
Introduction to the methods of cuttage and ramet propagation of June snow

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The appearance of June snow is very beautiful, and it is a kind of flower that many flower friends like very much. Some flower friends still want to breed by themselves after raising the snow in June. Generally speaking, there are two ways to propagate snow in June: cuttage and ramet. The editor will give you a brief introduction.

June snow (details) is very beautiful in appearance, and it is a kind of flower that many flower friends like very much. Some flower friends still want to breed by themselves after raising the snow in June. In general, there are two ways to reproduce snow in June: cuttings and ramets. The editor will give you a brief introduction.

Snow in June (details)

1. June snow cuttings:

The snow in June is very leather and solid, and it is easy for cuttings to survive. The cutting time, dormant branches and semi-mature branches are carried out from February to March and from June to July respectively. Cut cuttings 6-8 cm long, insert them in slightly acidic fine sand loam, set up a shed for shade, pay attention to watering after insertion, keep the seedbed moist, and the cuttings are easy to survive. Several cuttings can also be combined with cuttings, and the seedlings can be transplanted in pots from October to November, and the seedlings combined with cuttings can be divided into individual plants. Soft wood cuttings can also be carried out in summer and early autumn.

2. June snow ramets:

It is often carried out in March in spring. Transplantation can be carried out in all four seasons, and the best one is from February to March in spring.

How to reproduce in June snow, cutting and ramet propagation methods in June snow

Snow is very easy to survive in June. When making miniature or miniature bonsai, in order to make it take shape as soon as possible, it is often carried out in the Meiyu season from June to July. The florescence of June snow is usually from June to July every year, but there are also flower friends whose June snow season can last until October. Generally speaking, if the management is good, friends can breed at home by themselves, and then take a look at the breeding methods of June snow.

How does June snow reproduce?

Cuttage and split propagation are often used, and striping can also be used.

June snow cutting method

It can be carried out all year round, and the survival rate of hardwood cuttings from February to March in spring and tender wood cuttings in Meiyu season is the highest. Cuttings in the rainy season should pay attention to shade, and winter cuttings should be protected against cold. Ramet should be carried out at the beginning of spring before sprouting or at the end of autumn when it stops growing. Dormant branch cuttings were carried out from February to March, and semi-mature branch cuttings were carried out from June to July. Generally, hard branches are used in early spring, but hard branches and old branches can be used in the rainy season, all of which need to build a shed for shade. After insertion, pay attention to watering, keep the seedbed moist, very easy to survive.

June snow insertion method

The use of green open space, the soil will be dug loose, soil lump fine, leveling. Spread the branches of the first or second nodes (about three centimeters) evenly on the ground prepared in advance, step on or press the topsoil with things, and pour water thoroughly. After that, spray water once every other day, and begin to take root and sprout branches ten days later. The first dilute liquid fertilizer was applied after 25 days. At 50 days, the seedlings were raised by applying 1000 times urea at a time. It can be transplanted and planted in two months. It can be cultivated in pot in four months, and can be planted for the first time at the same time. A year later, an ideal bonsai tree stump can be formed. It takes only half a year to make a hedge.

Pictures of snow in June methods of breeding snow in June

June snow is a beautiful ornamental plant, it will bloom beautiful flowers around June every year, the color is white, the aroma is pleasant and ornamental value is particularly high, many people like to breed June snow at home, but people do not know much about the breeding methods of June snow, later I will write all the breeding methods of June snow to share with you, friends who want to cultivate June snow can focus on learning.

1. Reproduction and planting

June snow this flower plant is mainly propagated by cuttings and ramets, which are mostly cut in spring, then in early spring, two-year-old branches can be selected as cuttings, inserted into the culture soil at 20 degrees, and can take root in about 20 days. After the snow survives in June, it can be planted directly on the basin. After getting into the basin, you should put it in a cool place and maintain it for 2 to 3 weeks, then let her slowly accept the sun. After a month, you can move to the outside and receive some sunshine.

2. Fertilizer and water management of snow in June

Fertilizer and water management is very important during snow farming in June. You can't water it too much at ordinary times, as long as you keep the basin soil moist, don't let stagnant water appear in the flowerpot during the rainy season, and spray water on its leaves in time in hot summer weather. Lower the temperature, so that June snow can grow healthily. June snow is a kind of fertilizer-loving plant, which is usually fertilized once a week, but the fertilizer should not be too thick, otherwise it will make its branches and leaves grow and affect the beauty of the tree.

3. Adjustment of temperature and light.

When raising snow in June, we should also pay attention to the adjustment of temperature and light. It can not accept the hot sun, so it should be cultured in a semi-shaded environment. If it is allowed to accept strong light, it will burn the leaves and affect its ornamental value. June snow likes a warm environment, before the arrival of winter, it must be moved to a warm indoor, the minimum indoor environment can not be less than 10 degrees, and to reduce the amount of water, keep the basin soil semi-dry, so that June snow can safely survive the winter.