention department as soon as possible, make a diagnosis in time and take necessary measures such as isolation and disinfection.

Dangerous chemicals

1. If you find abandoned chemicals, do not pick them up. You should immediately call the police to clarify the specific location, packaging marks, approximate quantity and whether there is still a smell.

2. Immediately set up warning signs around the site of the incident and do not linger around. Smoking is strictly prohibited to prevent fire or explosion.

3. In case of an accident in a dangerous chemical transport vehicle, you should leave the accident scene as soon as possible, evacuate to the position of the upwind, and immediately call the police.

4. if you are injured by dangerous chemicals, you should go to the hospital for treatment immediately without delay.

Radioactive source

1. Do not blindly enter a place with radioactive warning signs.

2. When you find an unmanaged object marked with ionizing radiation, or a cylindrical or spherical object made of lead, steel, paraffin, etc., do not move without authorization, do not open it, and do not pick it up at home or sell it to a waste collection station.

3. When you find unidentified objects such as unmanaged sparkling metal objects or metal chains, you should quickly stay away from the scene, do not move these items, and do not pick them up at home.

4. Signs should be set up near suspicious objects to warn others not to approach, and immediately call the environmental protection department or the public security department.