
What side effect does chuanbei mother have?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What side effect does chuanbei mother have?

Fritillaria chuanensis is a medicinal plant of the genus Fritillaria of Liliaceae. it grows in temperate alpine and plateau mixed forests, coniferous forests and alpine thickets, and is accustomed to pine Fritillaria, green Fritillaria, Fritillaria and cultivated products according to their different characters. it is a valuable traditional Chinese medicine for moistening the lungs and relieving cough. it has a long history of application, outstanding curative effect and is well-known at home and abroad. let's take a look at the side effects of Fritillaria.

What side effect does chuanbei mother have?

If from the perspective of toxicity and side effects, Chuanbei does not have any toxic side effects, but is afraid that the medicine is not correct. Because chuanbei is a cold medicine, its main function is clearing heat and detoxification, resolving phlegm and relieving cough, which is used for exuberant lung heat and phlegm fire, so those with cold and phlegm white lungs cannot be used, and the wrong use cannot cure the disease, but increase the disease. If it is a cold cough, taking chuanbei powder is like "making things worse", which is also very inappropriate. If the mouth is not thirsty, itchy pharynx, mainly cough at night, sputum thinning, avoid use, should promptly ask a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Medicinal taboos of Fritillaria thunbergii

1. Notes on the Classic of Materia Medica: evil peach blossoms. Fear of Gentiana macrophylla, bauxite, wild grass. Anti-aconite.

2. "Classic of Materia Medica": cold and damp phlegm and phlegm fire cough, damp phlegm in stomach nausea, phlegm drink as cold and heat, spleen and stomach dampness phlegm as vertigo and phlegm syncope headache, vomiting, stomach cold as discharge and forbidden.

Medicinal effect of Fritillaria thunbergii

1. Disperse the knot and eliminate carbuncle: Fritillaria has the effect of dispersing the knot and eliminating carbuncle. No matter chuanbei and Zhejiang Fritillaria, both of them have the effect of clearing away heat and resolving phlegm, dissipating knot and eliminating carbuncle, which can be used to treat the disease caused by phlegm, fire and stagnation, sore and breast carbuncle caused by heat-toxin accumulation, as well as the treatment of pulmonary carbuncle vomiting, suppurative blood, chest tightness and cough.

2. Clearing lung and resolving phlegm: Fritillaria thunbergii has a cold taste and bitter taste, which has the function of clearing lung and resolving phlegm. Can be used for the treatment of internal injury cough, dry cough, cough spitting dry phlegm, hot phlegm, the effect is very good. Fritillaria thunbergii has a bitter taste, with the effect of clearing away heat phlegm, reducing lung qi, and is often used to treat cough caused by exogenous wind-heat cough and phlegm-heat stagnation of the lungs.

3. Detoxification and detumescence: Fritillaria thunbergii is the dry tuber of Fritillaria thunbergii of Cucurbitaceae, which has bitter taste and has the effect of detoxification, dispersing knot and detumescence. It is suitable for the treatment of breast abscess, phlegm, phlegm and so on.

Notes on Fritillaria chuanensis

1. Avoid eating too greasy or spicy food during taking Fritillaria thunbergii. In fact, it is not Fritillaria chuanensis in time. When taking other herbs, you need to eat a light diet, because spicy or too greasy food will destroy the efficacy of the food.

2, spleen and stomach deficiency cold and cold phlegm, damp phlegm should not be taken cautiously. Because the efficacy of Fritillaria thunbergii is slightly cold, people with cold spleen and stomach may have more problems in eating Fritillaria thunbergii.

3. Pregnant women, children, the elderly and other special groups need to be under the guidance of doctors when eating Fritillaria thunbergii, so that they can eat more safely, healthily and at ease.

4. Patients with bronchiectasis, lung abscess, cor pulmonale, pulmonary tuberculosis and diabetes should be taken under the guidance of doctors.

5. It is forbidden for people who are allergic to Fritillaria thunbergii. If they are allergic, they should use Fritillaria thunbergii carefully to avoid causing harm to their bodies.