
The reason why the leaves of Changchun flower are yellow and the precautions for cultivation

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Periwinkle, also known as Calendula, is also called five-petal plum because it looks like plum blossoms and its flowers are composed of five petals. Its special features are that the flowers have many colors and a longer flowering period, so it gets more people's cultivation and appreciation. Catharanthus roseus has high medicinal value besides ornamental

Catharanthus roseus

Catharanthus roseus, also known as marigold, is also called five-petal plum because of its resemblance to plum blossom and its flowers are composed of five petals. Its special feature lies in its many colors and long flowering period, so it is farmed and watched by more people. Catharanthus roseus not only can be used for viewing, but also has high medicinal value, and it is an indispensable medicinal material in traditional Chinese medicine. It can be seen that Catharanthus roseus is so widely used, so what should be paid attention to during the cultivation of Catharanthus roseus? What is the cause of the common yellow leaves of Catharanthus roseus?

1. The reasons for the yellowing of Catharanthus roseus leaves

1. Soil partial alkali

Catharanthus roseus does not have a high demand for soil, but avoid alkaline soil. Planting Catharanthus roseus with alkaline soil will lead to Catharanthus roseus leaves yellowing and not blooming. Solution: the acidity and alkalinity of the planted soil should be tested, and if the soil is partial to alkali, it should be treated.

two。 Soil permeability difference

Poor soil permeability is also the reason for the yellowing of Catharanthus roseus leaves. Many people choose to plant Catharanthus roseus with high stickiness, poor water permeability and poor air permeability, which makes no problem in the short term, but for a long time, the poor permeability of the soil results in poor breathing in the lower roots of Catharanthus roseus, resulting in frequent yellow leaves and fallen leaves. Solution: choose sandy soil with good drainage performance to plant, but also pay attention to not watering too much.

3. Too much watering.

Catharanthus roseus avoid dampness and fear of waterlogging, basin soil watering should not be too much, otherwise it will affect root breathing and cause old leaves yellow, new leaves yellow. Solution: strictly control watering, it is better to dry, and pay attention to drainage in rainy season.

4. Too little watering

Catharanthus roseus can not be watered too much or too little, too little or not watered thoroughly for a long time, the plant can not absorb enough water, the new leaves will wilt, and the old leaves will turn yellow and fall off. Solution: pay attention to watering, basin soil can be watered after dry, watering should be thoroughly.

5. Excessive fertilization

Many people worry about growing flowers at home for a long time. If there is not enough fertilizer, they will occasionally put some fertilizer or something into the potted soil, hoping to absorb more flowers. In fact, too much fertilizer will cause root burning and damage the root system. The whole Catharanthus roseus is depressed, grows slowly, blossoms less, and its petals become smaller. Solution: Catharanthus roseus can be applied alternately by compound fertilizer and liquid fertilizer, and don't apply fertilizer casually at other times.

Catharanthus roseus flower color, long florescence, is one of people's favorite embellishment flower varieties, spring flower leaves yellowing solutions have been introduced to everyone, I believe we can also raise a pot of high-quality Catharanthus roseus to beautify the home.

Catharanthus roseus

II. Matters needing attention in cultivating Catharanthus roseus

1. There should be enough light.

We know how important it is for positive plants to have enough sunlight. Catharanthus roseus is such a sunny flower. Whether in its growing period or flowering period, adequate sunlight is essential. If there is no sunlight, it will only cause Catharanthus roseus to grow leaves and not blossom. Even if the weather is cold, try to put it in a brighter place to raise it.

two。 Good control of water and fertilizer management

Catharanthus roseus is afraid of dampness and waterlogging, so the amount of water usually should be more controlled. if it is cloudy and rainy, try to transfer it indoors, and if it cannot be moved indoors, it is necessary to do a good job of drainage for open-air farming, otherwise it is easy to cause Catharanthus roseus to rot to death. When applying fertilizer, compound fertilizer and liquid fertilizer can be applied alternately every ten days. The bottom of the Catharanthus roseus pot soil should also be covered with a layer of base fertilizer as far as possible to ensure the nutrient content of the pot soil.

3. Proper pruning and coring

The unpicked heart of Catharanthus roseus has little effect on its own growth, but if it can pick the heart once or twice during the seedling period, it will make its plant shape more beautiful. Usually, we should also do a good job in pruning Catharanthus roseus, and cut off the old and weak branches in time, otherwise it will not only affect the overall beauty but also consume nutrients in vain.

4. Prefer high temperature to low temperature

The ambient temperature for the growth of Catharanthus roseus can be slightly higher, and the low temperature is very disadvantageous to it. It should be at least above 15 degrees during the day, otherwise it is easy to stop its growth. If it is in the cold north, it is necessary to ensure that the indoor temperature is often above five degrees at night, otherwise Catharanthus roseus will get frostbite.

In order not to affect the appreciation of Catharanthus roseus and the extraction of medicinal materials, we must pay attention to the change of leaves in the process of cultivating Catharanthus roseus, because the change of leaves also depends on the key to the perfect blooming of flowers.

What to do about the yellowing of Catharanthus roseus leaves? the causes and solutions of Catharanthus roseus leaves withering

Catharanthus roseus is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine in China, which has the effect of cooling blood and lowering blood pressure, calming and calming the mind. And its ornamental value is also very high, colorful, it is easy to attract people's attention. Although its family planting method is not very difficult, some flower friends still reflect that the leaves of home-grown Catharanthus roseus often turn yellow, affecting their appearance. In this case, we can only analyze the reason first.

What if the leaves of Catharanthus roseus turn yellow

1. The reason is that the soil is alkaline. Catharanthus roseus does not have a high demand for soil, but it is suitable for growing in acidic soil, alkaline soil will lead to poor growth of Catharanthus roseus, causing leaves to yellowing and not flowering.

Solution: the acidity and alkalinity of the planted soil should be tested, and if the soil is partial to alkali, it should be treated.

2. Reason: poor soil permeability. Poor soil permeability is also the reason for the yellowing of Catharanthus roseus leaves. Many people plant flowers with high soil viscosity and poor water permeability. There is no problem with this kind of soil in the short term, but over time, the poor permeability of the soil results in poor breathing in the lower roots of Catharanthus roseus, resulting in frequent yellow leaves and fallen leaves.

Solution: choose sandy soil with good drainage performance to plant, but also pay attention to not watering too much.

3. Reason: too much watering. Catharanthus roseus avoid dampness and fear of waterlogging, basin soil watering should not be too much, otherwise it will affect root breathing and cause old leaves yellow, new leaves yellow.

Solution: strictly control watering, it is better to dry, and pay attention to drainage in rainy season.

4. Reason: too much fertilizer. Occasionally put a little fertilizer or something into the basin soil, hoping to absorb more flowering, this way is correct, but the fault lies in the frequency of fertilization, if frequent fertilization, Catharanthus roseus is very difficult to fully absorb, fertilizer remains in the soil, always around the root, resulting in the whole Catharanthus roseus malaise, slow growth, less flowering, petals smaller.

Solution: Catharanthus roseus can be applied alternately by compound fertilizer and liquid fertilizer, and don't apply fertilizer casually at other times. Watering the next day after fertilization promotes the absorption of nutrients.

5. Reason: too little watering. Catharanthus roseus can not be watered too much or too little, too little or not watered thoroughly for a long time, the plant can not absorb enough water, the new leaves will wilt, and the old leaves will turn yellow and fall off.

Solution: pay attention to watering, basin soil can be watered after dry, watering should be thoroughly.

Causes of leaf withering of Catharanthus roseus and its solution

1. Reason: pot transplantation. What if your new Catharanthus roseus leaves suddenly withered? In fact, this is not your problem, which shows that the potted flowers have just been planted or just transplanted, but as long as the leaves are not particularly dry and serious, Catharanthus roseus will slowly recover.

Solution: the newly transplanted plant takes about a month to adapt, and then it can basically grow in about a month. During this period, you need to take patient care of Catharanthus roseus, it is alive, and sometimes you feel that flowers are also spiritual!

2. Reason: too much watering. In potted Catharanthus roseus, long-term waterlogging will suffocate and erode the roots, which can not absorb fertilizer and water normally, which will cause the leaves to wither and turn yellow.

Solution: if you see the yellow leaves, it is best not to water them again. Loosen the soil in the basin and let it dry in a ventilated and dry place. Let the moisture left at the bottom evaporate as soon as possible. It is best to dry and water again!

3. Reason: lack of water. If you see the leaves wilting, yellow and soft, you feel like you don't have the spirit, then this is because of the lack of water.

Solution: sprinkle a moderate amount of water on the leaves of Catharanthus roseus, or place a pot of water around the flowers to increase the humidity of the air nearby.

Is Catharanthus roseus poisonous

Yes, Catharanthus roseus is poisonous. Catharanthus roseus is a plant of oleander family. Like oleander, its juice is poisonous, among which flowers are the most toxic.

Catharanthus roseus contains more than 70 alkaloids, such as vincristine, vincristine and isovincristine, among which vincristine has an inhibitory effect on human white blood cells and will poison the nervous system, while isovincristine will mutagenesis in the human body. leading to malformations.

But in general, it will only be poisoned when the wound touches the sap or eats the sap by mistake. Slightly touching the flowers and leaves of Catharanthus roseus will not cause harm to the human body, as long as we usually pay attention to it, do not break the branches and leaves casually. If you accidentally eat Catharanthus roseus, it will cause leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, muscle weakness, limb paralysis and other symptoms.

When does Catharanthus roseus bloom

1. The flowering period of Catharanthus roseus is very long. Basically, when Catharanthus roseus blossoms, it begins from April to May and generally lasts quite a long time. It blossoms continuously from spring to autumn, and can even blossom continuously throughout the year, so it is called daily spring.

2. Catharanthus roseus a single flower does not last very long, usually a flower can bloom for 3-5 days.

The cultivation method of Catharanthus roseus is not very difficult, so you can rest assured to plant a pot at home. In the process of breeding, it is best not to change the basin often, so as not to affect the growth of the plant. In addition, as the juice of Catharanthus roseus is toxic, we should pay attention to it in the process of maintenance, so as to avoid injury caused by accidental ingestion.

Catharanthus roseus leaves yellowing _ cause symptom solution _ Catharanthus roseus propagation method

Catharanthus roseus culture process and other plants are also easy to yellowing leaves, Catharanthus roseus leaves yellowing for many reasons, together to understand the causes of Catharanthus roseus leaves yellowing and solutions.

I. the causes of yellowing of Catharanthus roseus leaves and its solutions

1. Overwatering

Symptoms: Catharanthus roseus avoid dampness and fear of waterlogging, basin soil watering should not be too much, otherwise it will affect root respiration and cause old leaves yellow, new leaves light yellow.

Solution: strictly control watering, it is better to dry, and pay attention to drainage in rainy season.

2. Too little watering

Symptoms: Catharanthus roseus can not be watered too much, nor too little, too little or not watered thoroughly for a long time, the plant can not absorb enough water, the new leaves will wilt, and the old leaves will turn yellow and fall off.

Solution: pay attention to watering, basin soil can be watered after dry, watering should be thoroughly.

3. Excessive fertilization

Symptoms: many people grow flowers at home for a long time and worry that if there is not enough fertilizer, they will occasionally put some fertilizer or something into the potted soil, hoping to absorb more flowers. In fact, too much fertilizer will cause root burning and damage the root system. The whole Catharanthus roseus is depressed, grows slowly, blossoms less, and its petals become smaller.

Solution: Catharanthus roseus can be applied alternately by compound fertilizer and liquid fertilizer, and don't apply fertilizer casually at other times.

4. Soil alkali.

Symptoms: Catharanthus roseus does not have a high demand for soil, but avoid alkaline soil. Planting Catharanthus roseus with alkaline soil will lead to Catharanthus roseus leaves yellowing and not blooming.

Solution: the acidity and alkalinity of the planted soil should be tested, and if the soil is partial to alkali, it should be treated.

5. Poor soil permeability.

Symptoms: many people choose to grow Catharanthus roseus with high stickiness, poor water permeability and poor air permeability, so that there is no problem in the short term, but over time, the poor permeability of the soil causes poor breathing in the lower roots of Catharanthus roseus, resulting in frequent yellow leaves and fallen leaves.

Solution: choose sandy soil with good drainage performance to plant, but also pay attention to not watering too much.

2. Propagation methods of Catharanthus roseus

1. Cuttage propagation: the cutting time of Catharanthus roseus is usually in spring. Try to cut a relatively tender branch as cuttings. It can be a tender branch on a new branch or a new one on an old branch, which is always tender. 8 cm long, with some leaves, cut off the lower leaves, leaving 2-3 pairs of leaves at the top. Then insert the bottom of the branch into the wet sand or rotten leaf soil, and try to control the temperature between 20 and 25 degrees during cutting. after watering, you can cover the basin soil and cuttings with a film to moisturize, and put the basin soil in a cool and ventilated place to wait for rooting. Keep the soil slightly moist, room temperature 20: 24 ℃, pay attention to shade and maintain humidity, take root 15-20 days after planting, when the seedling height is 10 cm, top to promote growth, then put on the three-inch pot, gradually turn to the seven-inch basin.

2. Water cutting propagation: the selection of water cuttings of Catharanthus roseus is similar to that of ordinary cuttings, but it is carried out in summer. Insert the truncated branch directly into the water, but always change the water for the cuttings, preferably every two days, to ensure the nutrient content and cleanliness in the water. When necessary, you can also add a few drops of nutrient solution to promote the rooting of water cuttings. Generally speaking, it takes about 20 days to take root.

3. Sowing and propagation: Catharanthus roseus is often sown and propagated, usually sowing around April in early spring. Catharanthus roseus has 750 seeds per gram, and the optimum temperature for germination is 18-24 ℃. The mixed soil of rotten leaf soil, culture soil and fine sand was disinfected by sowing Pansheng, and germinated 14-21 days after sowing. After emergence, shade should be added for 2-3 hours at noon when the light is strong and the temperature is high. When the seedling is 5 cm tall, it can be potted when it has 3 pairs of true leaves, and when it has 6-8 pairs of true leaves, it can be planted. In May, the flower beds are watered every 3-5 days, and the flowers will be leafy if they are properly topdressing with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer.

4. Tissue culture and propagation: the stem tip was used as explant, the sterilized stem tip was cut into several segments, each segment was 0.4cm to 0.6cm, and inoculated in MS medium supplemented with 5 mg / L 6-benzylaminoadenine and 0.2mg / L naphthoacetic acid, adventitious buds were cultured for one month. Then transferred to 1/2MS medium supplemented with kinetin 0.2mg / L and indole acetic acid 2mg / L, white roots began to grow after half a month and became complete plants.

The above are the reasons and solutions for the yellowing of Catharanthus roseus leaves and the breeding methods of Catharanthus roseus. There is no need to worry when you encounter the yellowing of Catharanthus roseus leaves.