
Market price of turtledove

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Market price of turtledove

White turtledoves are magic pigeons, or American or Japanese or Taiwan white turtledoves. White turtledoves first appeared in the Indies, petite, pigeon-like, docile and close to people. Only turtledoves can be used for magic tricks after training, so they are also called magic pigeons.

Market price of turtledove

White turtledoves (magic pigeons) can be bought in many big cities of Chinese mainland, such as large magic stores, large flower, bird, fish and insect markets, etc., priced between 100 yuan and 300 yuan each. There are many reasons for this price difference. High prices are not necessarily purebred. In fact, there is no purebred in the first place. Because its earliest source was in the Indies. The price of white turtledove (magic pigeon) is in the major cities of Chinese mainland. Generally speaking, the north is more expensive than the south, and the coastal area is more expensive than the inland.

Breeding methods of turtledove

White turtledoves, like pigeons, can reproduce all year round. After mating between a male and a female, they normally lay two eggs at a time and occasionally only one egg. Artificial breeding suggests choosing a cage that is 60 cm long, 40 cm wide and 40 cm high as a breeding cage. Bind a small nest to the cage rack and put some padding material in the nest. Eggs will be laid within a week after male and female mating. The white spot dovetail lays the second egg within 48 hours after laying the first egg. At this time, males and females take turns to hatch. Counting from the day the second egg was laid, on the 16th, the dove broke its shell. The male and female feed the dove together, and after about 25-30 days, the dove can eat independently. The picture below is taken by a 30-day-old turtledove. The turtledove can mature sexually at the age of 5-7 months after it comes out of its shell. It is recommended to choose adult turtledoves over 7 months old for breeding.

Training methods of turtledove

In the stage magic of turning a pigeon, there is such an effect: after the magician makes a pigeon, he throws the pigeon forward and throws the pigeon out of his hand, and then the pigeon goes around the stage for a small half and then returns to the magician's hand. this effect is called returning pigeon. With regard to the training of the pigeon, there are all kinds of opinions spread on the Internet, some people say that it is to take a magnet, others say that it is to tie a thread to the pigeon, these methods are all wrong.

The more scientific and effective method of training pigeons is through food-guided training, using the pigeon's own conditioned reflex to achieve the goal of pigeons flying back to their hands. This way requires people and pigeons to establish mutual trust, often play with pigeons to cultivate feelings can be achieved. In addition to training, there are also ways to return to pigeons by non-training means. There is a semi-artificial way to feed magic pigeons, but only if you have magic pigeons. Seven to ten days after the bird came out of its shell, take out the bird, chew the peanuts into pulp, and feed the bird from beak to beak until the bird can eat on its own. Birds raised in this way treat their owners like their parents and do not need training at all.