
The market price of canna

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The market price of canna

Canna is a commonly used flowering plant in the subtropics and tropics. it is native to tropical America, India, Malay Peninsula and other tropical areas. it can not only beautify people's lives, but also absorb harmful substances such as sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride, and carbon dioxide. Many people like to cultivate them. Let's take a look at the market price of canna.

The market price of canna

The market price of canna is very cheap, usually measured by height and variety. Ordinary canna with plant height of 50 cm is about 0.65 yuan per plant, Jinmai canna with plant height of 60 cm is 3.5 yuan per plant, plant height is 50 cm with flower leaf canna about 0.38 yuan per plant, plant height with 100 cm flower leaf canna is about 0.6 yuan per plant.

Propagation methods of canna

1. Sowing: before sowing the canna seeds, file the hard seed coat, then soak it in 25 ℃ water for 24 hours, and then sow it in plain sandy soil. It is better not to cover the soil too thick, 1-2 times the diameter of the seeds. After sowing, keep the soil moist, at a temperature of about 20 ℃, and germinate after a week. When the seedling is 5 cm high, it can be planted separately.

2. Rhizome: canna rhizome usually propagates at the beginning of March every year. Cut the rhizome stored in the previous year into pieces, remove the rotten part, make each piece with two or three bud holes, and then plant it directly in a flowerpot or bury it in plain sand. Pay attention to keep the soil moist and keep the temperature between 10 and 15 degrees. About 20 days, when the bud is 4-5 cm long, it can be divided into pots.

3. Ramets: canna plants are usually propagated in cloudy and rainy days from June to July or in the evening. If the distance between plants or clumps is more than 4-5 cm, if there is no inflorescence, use sharp tools to cut down vertically from plants, quickly split plants or clusters, pay attention to take more soil, do not damage branches and leaves, and then plant directly into the planting hole, pour water in time after planting, and properly shade the sun to increase humidity if the environment is relatively dry. After about 10 days of maintenance, the new plant can not develop into a complete plant.

Culture methods of canna

1. Soil: canna is not strict on soil, and grows best in loose, fertile and well-drained sandy soil, and is also suitable for the growth of fertile clayey soil.

2. Sunshine: the growing period of canna requires sufficient light to ensure that it receives at least 5 hours of direct sunlight every day. If the environment is too dark and there is not enough light, the flowering will be delayed.

3. Temperature: Canna likes warmth and avoids severe cold. The suitable temperature is 16-30 ℃, 5-10 ℃ will stop growing, and freezing injury will occur when it is lower than 0 ℃. When flowering, in order to prolong the flowering period, it can be placed in a place with low temperature and no sunlight, and the ambient temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃.

4. Watering: after planting, the roots of canna should be watered less before they grow new roots. The basin soil should be moist. The soil is too wet and rots easily. After the scape grows, it should be often watered to keep the basin soil moist. If there is a lack of water, it is easy to appear the phenomenon of "flowers in the leaves" after flowering. Watering should be reduced in winter, based on the principle of "dry and wet".

5. Fertilization: in addition to applying sufficient base fertilizer before planting, Banana should be applied 3-4 times a month in the peak growing season. If the scape is not produced 20-30 days before the scheduled flowering period, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate aqueous solution can be sprayed once to promote the flowering.

6. Insect pests: canna has strong adaptability, extensive management, not spoiled, and few insect pests. Attention should be paid to leaf curling pests from May to August every year so as not to damage their tender leaves and inflorescences. It can be sprayed with 50% dichlorvos 800 times or 50% prednisone EC 1000 times.