
Sowing and maintenance methods of Yu Mei

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The beauty of Yu is gorgeous and colorful, and it looks good when it opens in the morning sun. The beautiful scenery can make people relaxed and happy, so some parks plant Yu beauties in order to improve the appreciation of tourists. It can also be raised in the courtyard, which can improve your aesthetics while enjoying the beautiful scenery without going far away.

Yu Meiren

The beauty of Yu is gorgeous and colorful, and it looks good when it opens in the morning sun. The beautiful scenery can make people relaxed and happy, so some parks plant Yu beauties in order to improve the appreciation of tourists. It can also be raised in the courtyard, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery without going far, and at the same time improve your aesthetic, why not? Let's learn about the sowing and maintenance methods of Xiayu Beauty.

When to sow seeds

The seeds are sown in the pre-prepared seedbed from September to October every year, and the germination temperature is about 20 degrees. Because the seeds of Yu Mei are very small, they do not have to cover the soil and keep them moist after sowing.

2. Sowing method

Yu Mei often uses sowing and reproduction, and the survival rate of transplantation is low, so it is appropriate to use open-field direct seeding. Most of them are broadcast by strip. The suitable temperature for germination is 15 ℃ ~ 20 ℃. Because the seeds are very small, the soil of the seedling bed must be fine, the soil should not be covered after sowing, the grass cover should be kept moist, and the cover should be removed after emergence. Because the seeds of Yu Mei are easy to scatter, after a year of planting, the environment can no longer sow, and countless seedlings will be born in place.

III. The characteristics of Yu Mei

The longer the freeze, the longer it can withstand the severe cold of-15 ℃. Generally, it is the most suitable for growth at-2 to 3 ℃. Yu Beauty in the growth process, avoid more watering, to keep partial to the sun in order to grow exuberant, it likes fertilizer, should be poured more human feces.

IV. Maintenance and management

After emergence, it is necessary to plant seedlings, and the row spacing of the planting plants is about 30 centimeters. when the plants grow to 6 leaves, pour water through them in cloudy days, and then transplant them; be careful not to hurt the roots when moving, and take the soil with you, and press the soil when planting. You don't have to water too much at ordinary times, just keep it moist. During the growing period, 5 times the amount of water was applied to mature urine every 3 weeks. Non-seed plants should cut off the withered flowers in time during flowering to make the rest of the flowers bloom better. The ripening period of the capsule is inconsistent and the seeds need to be harvested in batches.

1. After planting, sowing and emergence, if it is not transplanted, the seedlings can be planted between the rows of 20cm × 30cm. The planting time should not be later than 110-120 days before the flowering date. If you want to transplant, it should be carried out on a cloudy day when 3-4 leaves of the seedlings grow. It should be watered thoroughly before transplanting, and the seedlings should be raised with soil so as not to hurt the roots.

two。 Light and temperature like cool, avoid high temperature, warm in winter and cool in summer is the most suitable for its growth. The suitable growth temperature is 12-20 ℃. When the temperature rises in summer, the growth of Yumei weakens, and the aboveground part turns yellow and dies. During the growing period, sufficient light is required, with at least 4 hours of direct sunlight every day. If the growth environment is dark, the light is insufficient, the plant growth is thin and the flower color is dim.

Yu Meiren

5. Fertilizer and water management

When sowing, it is necessary to apply sufficient base fertilizer, and the soil that likes moist soil during the growing period should be watered at the right time. Watering should grasp the principle of "dry and wet". When planting, watering should be controlled to promote root growth, sufficient water supply after budding, and keep the soil moist. Rarefied liquid fertilizer should be applied 1-2 times before flowering, and 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution should be sprayed on the leaves every 3 days after budding. Cut off the withered flowers in time after flowering to make the remaining flowers bloom better.

Yu Mei likes to be sunny, dry and drought-resistant, but not resistant to stagnant water. It is better to keep the soil moist in order to keep the soil moist. It is not necessary to water if it is not very dry. But too much drought will delay flowering and affect quality. Do not fertilize too much, otherwise the plant will grow too long, and it is easy to lodge if it is too high. Generally turn the soil deeply before sowing, apply sufficient basic fertilizer, and apply thin pancake fertilizer and water once or twice before the pregnant bud blossoms, and avoid fertilization during the flowering period.

VI. Preventing cold and overwintering

The beauty of Yu is more resistant to cold, but the cold prevention work still needs to be strengthened in cold areas in winter. The grass curtain is covered when the ground is sown in winter, and a layer of plastic film is added to prevent the cold in the severe winter. Pot sowing should be moved to the greenhouse in time. Remove the mulch after thawing in early spring and cultivate the soil at the root. No cold protection facilities can be added to the south of the Yellow River in winter.

VII. Disease and pest control

Yu Mei seldom has diseases and insect pests, but if the nitrogen fertilizer is applied too much, the plant is too dense or continuous cropping for many years, the rot will occur, and the diseased plant needs to be cleaned up in time, and then sprinkle some lime powder in the same place. There are not many pests, but they are sometimes harmed by beetle larvae and shell worms. If 40% omethoate is found to be sprayed 1000 times, it can be sprayed twice every 7 days to kill the pest.

Ordinary people raise other kinds of flowers and plants while raising Yu Mei, which is worth advocating, but florists need to be reminded that in the process of cultivating flowers and plants, we should pay attention to the different methods of breeding different kinds of flowers and plants. Of course, as long as we master the sowing and maintenance skills of the above Yu beauty, Yu Mei will certainly be able to bloom brilliant and colorful flowers when it comes to flowering.

Yu Mei Ren (scientific name: Papaver rhoeas L.): annual herbs, all extended setae, sparse glabrous. Stem erect, 25-90 cm tall, branched. Leaf blade outline lanceolate or narrowly ovate, pinnatifid, lobes lanceolate. Flowers solitary on top of stems and branches, buds oblong-Obovate, pendulous; sepals 2, broadly elliptic or broadly Obovate; petals 4, orbicular, transversely broadly elliptic or broadly Obovate, 2.5-4.5 cm long, entire, sparsely crenate or apically notched, purplish red, base usually with dark purple spots. Capsule broadly Obovate, 1-2.2 cm long, glabrous, with inconspicuous ribs. Seeds numerous, reniform-oblong, ca. 1 mm. The flowering and fruiting period is from March to August.

Sowing and breeding Yumei is often used in sowing and breeding, and the survival rate of transplantation is low, so it is appropriate to use open-field direct seeding. Autumn sowing is generally in early September, but it can also be sown in spring, that is, sowing when the land is thawed in early spring, using strip sowing. The distance between the seedlings of autumn sowing and spring sowing was 2030 cm and 1525 cm, respectively. The optimum temperature for germination was 15 ℃ ~ 20 ℃. About a week after sowing, the seedlings emerged. Because the seeds of Yu Mei are easy to scatter, after a year of planting, the environment can no longer sow, and countless seedlings will be born in place. Fertilizer and water management Yu Meiren likes to have plenty of sunshine, dry and drought, but not resistant to stagnant water, so it is better to keep the soil moist in order to keep the soil moist if it is not very dry. But too much drought will delay flowering and affect quality. Do not fertilize too much, otherwise the plant will grow too long, and it is easy to lodge if it is too high. Generally turn the soil deeply before sowing, apply sufficient basic fertilizer, and apply thin pancake fertilizer and water once or twice before the pregnant bud blossoms, and avoid fertilization during the flowering period. Cold prevention and overwintering beauty is more resistant to cold, but cold prevention still needs to be strengthened in cold areas in winter. The grass curtain is covered when the ground is sown in winter, and a layer of plastic film is added to prevent the cold in the severe winter. Pot sowing should be moved to the greenhouse in time. Remove the mulch after thawing in early spring and cultivate the soil at the root. No cold protection facilities can be added to the south of the Yellow River in winter. The breeding method of how to raise the beauty of Yu

Yu beauty flowers are colorful and beautiful, not only suitable for flower bed culture, pot culture can also be used as cut flowers. How to raise the beauty of Yu? What is the breeding method of potted Yumei? Let's get to know each other.

I. how to raise the beauty of Yu

Yu Mei likes sunshine, is more cold-resistant, and avoids hot and humid environment; taproot, not tolerant to transplantation. Can be self-sowing, soil requirements are not strict, should be planted in places with good ventilation and drainage. The suitable temperature for growth and development is 5 ~ 25 °C. the flowering period is shortened and the temperature difference between day and night is large in the areas with high temperature in spring and summer. The low temperature at night is beneficial to the growth and flowering, and it grows well in the high altitude mountain area, the flower color is more colorful, and the life span is 3-5 years.

The beauty of Yu often uses sowing and reproduction. Because it is not resistant to transplantation, it is often used for direct seeding. If it is needed for garden layout, it is best to use a nutrition bowl or a small paper basin to raise seedlings, or it will be difficult to survive or grow poorly. According to the climatic characteristics, the sowing date is relatively cold in Northeast China, which can be used as bed direct seeding after the soil thawed during the Spring Festival; in North China, it is more than in early winter to promote it to germinate as soon as possible in spring. Because the seed is small, the sowing should be fine, using strip sowing, the row spacing is 25ml 30cm, and the border is covered with hay in severe winter to protect against cold. The family can sow it directly in the flowerpot.

Second, the breeding method of Yu Mei.

1. Watering: Yu Mei is resistant to dryness and drought, but not to stagnant water. Watering is not suitable during the growth period, so it is better to keep the soil moist. If it is not very dry, it is not necessary to water. But too much drought will delay flowering and affect quality.

2. Sunshine: Yu Mei's life requires sufficient light for a long time, with at least 4 hours of direct sunlight every day. If the growth environment is dark, the light is insufficient, the plant growth is thin and the flower color is dim.

Temperature: Yu beauty likes cool, avoid high temperature, warm in winter and cool in summer is the most suitable for its growth. The suitable growth temperature is 12-20 ℃. When the temperature rises in summer, the growth of Yumei weakens, and the aboveground part turns yellow and dies.

4. Fertilization: Yumeiren should apply dilute liquid fertilizer twice before flowering and foliar spray 0 once every 3 days after budding. 1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, flower promotion, fertilization can not be too much, otherwise the plant is overgrown, too high is also easy to lodge.

5. Insect pests: Yumei seldom has diseases and insect pests, but if too much nitrogen fertilizer is applied, plants are too dense or continuous cropping for many years, rot will occur. The diseased plants need to be cleaned up in time, and then sprinkle some lime powder in the same place. There are not many insect pests, but they are sometimes damaged by beetle larvae and shell worms. If 40% omethoate is found to be sprayed with 1000 times of omethoate, the insect can be killed by spraying twice every 7 days.

The above is the introduction of the breeding method of Yu Mei. When Yu Mei blossoms, the petals are as thin as Aya, smooth and clean as silk, and the light Corolla is like red clouds and patches of colored silk, swaying in the wind, if you like, raise some of your own.