
What about the yellowing of gardenia leaves?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The yellow leaves of Gardenia jasminoides are mostly caused by improper management in the process of cultivation, such as excessive or insufficient water, yellow leaves caused by too strong or weak sunlight, too sufficient fertilizer or lack of nutrients.

The yellow leaves of Gardenia jasminoides (details) are mostly caused by improper management in the process of cultivation, such as too much water or insufficient water. Yellow leaves caused by too strong or weak sunlight, too much fertilizer or lack of nutrients. Only by figuring out the causes of yellow leaves can we solve the problem of yellow leaves, but how can we know the specific causes of yellow leaves?

Gardenia (details)

1. Caused by too much water: the leaves are yellow, the young leaves are dark yellow and have no luster, but the old leaves do not change much, and the new shoots atrophy but do not grow.

The solution: put the flowers in a ventilated and cool place, wait for the excess moisture in the soil to dry automatically, and then put them back in place.

2. The yellow leaves caused by lack of water: dry yellow, the main phase is: the leaf sheath withered, the old leaves withered at first and then fell off, but the growth of young leaves was not greatly affected.

Solution: since it is caused by lack of water, of course, it is to replenish the water, but pay attention to a certain degree in the process.

3. Yellow leaves caused by too strong sunlight: burning yellow, characterized by leaf sheath or leaf edge withering, sunny leaves will appear macula.

Solution: transfer the flowers to the shade.

4, lack of sunlight caused by yellow leaves: lack of light yellow, because the flowers are hidden for a long time, resulting in it can not synthesize chlorophyll, and finally the leaves yellowed and fell off.

The solution: transfer the flowers to the sunny place.

5. The yellow leaves caused by excessive nutrition: the new leaves appear dry brown at the top, and the leaves are yellow and dull.

The solution: stop fertilizing.

6. Yellow leaves caused by undernutrition: the color of the tender leaves gradually fades, and finally yellow.

The solution: fertilize the flowers.

What about gardenia leaves yellowing? what about gardenia leaves yellowing?

Causes of yellow leaves of Gardenia jasminoides

Improper moisture

Gardenia should not be watered too much in the process of planting. Stagnant water or wet soil in the basin will cause the young leaves to be dim, grow slowly, and the old leaves show yellowish green and wither gradually.

Improper lighting

Too much light or too much light will cause the leaves of the plant to turn yellow. If the strong light is direct for a long time, there will be macula on the leaf surface, but if it is placed in a shady environment for a long time, the leaf will fall off because it does not get enough sunlight, so it is necessary to replenish the light in time.

Improper fertilization

In the process of gardenia planting, fertilization concentration will cause plant yellowing, the tip of new leaves will be yellowish brown, the leaves will be uneven and glossy, and the old leaves will wither and fall off gradually. At this time, you need to replenish the fertilizer in time, but before that, you need to judge which fertilizer should be added according to the performance of the plant, as follows:

Nitrogen deficiency: plant nitrogen deficiency simple leaves yellowing, new leaves small and brittle.

Potassium deficiency: when plants lack potassium, the old leaves change from green to brown.

Iron deficiency: at the beginning, the leaves are yellowish or white, the veins are still green, and in severe cases, the veins are also yellow or white, and finally the leaves dry up and die.

Magnesium deficiency: yellowing gradually develops from old leaves to new leaves, and the veins are still green. When the leaves are serious, the leaves fall off and die. ⑤ phosphorus deficiency: the old leaves were purplish red or dark red.

The temperature is too low

Gardenia jasminoides can tolerate low temperature, but too low temperature will cause leaf yellowing. In the process of gardenia maintenance, it is easy to frostbite in winter, and it is easy to frostbite plants if warm measures are not taken in early spring and early winter night.

Yellowing treatment of Gardenia jasminoides leaves

Slowly adapt to the environment

Most of the gardenia just bought back from the market are taken out from the greenhouse, and it takes a period of adaptation to change to the new environment. If the environmental difference is too large, it will cause yellow leaves, which is out of control at this time. Therefore, the leaves yellowing first observe for a period of time, during this period of good maintenance.

More watering

Gardenia likes water, warm south wind and humid environment, but in the north, dry weather and insufficient air humidity will cause the leaves of the plant to turn yellow. Whether in the south or north, the best way is to put the plant in a large tray, fill the tray with water, and pay attention to sprinkling water on the leaves every day, so that the leaves absorb water, full and shiny.

Acidic water is more suitable.

Gardenia likes acidic soil, and the tap water is alkaline or neutral, so some acidic substances are often added when watering, such as edible vinegar and citric acid.

Window ventilation

Indoor maintenance of gardenia needs regular ventilation to ensure that the environment is bright, put the plant on the window for maintenance.

adequate manuring

The various manifestations of fertilizer deficiency of Gardenia jasminoides are introduced above, and fertilizers are properly supplemented according to the growth status of the plant to ensure the balance of each nutrient. If you fertilize too much, immediately water and rinse, or turn the basin to change the soil.

Prune yellow leaves

Gardenia woody stem, when there are yellow leaves, directly cut off the yellowed branches, can ensure the normal growth of the trunk, careful maintenance, soon, grow new leaves.

Gardenia leaves yellow is what reason _ gardenia leaves yellowing how to do?

Gardenia is a very common flower plant in people's life, and the most attractive thing is the fragrance of its flowers when they are in full bloom, which is why many people like to raise gardenia very much. In the process of breeding gardenia, there will always be some problems, such as gardenia leaves yellowing, gardenia fragrance poisonous and so on. Today, let's take a look at what is the reason why the gardenia leaves are yellow, and how to do the gardenia leaves yellowing? [introduction of Gardenia jasminoides] Gardenia is also known as gardenia, jade lotus, white toad, astragalus and so on. It is a perennial evergreen shrub plant of Rubiaceae. Gardenia is mainly distributed in Sichuan, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Hunan, Taiwan, Yunnan, Fujian, Guangdong and other places. Its branches and leaves are very luxuriant, and the leaves are evergreen all the year round, and the flowers in full bloom will exude a charming fragrance, which is called an important plant for garden ornamental. Gardenia can not only watch the flowers, but also its fruits, leaves and roots have very good medicinal value, such as detoxification and cooling blood, clearing heat and diuresis, purging fire and eliminating annoyance, and so on. [growth habits of Gardenia jasminoides] Gardenia likes to grow in a sunny, warm and humid environment, its cold resistance is better, it is more resistant to semi-overcast, and is afraid of stagnant water. It is suitable for growing in loose, fertile, well-ventilated acidic sandy soil, avoiding the direct exposure of strong light in the process of breeding, and suitable for growing in a more hidden environment. Gardenia suitable for growth temperature is 16 degrees Celsius, in winter the temperature can not be lower than zero degrees Celsius, otherwise it will be dormant. It is suitable to be used as a potted flower plant in Northeast, Northwest, North China and other areas. It is a very typical acid flower plant. What is the reason for the yellowing of gardenia leaves. Improper watering: gardenia is afraid of stagnant water, too much water during breeding will make the tender leaves dim, the leaves will become yellowish green, and the new leaves will not grow. two。 Improper lighting: in the case of strong light, the leaves of gardenia will appear macula, and the leaves will also appear yellowing. If the gardenia is cultured in a shady place for a long time, the gardenia will get inappropriate light, and the leaves will turn yellow or fall off, so photosynthesis should be carried out in time. 3. Improper fertilization: when cultivating gardenia, the thick and high fertilizer will also cause the plant leaves to be yellowed, generally the top of the new leaves will appear brown, although the leaves are relatively thick but do not have any luster, and can not completely open, the old leaves will appear scorched yellow hanging orchid. Insufficient fertilizer can also cause yellowing or shedding of gardenia leaves. In the case of nitrogen deficiency in gardenia, the leaves will turn yellow, and the new leaves grow very small and brittle. In the case of potassium deficiency, the old leaves will turn brown, thus affecting the ornamental value. In the case of iron deficiency, the leaves will slowly turn yellowish to yellow or white, and eventually wither away. In the case of magnesium deficiency, the old leaves will first turn yellow, then the new leaves will turn yellow, and finally the leaves will wither and fall completely. In the case of phosphorus deficiency, the old leaves will turn fuchsia or dark red. 4. Temperature discomfort: too low temperature can cause yellowing of leaves. Be prepared in winter and mainly keep warm in early spring or early winter. What if the leaves of gardenia turn yellow. If the leaves are yellowed due to excessive watering, you can put the plants in a pot after they are propagated in a ventilated place to dry. The yellowed and withered plants will fall off naturally, and the new leaves will grow more normally and should be watered enough. two。 If the light is too strong to cause the leaves to turn yellow, you can put the gardenia in a more hidden place. And if it is the case of insufficient light, give sufficient light. 3. If the concentration of fertilizer is too high, it can reduce the concentration of soil fertilizer, ferrous sulfate can be used in the case of iron deficiency, and boron and magnesium fertilizer can be used in the case of magnesium. 4. Gardenia should not grow at a temperature below zero degrees Celsius in winter, otherwise the plant will be dormant or freeze to death, so be prepared against freezing.

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